Blizzard also said it was a temporary solution, go back and read Ythisens post on the matter, that it was only put in place until the AH could receive proper attention.
Don’t put words into my mouth, friend.
Blizzard also said it was a temporary solution, go back and read Ythisens post on the matter, that it was only put in place until the AH could receive proper attention.
Don’t put words into my mouth, friend.
Either you support fencing or you’re being willfully ignorant. All you have to do to post 100’s of single stacks with TSM is scroll your wheel. Fencing has never been easier!
Of all the things to cry about
It’s generally a problem with the AH, typically the interface, that creates the need/want for Addons. Also the convince factor.
I’ve made dozens of gold off of people listing items for below vendor price. I cannot fathom how people are doing this unironically, but if they want to screw themselves, there’s not much I can say or do to stop it.
Thanks for the free bux, everyone.
I’ve seen that a dozen times in trade where people are knowingly selling crafting mats at or below vendor price to help other people level skills.
Wrong… tsm does not 100% automate for you. secondly, you can lose money using tsm if you don’t know anything about markets. There’s a million ways to make money in this game, if certain materials are in abundance and near vendor price, you can use that to your advantage. Example, If linen cloth is near vendor value, you can make certain items with that cloth and vendor them for a profit. Take some time and learn how markets work before coming on here and complaining about something you know little about.
It’s actually pretty funny. I leveled 1-225 leatherworking making a profit. I bought all the leather off the AH and then sold all my crafted greens to a vendor. I made 1g. I actually made a gold.
I’ll look into it; thanks.
I can’t speak about TSM, but let’s be clear: at least Auctionator let’s you click a single button to post 100+ auctions. That’s what, 99% automation?
Of course they did. They’ll do it again once a critical mass of guilds hit MC. They’ll blame addons and “”“hacking”"" and tell the tryhards how wrong they are.
A few threads out from here is somebody crying about a combat log addon that informs you about enemy players in the area. Every complaint is a luddite still trying to believe that classic will take them back in time
seems like you have never downloaded TSM before. There is 0 automation in TSM
what’s the difference between using an addon to post items, and using a script within blizzards code to do it yourself. All of the things that addons do, can be done with custom made scripts. Addons or no addons, it can be done.
What I mean is that I think the API itself is inappropriate for the current environment. It seemed fine at the time for a game with server caps at 3,500 and a gaming population that was not savvy with only a minority engaging with it. Classic has 25,000 people on servers and a very high percentage are using an addon that takes advantage of the API to automate posting. This compounds the issue because it necessitates the use of an addon to wade through the many postings. This has a pull-on snowball effect to where this addon is all but necessary to use the AH.
Vanilla: AH addon gives you an advantage, but I by no means a necessity.
Classic: Addon is de facto necessary.
We are trying to put horse shoes on a race car at this point. The AH doesn’t scale and it’s reached critical mass that I think it’s appropriate for Blizz to do something about it. We are simply not going to have the Vanilla experience with the economy, so we should try to still have the best experience.
Ok. In TSM, how many buttons do you have to press to post 100 single stacks?
I can speak from experience with Auctionator that I can post 100 single stacks with 1 single button press.
If you’re trying to have the same experience that you had 14 years ago it’s not going to happen. All addons in the game are miles better and more sophisticated. Questing addons tell you exactly where mobs spawn and nodes re-appear. UI addons like Elvui and weakauras make everything easily trackable.
Not to mention the API being used is not the same. In vanilla you were able to write more elaborate scrips that would make full automation of your rotation possible. If anything. Blizzard has put more limitations on what you can do in game with their api compared to vanilla.
The majority of players don’t mind modern addons being used in classic, and neither do the developers. It’s something the minority will just have to deal with
Have you polled them? I would wager that if asked specifically about the AH, more people than not would indicate they are unhappy with the current state of things.
OP why are you complaining. Buy out those auctions that are under vendor price and sell them to a vendor for profit.
It’s their fault for doing so. Don’t feel any pity for them.
I noticed that - but only on items where there are dozens of people selling. there is so much undercutting that the price has dropped to vendor price.
It has nothing to do with addons. It is competition.
yes i have polled every single person playing wow classic. 99.9% of people enjoy the game with addons