TSM and AH addons effect on the AH

Nearly every single material, every single crafted item(even level 60s ones), and every single green is slightly above vendor value, and when you factor in listing fees, it’s a loss to AH over vendoring.

TSM tracks all AH prices globally, so people are using that as what to list items for, and some servers have 100+ 60’s while others only have a handful. This is incredibly unfair for servers without tons of 60’s and just ruins their prices even though the supply is low just because other servers supply is through the roof.

TSM automatically lists and buys items that you select from a huge list. This addon is 100% automation. Automation has been called out by the developers twice now in public as “not allowed”.

Why is this addon allowed if it’s automation? Why is an addon allowed to completely destroy the economy?

Please do something about TSM and all AH addons, thank you.


This is not the automation you are looking for


If you’re gonna complain about the AH, at least mention the real problem: the hundreds of single stack listing of trade goods that make it impossible to browse the AH without an addon.


This right here is EXTREMELY true to the point that some times stuff is listed BELOW vendor value.

That… That is not exactly how TSM works, especially on Classic. In classic, even with TSM, players have to manually scan the AH and manually update their AH databases compared to retail. Its honestly one of the reasons I am not using it on Classic where as I love TSM on Retail. The only thing I use TSM for on Classic is to scan for items below vendor price. Addons like Auctionator and Auctioneer are far better suited for classic.

However, the problem is that a lot of people are thinking that they are being “clever” this time around because they have AH addons, thinking they will rake in the gold with no effort, and as such are depending ENTIRELY on the AH addons to do all the work for them without actually looking at item values which… it kinda creates some issues. IE, its a lot of the reason why AH item values are so messed up right now.

People are depending ENTIRELY on the built in undercutting features so all it really takes is 1-2 people posting an item WAY under its normal value and then suddenly people who use the addon but don’t pay attention just let it auto undercut the lowest price which quickly drives down the value.

Its people using tools they don’t understand/don’t pay attention. A lot of people want to blame Layering for all the woes in game but its not entirely layering that is the issue. People who don’t understand these tools are basically driving prices down to absurd levels with their carelessness.

Thankfully as you get higher level it seems to tapper off. Its unfortunate to think of those people who think they are going to make a killing in the AH but instead are literally throwing away money.

That is a literal bold faced lie. You have to manually buy and sell with inputs, you have to manually set up the parameters to the addon. Your statement right there honestly just shows that you have no actual experience with TSM, friend. Its not automated.

Because its not automated, no matter how much you want to try and spin it as such.

Its more so the uneducated/careless playerbase destroying the economy by using tools they don’t fully understand and/or being careless and not paying attention.

Pair those players, addons, and layering together and it creates a three pronged issue.

Again, end of the day this goes back to the player base above all. A player base that does not understand how to use these tools, does not pay attention to their prices, ect.

The grand issue is the players and there is no real way to force those players to not do what they are doing. In the long run they are harming themselves and throwing away their own money and eventually they will start to wonder “Huh, why am I not making money? Why am I still so poor?”

I am a tailor and enchanter, I don’t have any gathering professions. However, I open chests that contain materials for other professions. Bars, Ores, Herbs, Leather, ect.

As such, myself and others in my shoes probably post single stacks or low stacks because that is all we have. I honestly believe that a lot of the single stack’s in classic, vs Retail, are due to stuff like that. Not saying its entirely to blame, there certainly are people who post single stacks just to post single stacks but I say that single posting is going to be far more prevalent in Classic than Retail because of things like that.



I’ve used the addon. You set up lists and how you want it to work, press a button then it auto lists/buys what you want for x price.

That’s automation.

I honestly can’t say I expected a less condescending response from a MVP, though.


I think the problem (if there even is one) is that the AH is being flooded by what is essentially a half dozen FULL servers worth of players. It’s not addons, it’s hyper competition.


Well, on the supply side you’re correct but equally the demand side is also multiple server’s worth … and I don’t see any economic theory that indicates as population grows (beyond an initial ‘start-up’ population) price competion somehow gets skewed.

Yeah, no. When entire pages are the same guy posting single stacks, its not from randos looting chests. Its from someone using an AH mod that auto splits everything and lists it one at a time, while simultaneously driving prices down to the point where its more profitable to vendor rather than let the AH take its tax.


The more competition the thinner the margins are going to be. Also, in a less competitive market you have a bit more freedom to set the market price of rare items… but with so many people there really are no rare items.

No, it literally does not work that way. Even with the macro you have to push the macro for every single item/stack.

And the fact that you have to go after a title because you have no argument is honestly just petty and really telling on your part.

Oh, cool, you just read what you wanted to read. Here, one more time. Ill even bold the sections this time.


I just don’t use the AH now. Its a pain in the buttox. I just vendor most everything.

Because the rest is meaningless. 1 guy posting the 3 items he got from a chest is nothing. The problem is entirely the full pages posted by singular individuals of single stacks, so instead of having 3-4 pages to sort through, we have 20-30.

Your scenario is standard use. Nobody cares about that. What we care about is the abuse cases, since those render the auction house far less useable.

It’s the difference between the guy who tosses a soda can into the trash can that’s set up for it, and the guy who tosses 8 couches into it, preventing anyone else from using it.


Except its literally not. You quite literally said, and I’ll quote–

Implying that I said the only people posting singles were from chests. You ignored the fact that I DID acknowledge people posting singles just to post singles and now that I called you out on willfully ignoring that to further your personal agenda on here the response is–

Really? Okay dude.


Really now? “Abuse Cases” because someone posts singles? Really? And what’s even more laughable is that you want to put the blame on addons when, even without addons, people who only post singles are still going to post singles. Then what? What does your goal post change to then?

Dear lord…

You know, I could partially get this on Retail because the Auction House interface has not been touched in 15 years and is severely antiquated, but in the classic discussion? You guys act like this was not a thing back then, when it really was, and you try to pin it ENTIRELY on addons when the real issue is the community in that case.

On top of that, not everyone needs to buy a whole stack of an item! If I am crafting a silk bag and I need only 1 silk I am not going to buy a stack of 20 if there are stacks of one available.

If its that much of a burden for you guys, get the AH addons you are trying to vilify and make your life easier. You are quite literally like a person complaining that they are on fire while standing next to a body of water and choosing not to put yourself out.

My goodness, some of the absurdity and stubbornness on these forums as astounding!

Again, I am not stating there is no validity to the complaint made for this issue on Retail given that Blizzard has neglected the AH for 15 years, but good god there are addons that do fix this issue and yall are opting to ignore them out of some weird sense of stubborn pride! On top of that, this is freaking classic! These addons, barring TSM, existed back then as well! The chances of Blizzard deciding to ban an addon that existed back in Vanilla are slim to none and the chances of a major AH revision happening in Classic are equally slim to none.

Its on you, you are the one willfully choosing not to utilize the solution to this “issue”, er sorry, this–


If AH prices fall below vendor sale price, you buyout and sell to vendor. I dont see the issue.


Its not really an issue, exactly, that prices get deflated. It’s just sad that a feature is trivialized.

If you’re gonna complain about the AH, at least mention the real problem: the hundreds of single stack listing of trade goods that make it impossible to browse the AH without an addon.

THIS. This bullcrap right here! I don’t know how bad it is on other servers, but on Bloodsail Buccaneer, it is the main thing that makes me hate the AH. Crafting materials are put up in single item auctions, dozens of times by the same person. Over the weekend, for example, I had to page through 1900 entries just to find a full stack of light leather. Most of those entries were from a handful of people. After trying to do the same thing with light cloth to determine how much I might be able to sell a stack for, I ended up just giving it all away; it was less of a time-consuming headache.

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To be fair I’ve brought this issue up several times and I always get told they are underpricing it on purpose to help other players. Dunno if thats true, but its common rhetoric I’ve seen.

Using an addon to post hundreads of singles takes more effort than using an addon to sort for you. There are addons that remove the need for you to turn the page 1900 times.

Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh…

These people are buying me a pony.