TSM and AH addons effect on the AH

They really should have added a commodity market where all reagents are listed as one item and you put down how much you are willing to buy at a certain price and it fills your order by as much as possible.

Wildstar had it and it was awesome!

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Cool, I could get pictures of single stack posts on my server as well. Point being, just because something is posted in single stacks does not mean its being done to grief like is attempting to be suggested here.

Posting single stacks =/= griefing outright.

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I wont lie, I use auctioneer because its that or filter every single listed item, ie piece of cloth when I want to buy a stack. However when looking to auction, I manually set my price = to the lowest or sometimes 2nd or 3rd lowest price. That is of course if its even worth auctioning. As you said a lot of things are barely above vendor prices, somethings actually below vendor /facepalm

When I see something below vendor price OR I can craft it to vendor like silk cloth into a silk bandage for 2s, I will buy it then craft if need be, then vendor, this is how I have over 190 gold right now on my level 34 mage :slight_smile:


A little under 17 apparently as 17 gold bars has a value of 1g 2s. So either these are the world’s smallest gold bars or our gold coins are MASSIVE!

I have been outspoken about these addons. The only way to fight against them is to join in and make the problem worse. I can click a single button and list 100 single stacks in about 25 seconds. But to be fair, the AH is the worst part of Vanilla. It’s only lie this because we don’t want any changes, but by George, if I could make one change it would be to redesign the AH.

  1. Nobody needs to bid on 98% of crafting materials. There’s no need to even allow bids and even less reason to make per price sorting by bid. Buyout should be the option. Make it simple. Without an addon, I’m at the mercy of people who post impossibly low bids knowing they will cancel the auction if it doesn’t sell.

  2. Crafting mats aren’t unique. There’s no need for them to even have separate listings. There should just be a per unit price buyout. GW2 does this best. You put up 20 light leather @ 25 copper each. It goes into a pile with everyone else who lists light leather at 25 copper. FIFO: First In First Out. If you place your leather before Bob at the same price, yourself gets sold first. The only way to jump ahead would be to list your leather at the 24 copper price or lower. A buy doesn’t see your name or specific post. They would just see prices for light leather and how many available at that price. If there are 10 light leather @ 24 copper and 60 light leather @ 25 copper, and if they need 20, they could easily post an order for 20 light leather at their max price of 26 copper. The AH would automatically match the buy with the sell orders with the lowest prices available, giving the buyer 10 @ 24 copper and 10 @ 25 copper. The person who was first in queue at 25 copper has their leather sold. This is just the best way to do it. You can also see buy orders if you are a seller to see what demand is for materials that don’t sit around on the AH too long. That way you could see what people want at what price and then go out to farm it to meet demand.

#NoChanges, but this is my change anyway.

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Gah I hate you! <3
I thought about doing that but too lazy haha. Good for you bro :slight_smile:

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I would just love an option in the interface options to toggle “Classic AH UI” to “Retail AH UI” problem solved and people won’t use AH as much in classic. I mean I wouldn’t be using Auctionator if it was an option.

This way those who want to torture themselves can use the original UI while us sane folk will use the modern one.

If you’re posting 100+ stacks of an item you’re not doing it innocently. It is adding dozens of unneeded pages to the AH and is serving no one but yourself.

I love it. I have made literal hundreds of gold just buying raw materials from people at slightly above vendor price because AHing is so not worth it at the moment, and then crafting those materials into things that vendor for higher than the invested cost.

Keep feeding me so I can keep feeding those vendors! Daddy’s got an epic mount to buy.

i neeeeed TSM if not, im nnot touching that clusterF* AH. Having to sort through all of the single stacks and trying to figure out what each item costs individually is too much of a nightmare.

Just like on retail, the devs openly allow people to abuse the AH unfortunately. Pushing everyone else’s posts off, many if not 10s of or 100s of pages away with their single stack bullsht… so i like to buy them all really fast and re-post them… or vendor them if the idiots posted them for less than the vendor price XD

Is there an addon that lets me blacklist seeing certain AH people’s listings?

That’s really all I care about.

Why? Are you that angry at certain individuals that you would rather pay more for an item because you despise them?

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t.mad that nobody else is gimping themselves with 15 year old limitations
what’s gonna be next? complaining that people are playing too well compared to launch wow?


No point in feeding the bots, I’ll gladly pay 5%-10% higher rather than sponsor china.

You are profiling and imposing your opinion as if it were fact. No, doing that does not mean that they are not innocent.

I post flasks in single stacks in large quantities. Why? People may only need one or two flasks for a dungeon or raid night. By your logic, my pro-consumer choice on how to sell is now griefing.

The ones trying to “serve no one but themselves” are the ones attempting to force conformity because they refuse to adapt and utilize options and tools they actively have at their disposal and instead demanding that others be actioned and forced to conform to your personal standards.

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If the base game is broken by out of game “tools and options” that is ruining the game. I’m sorry you want to fence people on the linen market, but I’m just trying to buy some damn linen cloth.

Were you this mad when they addressed this issue in retail? Blizzard obviously had an opinion about this and they spoke.


You joke but people already did that when the world first rag and ony kills were made.

I believe there is some middle ground though. Auctioneer addon shows the seller and seeing a seller list 300 linen cloth all in single stacks that takes up the first 6 pages of the linen cloth listing is very obnoxious. It’s different for a 1 time use flask but 300 1 stack linens is pretty ridiculous.

It’s a simple yes or no question. Someone sure is angsty lol