Are you telling me i could go with a vendor price addon to my local AH, buy everything under vendor price and simply vendor it for a profit?
Looks like someone got sniped after messing up a posting and now has a personal vendetta against the addon.
Some things, yeah. Maybe.
I have this sneaking suspicion they intentionally put the item at that price so ppl post it lower using automated tsm and then snipe them
Not true, Most of TSM’s abilities are 100% free without any donations.
Only a few like seeing the prices of items on other servers will need a “donation”.
Yup I did this with silk cloth and now tiger meat: How I Made 120 Gold Fast! - #47 by anon53078014
Because of how much work it would probably take to stop it. If anyone played BFA and remembers at launch how the AH was actually not usuable, it was because of this addon also. The amount of stacks of 1 being flooded onto it lagged out the AH completely.
How extreme you wanna get with your definition of automation. I mean really. You type words into the text box and the computers automatically post those word into chat. That’s a level of automation.
The automation the Devs are saying they removed was of the looping nature. Which was possible with vanilla scripting. Not possible with the modern API.
Almost like people are thinking they are going to lawyer Blizzard into bowing to their will.
Don’t lawyer them bro.
most of TSM’s features
Having automatic updates and some shopping scan for prices below, market that can be done manually without said premium, can hardly be called “most” of tsm’s features.
Because of how much work it would probably take to stop it. If anyone played BFA and remembers at launch how the AH was actually not usuable, it was because of this addon also. The amount of stacks of 1 being flooded onto it lagged out the AH completely.
It’s because people didn’t know how to use it properly.
Also there are plenty of cases of people purposefully buying multiple stacks of 200 of an item then relisting them for singles just to grief players.
Having automatic updates and some shopping scan for prices below, market that can be done manually without said premium, can hardly be called “most” of tsm’s features.
you and
It’s because people didn’t know how to use it properly.
Also there are plenty of cases of people purposefully buying multiple stacks of 200 of an item then relisting them for singles just to grief players.
you can keep making excuses for an addon that has literally broken portions of the game and actually ruins the economy but that doesn’t mean it isn’t doing those things. Something something road paved with good intentions? This add on is the lowest visibility highest impact problem in the entire add on community, but as you said most people don’t understand it so it doesn’t get a lot of press. It needs to go.
Also there are plenty of cases of people purposefully buying multiple stacks of 200 of an item then relisting them for singles just to grief players.
Share 5 examples with actual proof, posts with text logs of admission or the like, that were posted before today. because honestly that sounds like a lot of tinfoil exaggeration.
If there are plenty of cases then providing proof in quantity shouldn’t be too hard, yeah?
you can keep making excuses for an addon that has literally broken portions of the game and actually ruins the economy but that doesn’t mean it isn’t doing those things. Something something road paved with good intentions? This add on is the lowest visibility highest impact problem in the entire add on community, but as you said most people don’t understand it so it doesn’t get a lot of press. It needs to go.
If you are going to place the blame for “breaking the game” then also you have to blame Auctionator and other AH addons which can do the same thing for single stacks.
Share 5 examples with actual proof, posts with text logs of admission or the like, that were posted before today. because honestly that sounds like a lot of tinfoil exaggeration.
One guy on my server had over 2000 single stacks of linen cloth, I whispered him and he said he was doing it to grief people. I have had a few other interactions with people with different items in obnoxious stacks like that which have said the same.
However I don’t have any screenshots to back up my claim, however these instances where before the deposit costs increased with multiple listings of certain items.
I mean, if the game weren’t down I could post pages of cloth and leather being single stack listed by the same player. I highly doubt I can get them to openly be like “Yeah, I’m grieving the market bro!”
This was literally the reason for the change on retail I don’t know how you can act like it isn’t a problem now.
I’d have no problem with any/all of the AH addons being made unusable. The UI for the AH isn’t great, but the price of convenience turns out to be deflation and an awful user experience for anyone not using one of these addons.
Highest impact is brain-dead people that post near-vendor prices in couple with bots that farm ridicolous amounts of mats and post them at same borderline vendor prices to undercut the brain-dead ones for faster sales.
Ultimately if you NEED an add-on on to reasonably use the AH, then the addons are the problem.
One guy on my server had over 2000 single stacks of linen cloth, I whispered him and he said he was doing it to grief people.
Oh. Anecdotal claim with no proof.
I know that guy. He said he DIDN’T do it to grief people.
Not guilty.
Yet somehow this was a much smaller problem prior to these addons taking hold. You can’t change the fact that people don’t understand in game economics, but this is literally giving them the gun with which to shoot not only themselves but the rest of us as well.
This is incredibly unfair for servers without tons of 60’s and just ruins their prices even though the supply is low just because other servers supply is through the roof.
Than turn off tsm until your server has a better economy. Easy solution.
-Image of a gold bar that I can’t quote because of reasons-
Yo, how many gold bars go into a single gold coin?