Trying to Understand Blizzard's Premade Logic

You realize that half the problem isn’t the lack of trying or communication, it’s the team composition, right? Premades look for specific meta classes to fill their groups. When you sign up as a solo queue and get into a game, you’re pretty much screwed because you won’t have any of the good classes on your team. I’ve been playing WSG on a few characters casually and I have yet to have a priest on my team (that wasn’t me when I played on my priest for a little bit). Priests are the #1 OP class in the BG.

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You can look at the post of mine I linked above. I’ve solo queued and ended up with priests that instantly AFKed. When I solo queue and people see a single priest on the other side, they instantly give up. When I get into trade/LFG pug premades? Sure, they look for priests and hunters, but by no means do we always get them. Even without them, though, since we’re actually communicating with each other on a minimal level, not immediately blobbing in mid, and focusing on people that we usually decide before the game actually starts after queuing in and seeing the enemy team, we actually can put up a semblance of a fight without priests, hunters, or feral druids.

When people AFK immediately, that’s a problem.
When people don’t read BG chat at all, or do read it and completely disregard it, that’s a problem.
When the game is by no means lost, is only a few minutes in, and your team is hot at your teammate for returning your flag to base, that’s a problem.
This is people not even trying to play as a group; this is people trying to play solo in a group environment and being confused and upset that they get wrecked when they go cowboy instead of being a team player.

I played premade BGs amongst people ranking to 14 and their attitude was literally to just afk at GY if they lost the mid fight to another premade. It’s all about honor per hour and stomping easy games to these people. Vast majority of high end premades have no desire to actually compete against one another. Doesn’t make for cool montage clips where they 1v4 clueless randoms.


Fun is supposed to be the name of the game but that’s obviously not the only motivator, or even the largest share for motivation for players to join bg’s.

As the game is currently, I wonder how many wsg lobbies there would be if no rewards from rep or ranks were available. I think everyone knows the answer to this explicitly.

In that same line of thought but tangentially, given the version of wow we’re in with timeless bg’s, and this was just as true in vanilla, it’s extremely hard to justify when a game goes beyond XX minutes, let’s say 30 in this case to 3-0 or 3-1 or 3-2 that the 200 rep and 350 honor and 3 marks you earned were worth it at all versus the game right before it where you crushed the team and earned roughly the same amount in 7 minutes 3-0.

Increasing the scale of reward for time spent isn’t the only answer that needs to be levied, but it’s a start.

I still contest, a solo players best experience will be found in being able to exit a doomed bg scott-free and take their chances getting into another. There’s no tool or system or reward or penalty that is going to mold and modify player behavior to work as a coordinated team when it’s 10/15 randoms all collided together haphazardly in generally the least feasible configuration that has a decent chance at facilitating a win, let alone a solid match in the name of fun - especially when they’re matched against a coordinated 10/15.

The problem goes back to vanilla, and we all know why when solo-q’ing was introduced in retail for pve that it has worked a little better both towards player satisfaction and time/effort efficiency.

Rename thread to, “I have reading comprehension issues”.

I think you solved everyones problem! Super good input.

No, I understood quite clearly, and he explained himself later admitting having multiple Q’s would lead to the premade Q being very long. Which again, proves my point.

Blizzard and logic in the same sentence ?

They have made some really good decisions. Like no decay on PvP ranks, and if they announce dual spec or tri spec in the future :smiley:

You don’t have to do separate queues, just need a better matchmaking algorithm instead of a simple queue only system.

If you prioritize grouping large blocks of people that queue together vs. other large blocks that queue together and maximize block vs. block matchmaking, then allow solo queuers to agglomerate over time and/or face other granular composed agglomerated groups, you could have a viable single queue system that would increase the chances of premade vs. premade and pug vs. pug with pug vs. premade when there is an imbalance in how people queue. Using just straight queue driven matchmaking system is a outdated.

They have this technology already, not sure why they haven’t tried using it.

Every single major form of meaningful content/progression on retail (rated pvp, M+, raiding) requires grouping, literally what is this post lol

This is about regular BG’s, none of which you mentioned. Bad comparison. They capped regular BG Q’s in retail to 5, thanks for proving my point. Not sure what it’s like in the current expansion though.

“Looking for 3 Hunters & 3 Priests for WSG premade!” - Everyone in chat


There is no logic behind it. They’re out of touch with the community.


I’m replying to Infinus, not you.

I don’t understand Blizzard’s premade logic either. Why are we catering to the small group of players that like doing 10 man premades?

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Occam’s razor solution?

Just add an additional button that says solo queue:

[ Join as Solo ]

Now you give a solo player an option, just like you give groups an option. If Join as Group end up having 1+ hour queues then we all know what the player base wanted and what most premades didn’t.

If groups love queueing as groups against other groups, then in theory there wouldn’t be obnoxiously long queues. If groups want to try their luck at solo queue countdowns over discord, well, then so be it, just block addons that automate this like you have before that worked out great.

Premades are out of control. Team comp can win games alone. Solo q would be awesome.

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out of the last 10 bgs, 8 of them the other side was a majority or all premade, most the team just gives up when they see that crap, they need to actually fix this. Not to mention I think we still have that 25% damage reduction in bgs from retail still don’t we?

Good luck. Premades vs. Pugs is not fun.

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