Trying to Understand Blizzard's Premade Logic

They posted on X that if they do a separate Q for premade & solo when all BG’s are out, that the premade Q may never pop. Meaning, it might be a dead bracket that no one plays.

Did they just admit that there is no strong desire to do premade vs premade? And that the only desire to premade is vs pugs for no competition, to stomp them for the most efficient rep/honor per hour?

If premade Q’s may never pop, then why cater to premades? That shows that very few people are in it for the competitive pvp experience, so what exactly are you protecting? They are protecting people’s ability to create a very negative pvp experience for a high majority of their player base? These are the people in charge of major decisions in WoW?

Why do most massive competitive games have a solo option? RBG’s are premade vs premade, but that only works with better rewards tied into the ratings and arena rewards. Please, make it make sense.

Yes I know it was like that in the past, yes I know people can make their own premade to counter it, that’s not what I’m talking about, although the reality is most people don’t want to make premades. What I’m referring to is Blizzards post on X and their logic.


I agree with you and all that, but here’s the problem…

Blizzard will just turn it around on you and say “Well if their is such a low amount of premades then it really isn’t a problem for the majority of people then and you’re just unlucky so que again good luck!”

It’s just going to be a constant back and forth pointing fingers.


That wouldn’t be a strong counter argument for Blizzard. Only reason there’s a lot of premades now, is because they have the ability to beat up on no competition. Blizzard just admitted that.

They admitted and for some reason are worried a premade only Q wouldn’t be popular. That means they admit that solo Q’ing is what most of their players want. Wouldn’t you give a high majority of the player base an option to enjoy fun competitive PvP?


Blizzard needs to look at what pirhana games inc did to themselves with mechwarrior online where it concerns premade roflstomping pugs. In March 2021 PGI caved to the demands of the sweaty premades and did away with the solo queue. The premade vs premade queue had already died because premades refuse to fight other premades. 2 years later, in 2023 mechwarrior online had lost so many casual solo players that PGI announced they can no longer afford to develope content for their online game and that it is only a matter of time before they can no longer afford the electricity for their servers.

In fact, PGI’s only hope is to finish developement on Mechwarrior 5: clans (a casual solo game) in time to dump enough cash into their online game (a sweaty premade game) to keep it afloat.


Currently trying to solo WSG queue and more than half of the team auto afk without trying when they face premade. It’s so dumb, it blows my mind that Blizzard favor premades.


I never once seen a premade leave when facing another premade and i also seen pug groups beat premades. Most premades are lfg pugs. I know you all are gonna argue but its true. I bet 10 percent are disc super perfect stacked sweat premades. Just work together with your pug team or better yet make your own premade?


Maybe you should look at it this way:

Classic is a multiplayer game. Retail is a single player game with other players around.

If you don’t want to group, you will be punished for it. In every scenario, you will be punished.

Make some friends and group up or go play retail.

Except to get into “actual” Premades, you need to be vetted. One of the most common vettings is “have helm” in the advert for the Premade. Another is “have consumes” and “have boon” (referring to BFD’s world buff). They’re also only taking a very select pick of classes. Namely Hunter and Priest. Somewhat finally, as far as I seen, all require you to be lvl 25.

Some of us just want to queue up and do something. We don’t want to go through a freaking job interview just to do it.

Anyways, as I’ve now taken to say. If you run into a premade immediate /afk out. Their entire desire is to ‘roflstomp’ PUGs. If you AFK out, then you deny them that.

Yes, you will get Deserter. But you can just switch to an alt.


You seem to be reading way more into something posted on Twitter than was actually posted.

Why don’t you source the actual reference?


Well, no. They admitted that there may not be enough interest in SoD to facilitate 6 separate BG queues, which makes sense really. Not sure how many people are playing this 20 year old elf simulator, but interest is sure to wane as phases go on.

If the population falls, queues could be 30+ minutes for the players who are trying to do BG’s, premade or not. That would not be a desirable gameplay experience.

It’s on Ags feed. It’s pretty easy to read into, several Tweets in a row. He literally said the concern was that certain queues would have long wait times if they separated premades from solo.

Considering what we know about the player base, it’s a safe assumption that the premade queue would be the one waiting.


At the end of the day none of that even matters. Splitting the queue will only result in premades solo queueing together and only joining games that enough of them gets in to.

You aren’t going to get rid of premades, at best this change will allow 1-3 pugs to be carried by an organized group with proper PvP specs/comp.

The more serious problem in this phase is just how broken priests are in PvP. Currently most pug v pug games are just as bad as pug v premade. The pug group with no healers gets farmed just as bad

It’s always been this way. It’s this way in retail right now as well. If one side has 2-3 healers and the other side has zero, it’s a forgone conclusion.

I’ve read it and literally quoted it in threads myself. Quoting something (or mis-quoting, or representing or falsely representing) on the forums without a reference to it, while furthering your own narrative isn’t exactly umm oh, what’s the word?

I don’t know, but at the very least as a common courtesy to anyone who may be interested in your opinion, it would be nice to post a link to the reference.


The simple answer is, and this is coming directly from the lead SOD developer. Basically he says something things are better to do in groups. Classic wow is a social game, not like retail where its designed to also be played alone in the sense of not having to interact with other at all if you don’t want to. Yes you need to group to do content in retail, but it isn’t necessary to create any form of relationship with them.

Here’s the one folks are referencing, yes, you need to read into it a bit, but what he’s referring to is pretty obvious.

This is actually a tricky problem with no easy answers. Do you make two separate queues? You may scream, “yes!” and maybe it’s fine when we only have WSG, but when we have all 3 BGs + two queues each, some of those queues may literally never pop.

Most of us can’t post links mah dude.

Most of use can’t have our links unfurled, however anyone who can post here can post links.

I just tried and it said I don’t have the privilege level high enough to do so. So no, not everyone can, only those who have been on the forum long enough with their toon and “leveled up” can.

“I did something that didn’t work, so I gave up on everything.” - this sounds like something I read in another thread earlier about someone not being able to get a priest to join his group.

Here’s an example of how one might post a link:

  • In-text citation refers to the way that a work would be cited either in the body of the text or in footnotes when using ‘Cite Them Right’ Harvard style.”


That’s exactly how premades in SoD are. The majority of them are LFG/Trade chat formed with less talk going on than solo queue and no discord. Same with raiding, dungeons, and everything else. It’s just how players are in games.