Trying to Understand Blizzard's Premade Logic

Blizzard doesn’t have any logic in general especially when it comes to premades. They want to protect their “coordinated group of friends” who all 10 of them want to just play WSG for fun and not farm pugs for easy rep. AS if 70% of the population is this demographic which is a complete joke.

Both sides hate long ques. End of story :man_shrugging:

That’s true. At least there isn’t much griefing, it’s just stomping. I’d rather the match be over quick than be farmed in the GY while they hold the flag.

Unfortunately that’s may happen as soon as rank cap is lifted.

something a premade enjoyer would say

I disagree with the notion that most premades are a step up from pugs. At worst, premades still save 2-3 spots for healers, usually gear check, and will still rally behind a raider leader. At best, a pug may luck out and get a random assortment of classes that mesh, have decent gear, and attempt to work together.

WSG was one of the few casual features of classic wow that you could just log in, play for a half hour, and hop off. I haven’t touched the forums in years but this issue is so glaring that I feel the need to. The problem will persist into phase 2 without intervention.

Perhaps if they did separate queues they could incentivize groups by giving more honor or rep.

I actually solo or duo que. Premades are pretty boring.

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The lead dev enjoys curb stomping pugs.


Pleasing 10 customers to ruin the experience of hundreds makes economic sense, right?

Even people in these premades aren’t enjoying the games as people are afk in spawn or not respawning. It’s just another uneventful grind like Ashenvale.

Their logic is that it’s an MMO not a MsingleplayerO. Join or make a group

Solo Q is still playing with other people. Leave these discussions to the adults please.