Trying to Understand Blizzard's Premade Logic

Yea, I can’t get it to work.

In the time I’ve futzed with this you could have gone to Twitter and found it. It only took me a minute.

BTW, you’re one of (maybe) two people I’ve seen use that feature. So it might be more advanced than you think, or it might be blocked as well for newer avatars.

Sorry for my previous comment. I suppose it is a little complicated, and not something that everyone would just intuit. If you’re familiar with backticks (usually the default for the tilde key, under escape on some keyboards), you can use that to wrap text to format as code, which is what I did above.

You could also select the text, and choose the </> symbol from the in-forum text tool menu.

Yes, but at least in my opinion, I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to point out that someone is purposely misconstruing information to fit their own false narrative, and stir up negativity.


Got it:

Ref: [Preformatted text](

I had to use the forum’s stupid buttons instead of keyboard syntax and shortcuts. God I hate these things, no wonder almost no one has them up anymore.

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If you can’t get into a premade, you should be doing other things. I got into multiple premades with terrible gear.

How did everyone else get their gear and not you?

If everyone else who play premades don’t have this problem, and you do, isn’t it only YOUR problem?

Sorry to tell ya, but streamers are the reason premades are so prevalent and they’re also the reason premades are here to stay. They push that FOMO, sweatfest mindset and it bleeds into other aspects of the game.

They could remedy this by removing the need for ranks and reputation for bg’s or by allowing people to hit exalted through the ash event. I’m not a fan of removing a huge part of the game, but it’s the only healthy thing at this point, otherwise casual bg’s are done. None of these will happen though, because longer grind times = more money for blizz and streamers.

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Retail bg queues work like random dungeon finder where you have to pick a role when you queue. You cannot queue into a random bg in retail that has no healers on one team. A feature like this in classic would help the premade vs pug issue (wouldn’t solve it though).

I have my gear (helm, ring, cloak, necklace). I’m stating what is being asked to join most of the premades.

As for how everyone else got their gear. Easy. We all bum-rushed to Sergeant and AFKed in Ashenvale. Now that we’re geared, the gatekeeping is starting up. Because premades want to win…more importantly…they want an easy win.

((This is also why I said “actual”. Because there’s premades that are really just a PUG group. Then there’s Premades that require Discord, vetting, and ‘come prepared’.))

DPS would probably rage over this. Given how few healer I see in horde pugs the queue for DPS would probably be pretty long.

There are plenty of good examples of what not to do, unfortunately, it’s sometimes rather difficult to convey that to Blizzard until it impacts their bottom line.

Not necessarily since a premade versus premade queue inherently would take longer even if the same amount of premades queued that are queuing right now.

But in reality, at least a part of him knows that the overwhelming majority of premades are simply there to steamroll pugs. And without that motivation, premades would seldom happen. Thus the queue would be a ghost town.

And I imagine a blizzard dev really wants people on discord doing premades because that fulfills their vision of the game. And perhaps such devs could be willing to sacrifice the majority of the PVP community player base in order to prop that up.

Somethings just can’t be forced.

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Yeah I think the best way to go about it is just accept that pugging should be the meta. Have a premade thing, but offer maybe special titles or something. I personally think it’s fairly pointless, but from a developer point of view, maybe that will make them feel better.

I think if done right, RBG’s could be really good with the right reward structure and it would fill that premade vs premade competitive mode.

They don’t want to piss of the premades being unable to farm PUGers, no matter how they try to spin it.

not having a solo/duo queue separate from larger premades doesn’t make much sense in sod where there might be less balance than other versions of wow. Anyone have a screenshot winning against a premade with 6+hunters? :slight_smile:

They are out of touch on this one. It’s causing more damage than it’s worth.

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i just cancelled my subscription for this reason.
Messed up leaders with bad logic at blizzard letting premade verus pug. Good Luck with your unfair bulling game .


I’d say 5% maximum. Probably less than 3%. (So I’m actually agreeing fully, except that the 10% number is probably highballing it.)

(EDIT: I wanted to emphasize that the text below is not directed toward Jkrah, but toward people complaining about premades in WSG. Didn’t consider before posting that the part above this and part below this would both come out as a reply to Jkrah; this slipped my mind completely.)

And yes, most premades are trade/LFG chat pugs. Most that aren’t, are still pugs, just they assemble through a public Discord. For the most part, people getting together to queue right now are just farming rep for Silverwing Sentinels/Warsong Outriders. Most of these groups also aren’t heavy meta in group comp. They’ll want priests and hunters, and want less melee, but I’m playing a friggin’ ret paladin - the second-lowest on the totem pole for getting in pug premades, just above warrior - and even I can get in them fine enough.

On both factions, there’s generally an unwritten rule, when it’s premade vs. premade, that if a game is going more than 15-20 minutes, whichever side is losing at that point should forfeit, because it’s faster rep to up to lose three games for 100 rep in one hour than to potentially win one game for 205 rep in two hours. That’s not to say that it’s not fun past 15 minutes, but that it’s definitely not fun when it’s a two-hour stalemate, at least for most people, and we’re putting the group goal of rep first, just like any other group activity puts the goal of the group before any individual enjoyment or goals.

The reason some of us don’t want to solo queue is not solely or even primarily because we’re trying to pug stomp, or because we demand the most optimal group possible; some of us are just massively fed up with people solo queuing and doing BS like this:

People doing things like this, rather than actually playing the game, and people that make demands because they’re only concerned with their individual wants, completely disregarding everyone else’s opinions, and acting like completely spoiled rotten brats are the reason why a lot of people don’t want to queue solo. Maybe if, instead of being so massively entitled, kicking and screaming about premades, people just, y’know, actually tried to play capture the flag in WSG and tried to actually communicate through BG chat - rather than be abrasive toward their own teammates or just have it turned off completely - those of us in trade/LFG chat premades wouldn’t be so damn hesitant about solo queuing and it may not be anywhere near as much of an issue.


You’re not the only one, and it’s a shame, because SoD has been more enjoyable than even the release of Classic in 2019, and PvP is a large of that, and the PvP Event and BG’s situation is horrible. Blizzard has limited BG groups to 5 before and it worked well. Not sure why this development team is doubling down so hard on this.

Alterac Valley is limited to 5-player premade

Thus, it makes sense to implement a similar (rounded up) restriction for Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch (let’s be generous and say 3 for AB and 2 for Warsong).

The queue join shenanigans that people organize for Alterac Valley has a very simple non-intrusive workaround, just don’t display the instance number when the queue pops.