Premade = AFK

Woke up way too early and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Hopped on, solo queued into WSG, just to see how it is.

First BG I joined, someone was doing this endlessly to troll: This was all in the course of two seconds. They were doing it nonstop. There was also a player that was AFK the entirety of the game.

Second BG I joined, I came in to an in-progress game that was 0-2 and it went 0-3 pretty quickly. No complaint, it was an in-progress BG, it’s whatever.

Third and final BG I joined, there was “chatter,” by which I mean at the very beginning, someone said “no priests, rip,” and after one failed attempt at trying to grab the Horde flag, the Alliance team just… I’ll let their own words speak for them. I highlighted the paladin complaining about prolonging the game when someone had returned the flag when the game was still 0-1, and it was 6 or 7 minutes into the game. You also have people telling others to AFK out.

Oh, and of these three, only the second game was against a premade.

People try to say you only will join a premade if you’re a hardcore PvPer, or if you’re trying to steamroll pugs, or that you need a ton of time or gear or buttered toast to even get in a premade, dismissing all the trade chat/lfg chat premades that form. My opinion? People acting like spoiled rotten children, not trying to actually play the game, and either trolling, griefing their own teammates, or being antisocial brats is the best argument for premades.

And y’know what? I’ll budge on my stance. Let Blizzard segregate solo queue and group queue, on a temporary basis. Allow only individuals to queue and only full groups to queue. Then, take note of the queue times for both, take note of how people talk and behave in BGs between the two, and take note of whether or not people actually play the damn game for both. Then, let’s reconvene and see which people would prefer: dealing with that absolute BS above endlessly, or behaving like something that at least partially resembles an adult and actually wants to play WSG, not just be a troll or turn BG chat into /b/.

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