Trying to Understand Blizzard's Premade Logic


I’d say 5% maximum. Probably less than 3%. (So I’m actually agreeing fully, except that the 10% number is probably highballing it.)

(EDIT: I wanted to emphasize that the text below is not directed toward Jkrah, but toward people complaining about premades in WSG. Didn’t consider before posting that the part above this and part below this would both come out as a reply to Jkrah; this slipped my mind completely.)

And yes, most premades are trade/LFG chat pugs. Most that aren’t, are still pugs, just they assemble through a public Discord. For the most part, people getting together to queue right now are just farming rep for Silverwing Sentinels/Warsong Outriders. Most of these groups also aren’t heavy meta in group comp. They’ll want priests and hunters, and want less melee, but I’m playing a friggin’ ret paladin - the second-lowest on the totem pole for getting in pug premades, just above warrior - and even I can get in them fine enough.

On both factions, there’s generally an unwritten rule, when it’s premade vs. premade, that if a game is going more than 15-20 minutes, whichever side is losing at that point should forfeit, because it’s faster rep to up to lose three games for 100 rep in one hour than to potentially win one game for 205 rep in two hours. That’s not to say that it’s not fun past 15 minutes, but that it’s definitely not fun when it’s a two-hour stalemate, at least for most people, and we’re putting the group goal of rep first, just like any other group activity puts the goal of the group before any individual enjoyment or goals.

The reason some of us don’t want to solo queue is not solely or even primarily because we’re trying to pug stomp, or because we demand the most optimal group possible; some of us are just massively fed up with people solo queuing and doing BS like this:

People doing things like this, rather than actually playing the game, and people that make demands because they’re only concerned with their individual wants, completely disregarding everyone else’s opinions, and acting like completely spoiled rotten brats are the reason why a lot of people don’t want to queue solo. Maybe if, instead of being so massively entitled, kicking and screaming about premades, people just, y’know, actually tried to play capture the flag in WSG and tried to actually communicate through BG chat - rather than be abrasive toward their own teammates or just have it turned off completely - those of us in trade/LFG chat premades wouldn’t be so damn hesitant about solo queuing and it may not be anywhere near as much of an issue.