Trying to get ahold of any customer support

I have 8 realm transfer token on my account. I have attempted to realm transfer well over 3 dozen times in the last 24 hours to transfer “Kabaty” from Barthilas to Tichondruis. My mailbox is empty and I don’t have any listed auctions. I accept the transaction and after 5-10 seconds nothing happens. Literally nothing. No complete message, error code, feedback, the number on the xfer icon doesn’t go down. Literally nothing.

I don’t even know how to open a ticket with the limited options. Someone. Please. Help. Me.

Is this also 24 hours since purchasing the tokens? Has the purchase fully cleared if this is the case?

The other thing we’ve seen recently effect transfer, is caged pets. Make sure you don’t have any in your bags or bank.

Tichondrius is also listed as a full server which might be impacting the transfer. I’d wait until off-peak hours when the server isn’t so loaded and try again. I saw one of the SFAs mention this as a possible impact just a few days ago.


Check your transaction history on to see if the purchase cleared.

The mail message is kind of a generic message. Transfers can also be blocked by having heirlooms on the character or caged pets, etc. and you will see a mail message.


A few things to mention based on replies,

I bought the tokens back in March when they had the transfer sale.

I’m not getting any error warnings at all. The whole thing just closes and goes back to the selection menu.

There aren’t any heirlooms or caged pets in my bags or bank.

I would open up a ticket using the problem with purchase category. It will go into an expedited queue.

A support forum agent may be able to look at some things tomorrow to let you know what things look like, but may not be able to directly assist as access to billing is pretty controlled.


A common issue with these is mail not yet visible to you, but that does not seem to be the case on that character.

There are actually quite a few things that can block a transfer. Unfortunately, the message often isn’t terribly accurate.

Remember your inventory includes your bags, your bank - and also void storage.

Character Transfer Information and Restrictions - Blizzard Support (

If none of that helps, I’d pop in a ticket.



Double checked my toon. I don’t have any pending auctions, mail, caged pets, heirloom gear, or wow tokens. I verified my backpack, bank, and void storage. I would appreciate if you put in a support ticket. Thank you for your assistance.

That’s something you would have to do on your own. An employee can’t create one on your behalf.


You’ll need to do that Kabaty, unfortunately we can’t do it for you. The Support link above leads to the ticket interface.


Check if you have any pending auctions, if not that double check your bags and bank for any pets like mentioned above. Sometimes they can hide, but you should be able to use the backpack search/filter thingy at the top of your main backpack (even with all bank slots open) and filter by pet to have it highlight anything pet related.

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Kabaty - see if you have a caged Magical Crawdad.

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I AM SO DUMB!!! You are an absolute angel of a human being and God of a customer support rep. Thank you dearly. <3