Trust levels are absolutely ridiculous

In light of your explanation the logic behind trust levels makes perfect sense.

Thank you.

you can also do this:

which is that top “tilde” thing(on each side of what you are linking (invisible to the eye, afterwards)), or whatever, on your keboard (the top left key, by the “1”.) People can then copy the link and go there, if you can’t

And here I thought they couldn’t get any worse I hate being wrong can’t wait for them to lock forums behind a phone next.

That has nothing to do with anything.

As far as I know, they want a system in place eventually, but if you lost TL3 due to being forum suspended you can not currently re-earn it.

i kno rite i shuold b well above thrust lvl 3 by now btu i keep gettin baned 4 laterally no raeson n ppl r sayin thta means i cant haev teh turst lvl i ritefully desereve bs


A green posted this in the TL3 Lounge. The last two bullet points seem the most relevant to what you’re pondering.


See my above post. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I appreciate the post. Interesting they didn’t share that with the gen pop.

So it is possible to get to trust level 3 if you’ve been suspended these days? Basically it is just that your stats get reset if you get in trouble?

Not a problem. And yeah, it seems like pretty pertinent information.

Well…, relatively speaking. :slightly_smiling_face:

That is my understanding. Yes. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well I will see what happens in 2 months. Got a forum suspension for responding to someone using the whole thing where every other letter is capitalized/lowercase meme.

Please keep us in the loop.

It will be interesting to see whether or not what is stated will happen will actually happen.

Having it reset is still a pretty heavy punishment and quite a deterrent to break the rules. Cause it still means having to spend a lot of time grinding on the forums again.

well if everyone is allowed to spam gifs and the overused memes then lets turn this into a worse yourenotrightbecausereasons fest. :crazy_face:

Yeah, I am curious if there is anyone around that can state with certainty that they lose their TL3 due to a suspension, and then regained it. I know its a rather small time period that could have happened in.

To be honest, both times I have been forum suspended I strongly feel I should not have been. I did not see myself as breaking the rules to such a degree that a suspension was warranted.

I know, everyone says that. But there is quite a history of people doing some pretty minor things to be suspended, while some much stronger issues dont even get their post removed (with no suspension).

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Yea. Seriously. I got suspended the very first day of the forums and the reason why would absolutely baffle you. Lets just say that it was basically akin to getting suspended for a rate the mog above you thread. The majority of the times I got in trouble, I thought I was following the rules, but all it takes is a moderator to see it differently. Its not always as simple as “well a reasonable person wouldn’t do this” rules can vary from place to place.

It’s a way to control posters.
They will overlook a past ban for fanbois, but if you routinely object to things in the game the “punishment” stays.

They are learning from China how to control the expression of opinions online.

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My issues were the following :

I suggested the Stan Lee tribute character should be a rogue class NPC, so that he could continue to steal credit.

When someone stated the CoT portal was coming back, I stated “but they never listen to feedback” in uppercase/lowercase lettering.

I would not be baffled.

The loud anti-WoW crowd sees me as a fanboi.

I have been banned multiple times for silly/minor infractions and do not have access to TL3.

Looks like your theory has a hole in it.