Trust levels are absolutely ridiculous

Great tune.

Earning and keeping trust levels are just another cheesy way Blizzard tries to make you feel like you need to log on the forum.


To generate more forum activity.

Maybe not but I just refuse to bother with any of it. None of y’all care about anything Inwould link to anyway, lol.

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just use the forums for like a few days and your trust level goes up. you don’t have to really post or anything, just hang out and read a few threads.

now check this nollie flip slide–

I mean it is valid to not care about trust levels, so I getcha.

I’ll know for sure on a few days i think im on 47 days of activity on this character.

But considering bans affect the whole account i dont have high hopes…

If the negatives effect the user on an account level, forum trust should share across characters.

But not being able to get trust 3 again ever… Doesnt motivate me to avoid bans :confused: its more likely to make me speak my mind without filter when i have something to say

Sure, but that’s your perspective after having been banned. If you were yet to be banned, you might put a little more effort in not getting banned.

Of course, like I said, I don’t know if bans are character based or account based. I think account based would make more sense but that also applies to the rest of the requirements for trust levels.

Ive done it few times.

Perhaps, i’m just salty the bans i recieved were unwarranted, and i see worse posts go unactioned.

Hell, i see people post with character names using words i got banned for.

I make a joke reply in a joke yhread and get pinned with ‘trolling’

Theres an inconsistency to how forum actions have been handled in the new forums and its frustrating.

And whenever i come across a topic i can offer useful advice in the form of an image or link… I just dont bother

I think the trick is to only post popular memes and if your going post a pic of your character in a mog thread it either needs to be female or clothed.


When I got spanked for a strongly worded post, the suspension notice appeared on every character linked to this account. The “suspension expired” notice still shows on those I seldom log to.

Irrelevant, as I nearly always post on Tym, or identify myself as Tym, but it seems that trust level violations are on the account, not on the character.

Put a ` before and after your link.

I posted a pic with a naughty word in it in reply to a dude asking why white supremacy was bad.

I was silenced and lost my trust level. He wasnt silenced.

Seems fair.

That is not correct. You can re-earn your TL3.

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Trust levels are just the endgame of wow right now. Probably one of the easiest grind (look how to get it if you’re really interested). Its just so people that don’t use the forums a lot can’t post bad images/bad links. It also creates some rarity, if everyone was posting gifs it would get boring pretty quick.

And you don’t lose anything by not having trust level 3, you can still format links. And to be honest less links is also better, I’m not reading forums to see some streamer/influencer video or reddit post, I read them for players thoughs/criticisms/feedback that want to be read on the wow forums, not some divas that can’t lower themselves to use the wow forums.

On that note wowhead links can be used without trust levels, so there’s that.

I havent even found out how to see what your trust level is

Have you had any forum vacations or the like? Cause if so, then it’s likely why you’re not trust level 3.

I’ve been trust level 3 for about 2-3 weeks now and I’m a fairly active forum goer too.

Use this link to find out where you stand on the trust level spectrum.

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Go to your character profile and add .json to the end of the url. It’ll show every trust level you have so look for the highest level you have. For example, this is your profile:
If you add .json you get this:

Your trust level is one since that’s the highest that you have. It shows trust level zero too but if you scroll down you’ll get to data for trust level one. If you reach level two, it’ll be below that and three would be below two.

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Its not that doubt you, but are you speaking from experience or is there a post mentioning this somewhere?

A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, we could post links on the forums to anything. Then the spam links and phishing sites happened. Gold sellers would spam their websites to advertise as well as to sites that contained keyloggers and viruses in attempt to access and steal your gold and gear to sell. And thus, the infamous “sex leg” became to known that you occasionally hear once in a blue moon.

As a result, Blizzard forbid all linking to outside websites. However, with the new forums, posters can earn the ability to link to websites as any problematic elements could easily and quickly be shut down via revoking their trust level. Also, the spamming accounts were typically stolen accounts or accounts created with stolen credit cards.

Like that old saying goes, when people cannot handle themselves and take advantage of trust given, ruins it for everybody else. And thus, this is why we can’t have nice things.

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