Trust Level Question

So about a month or two ago I race changed and did a name change.

During that time I noticed that my character post count, my bookmarks, likes, etc were all wiped clean. When getting into customer support, they said it was due to the forums registering the character as a brand new one, despite it being an old one with a different face and name. But thats whatever.

My question now is in regards to trust level three. You need to hit a few different criteria in order to achieve it, one of which is you cant be suspended in game or in the forums.

I was suspended for 24hrs before hand since the new forums have been up. Since this is, by the forumā€™s engine concern, a brand new character considering how it couldnā€™t register him as an old one, does this mean that I can once more be in the running for trust level three since again, he is technically viewed as a brand new character and the forums work off of characters, not the Bnet account itself?

Thanks for helping answer this question.

Excellent question, Zinbara, but I honestly cannot give you an accurate answer.

These new forums are really very different on the backend, some things we are still discovering ourselves :stuck_out_tongue:

They are also still working and tweaking the backend, so it is kind of a moving target in terms of ā€˜how exactlyā€™ things work.

Iā€™d just keep working on the level.


How about making it account wide instead of on a character basis? Itā€™s pretty stupid to start all over again just because you server transfer.

Iā€™m already bored of posting on my priest but I canā€™t switch or I lose trust ranks. Iā€™m still me, shouldnā€™t matter who Iā€™m posting on.

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That is not something for this forum. This formum is for in-game issues and policy issues. And account issues.

Hopefully they will make it account-wide. Right now thereā€™s some potential for trolling. Are you can also like your own post. They still have a lot of work to do. This is not a finished product.


And where would you suggest the post goes? I was in need of support to a question I had so lets take a look down the list of support options.

Service Status? Nope doesnā€™t fit there.

Technical Support? Not really where I need to go as its not a technical issue.

Mac Tech? Same deal

Bug report? Not a bug

Website Bug? Again, question isnā€™t addressing any bugs.

Mobile bug report? Once more, not a bug.

Customer Support? Iā€™m a customer in need of support soā€¦seems as the best option to propose my question.

When the forums first went live, the web team was following General Discussion for feedback.


Only if you donā€™t understand what ā€œCustomer Supportā€ means. It means customers helping customers. Itā€™s not an official support channel. GMs and developers are nowhere to be found here. A feature request dropped here will never be seen by anyone who can do anything about it.

General Discussions is where any feature request goes.

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Itā€™s astounding. Every single time a poster has marched out this tired old trope, itā€™s been wrong.


I wasnā€™t looking for any features or feature requests. I had a question about the system in place. So apologies I guess for trying to get a question I had answered in a support forums? :man_shrugging:

The answer was summed up well by Orylia: itā€™s unclear at the moment.

Not only is Bliz getting used to the system, thereā€™s still on going development that could change things at any time.


The funny thing, Zinbara, is that it would appear youā€™ve gotten yourself all worked up about one player responding to another, and neither of them were you:


Iā€™m worked up? Well thats news to me but hey, thanks for looking out chief :+1:

Doesnā€™t work like that.

You got a Blue answer

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I did and I appreciate their help. Even though the answer seems inconclusive a the moment its still better than nothing.

Tone it down there sparky.

You got snarky with me when I wasnā€™t even talking to you.

Your question was answered to the best of their ability, Do you have any other questions?

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Seems I can go to any side of the forums and get a good chuckle out of some people.

But alas, no. I got an answer and thats all I came here for so adios muchachos <3

Customer Support does not mean ā€œIā€™m a customer, support meā€.

That is not a support question. That is feedback and a suggestion. The Devs donā€™t take feedback and suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs (Blues) here are not liaisons with them.

You can switch posting characters. You just need to put the work in to up the trust level with that character.


Goodness, this seems to have gotten a little combative. >.< It might be time to close this one up before lines start getting crossed.

That is one of the requests, Svenska. It currently functions the way it does because it had to in order to allow folks to post on their characters and not their BattleTags. We have a lot of bug fixes being worked on and quality of life requests in.

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