Trouble reading

I wonder…

Well, that ship said a long time ago, with people comin in these parts and with their fancy, big city words.

Plus I said “I would have trouble”, I can read, just not past a 9th grade level.

It also says “in general” lol.

I was trying to appeal to a broader audience, but okay.

Anyway, stop deflecting, and post that source about 46% of Americans apparently don’t read any books throughout a year.

Lol, at least you made me chuckle when you couldn’t deliver. It’s all good! You get a heart.

Big difference between ‘couldn’t’ and not willing since you can’t read lol.

What are you talking about? You couldn’t deliver or wouldn’t? Made me chuckle all the same, because it’s not there. No heart for you, you meanie.

Thread says you don’t read so clearly I’m not going to post something you aren’t going to read lol.

Just admit you can’t provide anything worthwhile. It’s okay, you’re just trolling at this point.

saunters in To be fair, the onus is on the claimant to provide proofs of ones claim. saunters away

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I think he just came in here to shame those who can’t read good. There’s an evil look in his eyes.

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Theres nothing to admit, your own thread says you wouldn’t read it so there is no point lol.

Not if said claim isn’t going to be read lol.

Especially when you think they wont read, because it gives information to people who will read it, and it makes you the winner of the debate, as the person will no longer have an argument to rebut with.

But I don’t care about others, others didn’t make the thread lol.

Good goddess.

Only 17% of people haven’t read a book in the past year. But you’d have to do research and read to find that out.


You would also have to read that the data being used for that article is nearly 4 years old lol.

But you don’t have anything newer, let alone anything that backs your claim.

Google is right there. We are in a thread for people that don’t read though so seems like a waste lol.

Dog, that’s the reason you’re here: to rustle some jimmies. You’re little more than uneducated one-liners and generic miqo pics. Good bye.