Trouble reading

I certainly do not rustle jimmies!

Also, no reason to be jealous of my catgirl lol.

Whats funny is, I just found a Yougov poll that states 54% of Americans read a book in 2023, but I cannot link since I am Trust Level 2. You can find it via google with the query “american reads book data”.

I figured that’s what they were referencing. But even to a 3rd party linking an old poll they’d rather insult OP lol. Kinda clown mode :clown_face:

And use ` to add links. Put one at the beginning and end.

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I didn’t insult the OP.

Lol wut?

Also, books are not the only way to absorb knowledge. I love reading, but I’m not going to pretend that makes me smarter than people who don’t.

We’re more likely to pick up and use words we’re commonly exposed to in everyday speech. Just because I read and looked up a “new, big word” in a book that other people haven’t seen doesn’t mean I gain IQ points, or that it serves me much purpose. lol

On a related note, a good sign of someone with high intelligence is the ability to alter their language to cater to their audience. You see this with actual geniuses all the time. They can talk to a PhD graduate about physics, and then turn right around and have a smooth transition into a conversation with a homeless guy in the park without missing a beat.

I always remember this whenever someone intentionally flexes their vocabulary in common areas. lol

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Like this?


Me blood elf. Me write in small words. Teacher not in school. They went to war. Me not see them come back. Then me died. Then me not dead.

Now I fight big blue uglies. They mean. They steal lunch money. Me fight pigs to earn gold.

Gold for me to get weapon. Shiny stick. Me need two hand. To smash big uglies. Momma calls them Alans. Bad Alans.

Ok byes

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I like small words and I can not lie
These big words make me cry
When a smart-aleck walks in with a big word and then throws it in your face
you get irate.
and wanna talk real tough
cause you noticed that the word was rough
Deep in between these meanings
Drudging up insecure feelings
Oh speaker speaker, could you please repeatcha
Cause I know I can’t defeatcha
in a game of words with friends your big words are my end.

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As to quote an earlier post of yours, ahem…“There’s a big difference could and would”, but I know there’s a term for that, I just can’t recall what it is. Is it “irony”?

You’re making this thread an unsafe and unfun place to chill and relax…well, you already made it that way, this is why we can’t have nice things.

Yeah, thats not even remotely close to what that means lol.

Also, not sure how this thread is “unsafe.” That doesn’t even make any sense.

You’re literacy shaming, making this an unsafe environment for people that can’t read good.
