Trouble reading

Some people don’t like it when you use esoteric words in every day speech.



I think there are lots of common big words. I use those, but usually I try not to use words that people don’t know. There’s no point in talking if we’re not getting our ideas across.


Be careful, that wood is all full of those slithy toves and mimsy folk.



Why use big words when a diminutive word will suffice!

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I think I’ve seen a study or a headline of a study or a conclusion of a study summed up into a headline, whatever, that said something along the lines of people who maybe aren’t very smart often use bigger words to make themselves appear smarter, but people who do have a high intelligence will use simpler words because 1) they don’t always need to prove they’re smart, and 2) they know it gets the point across better to more people.

That’s not a catch-all obviously, not everyone who uses big words is dumb and not everyone who uses simple words is smart, but you get the idea.

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Apparently 46% of Americans read 0 books throughout a year.

Reminder that these people vote.

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I had a similar experience with my stepbrother. He accused me of intentionally using big words to make him feel stupid. I’ve been a lot more careful about which words I use ever since.

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I’m gonna need some sources on that one, because people like to usually pull imaginary stats out their keesters.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, The Thread.

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/10 char

The best part? That’s a real word.

yeah, you start feeling like a heel or something…like youre talking down at people when they say something like that. I mean, some people deserve to be talked down to because of their behavior, obviously, but just in general I wouldnt want to do that in a conversation.


Huh. I use fairly advanced vocabulary all the time and haven’t had people ever suggest I was insulting their intelligence. But I also have a zillion times said, when someone is explaining something mechanical or otherwise outside my knowledge base, “yeah, I don’t know what any of that means.”

But I’m not like, “You describing the hydraulic actuator cylinder is making me feel stupid!”

Seems like we all have our own areas of expertise. I opt for curiosity and clarification when I don’t know what someone is talking about. Not an angle of “OMG you’re making me feel dumb!”

This is perplexing in that it’s almost like the ‘snowflakes are being too sensitive’ complaint in some weird way. On the other hand people “Mansplaining” stuff is equally described as off putting. Maybe we’re just never happy.


it comes down to ‘who’ you are talking to.
MY college educated friends dont have any problem. Its those who arent who dont exactly know what a lot of those words mean who will quickly lose interest in a conversation if they dont understand the points being made.
I find it to be very distasteful borderline egotistical to knowingly talk over someones head who hasnt done something to deserve it.

Fine, I am sure I had nothing salient to add to this, anyhow. flips hair and saunters away.


Opening his screen door, sees Mailborn walking onto his lawn “Go on git!” raises his cane towards her, mumblin about blood elves and heathens

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Why? Its not like you would read it lol.

Why would you assume I wouldn’t read it? As long as it doesn’t have words with more than 4 syllables, I should be fine.

I want to read it, please paste it, please?

I went to college. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: I don’t read books though. College straight up annihilated my ability to read (during my computer science degree I was so burned out that when I went to order food at a restaurant I literally couldn’t make myself read the menu). :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Also, they really should stop using such big words in academic papers (sometimes it’s like they’re just trying to sound smart enough to hold their credentials, but honestly, they’d do science a much better service by explaining everything in simple terms even when your audience is highly educated).

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :fox_face:

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