Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

mmmmmmmm Warglaives now that would be a welcome sight


Glaives would have been sickkkk. Did the Draenei get a weapon?

No, they didnā€™t get any weapon or back item.

Kinda weird that they didnā€™t even get a capeā€¦ or weapon and for no reason we had a sword foisted on us when everyone and them mama know we use Glaivesā€¦

Looks like the star wars guy from Ep4 who tells the stormtroopers where they are docking bay 94

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To be fair, only few heritages gave little extra items. Zandalari didnā€™t get back item either, Worgen didnā€™t get a coat or weapon too. So in this regard, Darkspears got a little extra, too bad itā€™s missing the mark.

Trolls arenā€™t known to use 2H swords, and that back item doesnā€™t resemble typical shadow hunter effigy. No skulls, no tiki masks, no serpent heads. Itā€™s ok but nothing mindblowing.

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BRO, I didnā€™t even realize your picture changed to a DS Troll nice!

Yeah the Rodian! It is kinda reminiscent of that, love Rodians. Unfortunately Rodian Heritage doesnā€™t fit well with Darkspear Trolls XD

Iā€™ll jump in and complain about the mask too- however, they never changed the god-awful Worgen heritage armor, they ainā€™t fixing this. Guess Iā€™ll just have to live with it.


More men on the field presents a greater chance of victory! Thank you for standing with us! The lack of effort is insulting since we pay top dollar and because itā€™s on a heritage set it becomes personal.

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I support Worgen getting their heritage adressed as well, at least they should get another color option, becuase the current ones are too bright and just doesnā€™t fit.

Hey, you gotta check out this post right here and follow the links from it Fuzzbutt is on to something about the nose under the mask, this ainā€™t right and all that material bunched up over the nose, thereā€™s more to it than just the nose being covered.


Yup thatā€™s what it looks like, I remain shocked that anyone could think this kind of quality is acceptable but here we are. It did make me think of it in a different kind of way though, at first it looked like just a bunch of thick fabric but now it kinda looks like maybe the nose is upside down under there or something. Idk but it looks like sheeeiiitee.


A tattered up option would have been cool but it would basically have been 2 sets if they did that.

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  • A cry from Hinterlands

A messenger came from Hinterlands for ask help. Revantusk tribe attacked by other Forest trolls and captured for sacrifice.

  • Travel to Revantusk village

We are going to village with Rokhan to see what happened. There are dead bodies and altars for a bad loa so we are trying to find who is this loa.

  • Ä°nvestigate the situation

Search evidences in village and find a sacrificial dagger. Try to summon Bwonsamdi but he is not there. so we are heading to go Jinthaā€™alor.

  • A new era.

Vilebranch tribe is there. they are doing sacrifices for their loa. We are attacking them and have some boss fights. After all we are freeing all of captives.

  • Find da source

Go to echo isles and ask elders about dagger. They will summon Darkspear Loaā€™s . Shango,Dambala,Lukou,Ogoun comes. But not Bwonsamdi.

They will say it comes from De other side. Very dangerous with voodoo magic and maybe Bwonsamdi is betrayed us.

  • De other Side

We are going to entrance of De other side but gates are locked. We are trying to force the gate and risen guardians comes and attacks to us. They are outnumbering us and circling around us. And then white flash explosing and we are teleporting to another area.

  • Return of Loa of Kings

We are teleported to Dazarā€™alor. A shadowy figure walks to us and say " Darkspear never die" Its Volā€™jin as Loa of Kings helped us. Takes his warglaive and tells us all story. Muehzala gained control and captured Bwonsamdi as prisoner. And Hakkar is trying to gain control on Azeroth. And he senses cry from echo isles so he teleport us to echo isles.

  • Last Stand of Darkspear

When we arrived to Echo Isles we see undead minion of Muehzala attacking to village. Our people and loas fighting with them. We will kill them and Hakkar comes from shadows. Volā€™jin blesses player and Rokhan and gives his warglaive to him. After big fight Rokhan kills Hakkar.

  • Save ol Bwonsamdi

We will go to De other side with Volā€™jin Rokhan and other loas for confront Muehzala. Loas Blesses player and Rokhan. We will fight with Muehzala while Volā€™jin saves Bwonsamdi from bonds. Rokhan wounded bad and throw warglaive to us. Bwonsamdi frees himself with help of Volā€™jin. Blesses warglaive. We will kill Muehzala. Volā€™jin heals Rokhan.

  • Darkspear never die

After all we return to Echo Isles. Volā€™jin says we passed trial of loas. Calls us as Shadow Hunter. And says that warglaive is legacy of our bonds, strength . Everybody happy.

Warglaive transmog 1h dagger 1h sword 1h maul. Staff Polearm and 2h maul
Titles " Shadow Hunter" " Witch Doctor" ā€œHexxerā€
And a great heritage set instead of this garbage nosesock

I believe this story is better than that india company story


But what in that proposed questline would be about Darkspear heritage? This questline doesnā€™t reflect on Darkspears as a tribe, itā€™s a bunch of events that is happening without even elaboring what makes a Darkspear - a Darkspear.

So I cannot say Iā€™d call this questline an improvement.

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Player+Volā€™jin+Spirit of Senā€™jin+Rokhan+Bunch of murlocs+ some sea witches+ all of loas holds hands to hands and make circle around muehzala and gives hugs and kisses to him.

Power of the love beats evil again. Yaay.


Pretty cool, needs a little work but I like it, and how long did that take you? Maybe 2 hours at most? It isnā€™t anymore half baked than the chain we got, if I gave you 10 more hours to write it I bet youā€™d blow the Quest chain we got right out of the water.

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almost 30 minutes. and its without dialouges and small interactions.

Even with that story Revantusk Trolls can be allied race too.


How are they supposed to fight baddies and save the world if their nose is pointing to the sun making them go cross eyed? Sheeeeeesh, why? just why?