Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

This shot is a great example, did anyone get one of the female mask?


I havenā€™t yet no. If I see it in the wild Iā€™ll get a picture.

Thank you wowhead. Was able to get a crop of the side view.

Heritage armor

Base female troll head bust with biggest nose


Thank you! Yup just as I suspected once again the mask is much bulkier than the nose area ought to make it, what is the meaning of this foolery?


I think they should just remove the cloth part of helm, trolls just look too silly.


You managed to get great looks by using piece from bloodhunter set.

Thanks for taking and sharing those shots! If either of you happen to know anyone on the CC that might be willing to champion our cause these images would be an excellent place for them to start.

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Could it really be that the noses are just upside down under there all along and thatā€™s been the problem? Is there any hope of convincing the Devs that this needs to be fixed?

i really like the troll heritage set and it should not be changed in any way

Hey itā€™s np! :smiley:



Adding my vote mon

Can we please, please get the mask fixed to how itā€™s supposed to look - under the nose. Itā€™s completely obvious in the source art. Under the nose.

Rest of the set is fine though.

The sword should have been a dagger.

Too late to make changes Iā€™m sure, but they could still be added somewhere else as a compensation. Maybe on a vendor in Echo Isles.


Glaiveā€¦ Glaive monā€¦ eventually some sweet looking spear.

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Yes! You are absolutely right.

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Thanks for standin wit us brotha!

Technically they have fixed Heritage sets after release before so there might still be hope. A vendor on Echo Isles would be a more than fair compromise.

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I like this! Nice work! What kind of future plan would you make for the tribe?

Unite the great Troll Empire again under great two loas. Volā€™jin and Bwonsamdi. People are free for other loas too.

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Working together to unite the troll tribes, there, see how easy it is to come up with a future plan for the Darkspear? It would have taken 5 minutes to come up with and 2 lines of dialog to set up but they couldnā€™t even do it.


i think one day one of them said " oh darn we forgotten troll and draenei heritages" and its manager said " so what?" .

" only they left without heritage sets and the last ones released almost 6 months ago" said amazing worker while sweating.

" so what?" only words from manager again calmly.

and amazing worker said " we must give them too"


ā€œshould we gather good budget for themā€


ā€œshould we appoint our good designers and writers guide them?ā€


" should we give their cultural weapon warglaive to trolls?"

" nah".

amazing worker gasps and says " so we just make a set from old armors and polish them with troll theme?"

ā€œi dont like their face. cover their face with something.ā€

" like what? mask? cloth?"

" both of them, i dont care . you can even use socks. actually i loved this . cover their nose with socks."

" what about mask?"

" just cover it."

worker asks calmly " at least could ve bring Volā€™jin back?"


" so 10 min meaningless questline?"



Dude! I was not ready for this I nearly cracked a rib :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Maaaaaan, you must have a crystal ball or something, if incompetence wasnā€™t the problem this was probably it!

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There we go! #Free The Nose! Question is, will today be the day where we receive news that Blizzards is going to fix this catastrophe?