Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

Just got home gonna grab this abomination and see if the quest has anything interesting in store.


Did you finish it yet? I don’t want to spoil the quest chain for you if you didn’t.

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Yeah that set is a train wreck and as fun as the quest chain was it still managed to disappoint… you know why


A lot of players had Vol’Jin chilling in the village when they showed up for the quest. No mention of him, no hints for when or if he’s going to wake up, honestly I would not be surprised in the least bit if they just completely forgot about him.

HAH that’s pretty good!

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Thank you! I wish I could say I came up with it on my own but it’s a mix of two insults I heard on television.

Oh, he is coming. He will be Soon ™

I was 100% sure he won’t make a cameo, but I thought that at least he will be mentioned on how Darkspears are going on without him. But Looks like they moved on, and no longer bother with even memory of him.

Truth is that Developers thought that nobody would care that Vol’Jin died. And the reason why this plot in BfA and later SL was added was becuase players kept on nagging them about it. Had it not be for the players, Vol’Jin wouldn’t get this whole ascension plot (which imo was not earned as he didn’t do anything trul outstanding), and had it not be for the players Bwonsamdi would be dungeon boss. But Since Bwonsamdi quickly became fan favorite they changed the plot to figh Mueh’zala instead.

It’s honestly scary. Lost Rezan as Loa of Kings, and devs planned to get rid of Bwon and giving him villain bat - which would screw over both Darkspears and additionally Zandalari.

The overall set is amazing, but a mask-under-the-nose option would have been cool.

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I Agree with you about the helm, but as for the rest:

  1. The boots are lazy, and are lower quality render of WC3 Reforged armor.
  2. the leggings, especially on the male model, aren’t unique in any way to Darkspear.
  3. Belt is like boots, low quality using WC3 concept.
  4. Chest has no Darkspear uniqueness.
  5. the shoulders are ok, but would not everyone loves the asymmetric look. Not as big of a deal, but I would have liked a little more effort put into the right shoulder.
  6. The back piece should sit Higher on the male model’s back… it just floats at the middle of the back and gets lost behind hair or helms.
  7. The alt masks just aren’t good. The look rushed, and fit badly.

I’m glad you like it but I can’t agree that those boots are “amazing” or the belt clipping inssues on the male are “amazing” or the lack of skulls and failure to capture the heritage like Darkspear armor used to is “amazing”.

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Because they were a rush job, they took something that was made 4 expansions ago and only pur loop around it, but that doesn’t even fir the troll face.
They should’ve give us 2 helm options, woodeen voodoo mask and separately cloth that goes under the nose.

It was such a no brainer. And yet we got 3 masks that barely anyone will use.


i just finished questline. and my opinion is everything about this is completely garbage.

we must act it like shadowlands exp or matrix 4 . they are not happened for us. and this crapshow is too.

They wasted a chance easy thing what are troll players waiting for years. I told my thoughts about this set? lol before. Still same garbage orcish plate armor with troll make up. And other 2 masks? worse than elephant crap.

Why you are not listening your community? Where is our warglaive? Where are our " Shadow Hunter - Hexxer- Witch Doctor" titles?

You could add Vol’jin to storyline with epic scene while he gave us his warglaive for Glory of Darkspear.

We did trial of loas . Where is my Shadow Hunter title?


I have a theory Shadow hunter will be a class someday, at least I hope.

I really liked the questline and the introduction of the forgotten loa, I actually thought I was just lacking in lore but nah, they are new.

It helped me accept the new Rush ka mask because its supposed to represent a rebirth and to represent these new(yet old) forgotten Loa.

Without those bits of lore I would still be very against this new mask.

But we still need a traditionalist mask based on old lore.

no its impossible. cuz there is no shadow hunter for alliance.

i only accept mask if cloth covers whole face.not only nose.

rest of the set still garbage.


I always imagined it would be a spec for some holy warrior class and the other spec would be Warden for night elf since they both use those glaive like things.

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The Kevo Ya Siti Loa is new but the other Loa Lukou was a lore existent Loa that was supposed to look like a beautiful woman.
I’ve got my doubts on them every implementing a Shadow Hunter in game, it’d likely be a Hero Talent but the way they chose to design Hero Talents despite feedback makes this even more unlikely.

To be honest making the mask new by hand makes “A” new design easy to digest and accept but it doesn’t change the way it looks, still looks like a goofy elephant mask with too much cloth bunched up on top of the nose, that gear slot should have been reserved for the kind of mask we’ve been asking for, for years.

That’d be sensible but with Warden out the window as Hero Talent the odds of that grow even smaller.

Agreed, either make it a full mask, or bring it under the nose and cover the jaw.

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If they ever made Shadowhunters playable I’d seriously hope they never give them to Alliance but technically a person of another race could worship and honor Troll loas and pass the trial. They’d have to do some gymnastics with the story writing in game to make it make sense which I don’t ever see happening.


Yeah they don’t typically justify adding this kind of thing, they’re going to be giving us San’Layne of every race in TWW and not a single quest to justify it. They were just elves before, don’t get me wrong I’m in favor of opening it up but a little explaination about why my Tauren is a San’Layne would be nice.

Or maybe create a class that works identically, but has different name and visuals? Like giving warden to elves and shadowhunter to trolls.

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When they asked for Hero Talent feedback I advocated heavily against the principal design because it basically dooms any potential for the many race specific “Hero Classes” from lore like Shadow Hunter. By making the Hero Talents so bland they’ve reduced the fantasies they chose like Farseer, Dark Ranger, San’Layne and Warden to a couple flavorless talent nodes likely eliminated them from ever becoming a future class.

If they’d worked a bit harder on the design potential as an evergreen feature they could have laid the ground work to make Shadowhunters, Warbraves, Blademasters and many more but they were too sloppy. If Shadow Hunter ever comes a class they’ll need to tie it to something else for the alliance since Wardens are not a weak Hero Talent choice.

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