Troll Heritage Quest

It’s especially weird as people jumped ship from Mueh’zala to Bwonsamdi due to Mueh’zala’s cruelty and Bwonsamdi’s benevolence.


I actually think jani is perfect given his portfolio is loa of outcasts, thieves and forgotten things

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Perfect for what?

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As a loa for the Darkspear?

Maybe Blizzard changed Shango they forgot the name was taken by a random Tiger in Sholazar Basin.

Well, there’s at least one spell that still mentions it.

This is a very good and major point that some people are missing. I’d say blizzard barely knew or cared to do much with Loa longterm until BfA had them more at the forefront, and Isle of Thunder is kind of telling on that. Prior to Isle of Thunder’s invading zandalari being reframed as primarily Zul’s followers, they were bizarrely rounding up “lesser Loa”, bringing them to Isle of Thunder and sacrificing them for power. Quite a different tone from how much disgust there is for sacrificing Shadra, Rezan, or even mercy killing Hir’eek.

Gonk’s story got altered and added onto in much the same way, because idk about anyone else, but it seems pretty silly that both the progenitor trolls and their offshoot tribes would simply not know druidism or “forget” it when the Loa have a connection the planet, the winter queen’s domain, and thus the emerald dream.

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It’s not the first time when you meet characters that has exact same name.

For example Hakkar was the name for blood God AND one of the Burning Legion Demons.

We have Kiro - one of Vulpera lead characters but also we have Orc female merchant who sells war harnesses in Orgrimmar in valley of honor.

So I don’t think tiger with a name of a Shango means anything and I wouldn’t read too much into it.


To be fair, he was the one who was fighting that chick the whole time and we were just helping with totems. Similar how Vol’Jin dealt with Sea witch and we only took down the ghosts and took care of braziers. So if you’d lump in in kill that chick then I’d argue that you’d be the one who stole his thunder and I think Rokhan really needed a cool moment when in entire BfA he didn’t have a cutscene where he could show his skills.

I’ll be honest, the only thing I really liked about this quest were the shoulders and the fact that Jani is chosen as a Darkspear loa. Otherwise, I didn’t get much really.

I disagree wholeheartedly. I think their research was very surface level and very shallow.
Darkspear tribe has the most Shadow Hunters among their ranks. Their entire purpose is to commune with multiple Loas. claiming that Darkspears abandoned other Loa without elaborating much is bizzare choice.

when did it happen? You tell me the moment they left STV they stopped doing that? How come Vol’Jin completed his Shadow hunter trial? How come Vol’Jin was able to communicate with Shadra, Hi’reek and others? What about Gonk? What about Shirvallah? Gurubashi pantheon is vast, and we saw lots of references in game that Darkspears still have connection with thier Loa, AND we saw them expand in BfA where we got information about Dambala and Lukou, and the questine about Darkspear Shadow huntress who became Karg’wa’s follower.

So to me it was bollocks and very sloppy way to adress that devs never explored Darkspear Loa before.

We’ve got made up Kevo ya siti who isn’t really that memorable nor he has anything bigger to offer than RPG Loas which would actually expand on Darkspear theme. And when devs do use the RPG Loa like Lukou, then it’s also weird - why a plant? Why the Altar is in Ogre Den? You tell me Lukou had altar there the whole time?

I really like Jani, but I’d rather have different Loa in here. Jani feels very strongly tied with Zandalar, and Darkspears already Share Bwonsamdi and Gonk and Hi’reek with them.

Devs could’ve gone wild with Unique new Loa.

I also find it strange that Darkspear would willingly follow Mueh’zala and give blood offerings. The entire reason that Darkspears were exiled was because they refused to practice it. And why would she want to empower the Loa that is very cruel over Bwonsamdi who defeated him? He just proved that he is superior and more generous- so why? What’s the gain?

I also think that the Darkspear adaptivity was shown in rather trivial and shallow way. I think it would be better if you’d put in front of them a much bigger problem where they’d have to overcome it by using cunning, show the Darkspear tribe fighting smart.

And in this regard BfA did it better in Nazmir. When one Shadow hunter quickly undid the Zandalari Lich, and how blood troll assault was quickly undone by Darkspears who ambushed them from behind as Blood trolls charged on Zandalari. These were actual tactics in use.

When it comes to relationship with Loa, There should be a bigger emphasise on the importance of Shadow hunter- not everyone read Vol’Jin’s book and it should’ve been a good time to portray that message in this quest. Why Darkspear tribe is pushing hard to train as many of them as possible. What Shadow hunter can do that Loa priest or Witch Doctor cannot. These are valuable information that imo begged to be elaborated on.

And I wasn’t a fan of dragging other troll tribes down to elevate Darkspears, it was a cheap move. Especially now, when Zandalari and Darkspears bonded in BfA. And Talanji made Rokhan a guest of honor on her coronation ceremony.

Other troll tribes should be used to show what future awaits. Now that Darskepars are stronger and forged a strong bond with Zandalari, it’s time to reach to other tribes and secure the troll heritage. By Using the best qualities Darkspears and Zandalari have in order to achieve it.

That is what I’d do.

And I actually believe Zekhan and Zen’tabra should be there. Zekhan doesn’t have to participate directly or have any voice lines. But he should be involved in tribe’s matters. I don’t want for him to be follower of non-trolls forever. The best way to turn him around is for him to be involved in Darkspear matters.


True, and I’m not Hating on Rohkan, I like him as a character, just wish he was fleshed out more.


Research in respect to the cultures they derive the Darkspear, and other trolls, from.

I don’t believe Shango has ever been mentioned ingame, beyond that 1 spell. Loa-wise I mean, not in the books, not on twitter, no retcons or anything. Shango is Shango, and has only 1 troll using 1 ability attributed to his name.

Akunda does seem to cover many of the same attributes, but once more there’s nothing to say they’re the same or Blizz renamed Shango (the Loa, not the tiger). Its like having Shirvallah, Halazzi, Har’koa, AND Kimbul, all of whom serve very similar purposes, but for different tribes.

To another person’s comment tho, as far as WoW is concerned, Legba isn’t canon, he’s a RPG Loa, and Dambala is the Loa of Treachery, meaning Kevo ya Siti would be the Loa of Cunning for Jungle Trolls, while Quetz’lun is the Loa of Cunning for Frost Trolls. Its why I said that Kevo ya Siti seems to take the role that Legba filled in the RPG, and from what I’ve been told Kevo ya Siti shares aspects of the real world version of Legba (who once again, isn’t canon as far as I can find, only from the RPG).

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Wowhead has the quest chain up.

Shango being made into a Shadow and Sneaky themed loa would be bad

Kevo was originally named Shango in the first datamine and they changed his name


His name is either Swahili (likely) or partially SE Asian (Siti is a name I’ve encountered IRL)

Lukou is gender bent Loko/Lokou with some motifs of Gran Bois which I appreciate (tied to plants, Emerald Dream coloration when using power, etc)

I headcanon they’re both Ancients who sided with the Trolls against the Night Elves during the Troll vs Nelf wars.


When I think about it, this new questline actually reminds me more of the Reclamation of Echo Isles event.

  • Vol’Jin had to appease Bwonsamdi becuase ever since Darkspears lost them, their worship of Bwon has waned. So Vol’Jin had to apologise and make amendmends (which brings me back to my prievious point about bizzare choice of making Darkspears abandon their loa. Because Bwonsamdi was abandoned when Echo Isles were lost, and apparently other Loa when Darkspears left STV. So who Darkspear shadow hunters appeased until reclamation of Echo Isles? None?

  • we had to deal with the Darkspear traitor that defied Bwonsamdi, and intended to harm the tribe and di some foul magic while doing so

  • immunity shield on Zalazane/female witch doctor that only Loa can penetrate. In Event it was Bownsamdi directly who removed said immunity, in this questline it was player who removed Totems of Muehzala.

  • event was mostly there to boost the popularity of Darkspear Cheiftain and put him on the major trials.



Except this time we got two Loa based on real life heritage and motifs that didn’t lean into racist tropes, an identity for the Darkspear beyond Vol’jin, and a meta-recognition within the questline itself that the devs have done nothing with neither Rokhan or the Darkspear general, and breadcrumbs and set-up for Vol’jin Return (which again, SHOULD NOT have been the Heritage Questline but should be something all players witness) and engagement with the primary Troll Nations ie Troll Unification.

They probably wanted this to be Vol’jin’s Return, but then that leaves Baseline/DS Trolls in the same spot as always, irrelevant beyond Voljin, powerless beyond Voljin, and everyone and their mother specifically affirmed that would be a bad idea for many years now because it’s something that cannot be silo’d into a specific race’s heritage questline.

Moreover this questline set the tone for now Amani would be treated narratively in Midnight and how Drakkari would be treated in TLT.

My personal primary critiques are

  • the already mentioned looming questions, ie Vol’jin’s return etc
  • looming concerns for both Midnight and TLT
  • where are the other Gurubashi Loa that the Darkspear have always called upon (eg Shirvallah, given Hireek and Shadra are both in Ardenweald rn and would only return with a Voljin return)
  • no explanation for the Farraki skin color option (would’ve liked integration of other Troll Nation groups, ie the Raventusk already “joined” the Darkspear)

I did not know this! Though unironically, the only mention of Shango the Loa is a stealth-based ability, xD. Its a quest where a Shadow Hunter gives us stealth to go do sneaky stuff, “Shadowy Blessing of Shango which bestows a turbulent stealth that cannot be seen or heard by enemies.” The visual is even a somewhat storm-related stealth buff. Lol

Makes sense that some people or beings may share the same name even if they’re completely different. In some cases, one may have stolen from or been inspired by the other. The Horde and Alliance are multicultural, so there’ll be some mixing.

Before I start the quest line myself, has anyone found any unique dialogue if you’ve done certain quests or are a certain class?

I know there’s an additional 2-handed sword if you’re a Warrior, DK, or Hunter. But, is there any special “stay awhile” moments if you, like, were a Night Fae and helped Vol’jin’s soul? Or if you did anything in Zandalar?