I completely forgot she was name-dropped in BFA!
To be fair, I’ve scrubbed a good chunk of BFA from my mind.
I do agree. Dambala’s absence was felt here. I like Kevo ya Siti and feel he definitely could have been slotted in as our ‘Cunning’ Loa without taking from Dambala. They could have worked in tandem.
I did a slight double take myself before shrugging and going with it, as Kevo ya Siti got the same reaction with his MOP Mist Walker self. At the end of the day, I’m okay with them being different. I just want them to remain relevant.
This was my biggest gripe. Rokhan needed the love, so I’m not upset he was the focused character. The new Loa are fun, but the absence of others is felt.
Bwonsamdi ends the quest talking about the loyalty of the Darkspear, that their Loa know that they will always respect them. That would have been the moment for the other Loa to appear and show they were ready to back the Darkspear up against Mueh’zala.
Shirvallah and Gonk should have made an appearance at the minimum. Hir’eek, Shadra, and Dambala may be dead but it would have been an opportunity for ‘shades’ or ‘avatars’ of them to appear to at least show they are always present. Maybe even a shadow of a Troll figure (Vol’jin).
Overall, I still deeply enjoyed it for what it was. It absolutely wasn’t as good as the Orc questline, but it was miles ahead of the trash-heaps that were the Worgen and Tauren.
I’d rank it as #2 or #3 Hordeside, either Forsaken or Darkspear for the #2 spot.
Agreed. I’m hopeful that we’ll see them team up with the Darkspear and Zandalari during Midnight. Not holding my breath, but I can hope.