the humans suck and are basically european colonizers on Amani land.
Yes erevien. We know humans in WoW are boring. That’s a long dead horse.
As far as the Blood elves go, they did nothing wrong if we’re going to continue to play this nonsense game
No. What did wrong is the fact Blizzard dabbed on every tribe that rejected being conquered by outside forces like dwarfs, humans and elves who came to plunder and genocide the actual native people of Azeroth.
Genocidal troll tribe attacks unprovoked and gets teeth kicked in. More news at 11
The elves stole land that wasn’t theirs and the humans helped them with it. That is a fact. And all human nations must suffer now to repay the troll blood that wa spilled that day. Statring with Stormwind.
Tell me why you didn’t order pizza last night. Youre throwing these up like they’re positive and negatives to be weighed and… they’re not.
You have your own personal headcanon that no one else let alone the game adheres to and you throw a tantrum whenever that happens. Which is everyday.
Ere youre a blood elf
Troll tribe picks fight with lesser beings and looses. More news at 11
Alliance gets nice stuff. Horde gets bad stuff. Adress that argument instead of ignoring it all the time someone calls the lack of care from Blizzard for Horde races and their NPCs out.
High elves and humans are the true enemy. The Amani and blood elves should join each other to wipe them out for good.
Like if it’s not being done intentionally to make the darkspear look special, it’s a weird holdover of old lore better off left in the past. Equally weird to put the baby darkspear tribe on the same pedestal as ages old empires, and to seemingly blame tribes wholesale for the damages caused by the likes of Zul and his followers, Malacrass and so on. Not to mention the weirdest jab at the zandalari after, idk, everything with Talanji both regarding her coronation and her declaration in Shadows Rising to council all Loa equally, not just Bwon. I almost hope it’s a really silly oopsie that could have been cut if we’d had, idk, the option to see it on ptr this whole time.
In regards to Dambala, this would have been the perfect time to retcon their shadowlands appearance and have them alongside the other old loa as a stronger show of trust for troll writing going forward. Dambala’s portrayal wasn’t just a villain bat waste of a loa, it was an example of what bipoc have been criticizing blizzard about in regards to real life cultural portrayals in this media. Vodou is already villainized, demonized, and cartoonized in most media it’s allowed a breath and space. Dambala, based on the lwa Damballah known primarily as a force of good and life and incredibly important key figure in Vodou and creation itself, reduced to an evil spirit to be put down only further exacerbated that issue.
There’s ways they could do it, maybe we get a follow up that actually gives us more Loa like Legba to circumvent silly one-off deaths that shouldn’t have happened. For now, the story was mostly good and it’s nice to see the darkspear stand on their own without needing Vol’jin to overshadow them in much the same way Thrall does for orcs. Equally good that we’ve tossed this “old ways” junk out that Shadows of the Horde tried to push.
Not gonna lie, I am super jealous of these later heritage quests.
Messing with Erevien aside, the draenei one made me really really happy, and I’m glad they included ALL the different eredar groups in a reunification storyline basically and the potential for a new city down the road is super exciting.
Honestly, I don’t care about RL implications, It’s a fiction and it is ruled by it’s own laws. And I have no idea what bipoc is, reminds me of a pen company.
I’m just pointing out that Damabala was amazing concept for a Loa. It would give Darkspears an edge to have Loa of Treachery but used in creative way, to outwitt enemies, to decieve them so they damage themselves and you save fellow soldiers, to bluff your way out of stick situation. It sounds super fun.
And It’s super easy to retcon Dambala - he deceived you, he didn’t die in Shadowlands, that was his dopplegander (altho it shouldn’t be a cobra but python, Damabla is not meant to be venomous snake), Or that Muehzala wanted to trick you.
And ye I really like Jani, but I’d rather have Legba becuase his speciality is not only speed but travels and voyage.
Black Indigenous People of Color. I’m not a practitioner, I only did my due research on this matter but fiction has a responsibility too, in how it portrays real world things, people, and cultures. Blizzard is only starting to give that respect and responsibility equally, so while it’s of no concern to you, it is to more than enough people in the community.
And yes there are ways to do it that feel more true to the culture, you can read about Damballah’s many spirits yourself to even encourage that with feedback that would make it possible and more respectful. That’s not asking for much.
I honestly wish every race could have gotten heritage quests on par with the Orc/Draenei ones
Same. Both the Orc and Draenei ones were super respectful about both cultures and included all the various clans and eredar in their respective heritages.
Shame out of all the ones we had, those two stand out as top tier. And they should be praised, they’re amazing. Just wish the others weren’t so lazy
I’m of philosophy that what is IRL is IRL, and what is in fiction is a fiction, plenty of times people borrowed name for a character and made a completely different character out of it. And they shouldn’t be conflated, I’d understand annoyance that pracitioners of Vodou could have, but in the end it’s a game, and it’s ruled by it’s own laws.
Hakkar is clearly based on Quetzalcoatl which was benevolent god and protector of humanity, and in WoW he is blood god.
In here Dambala is a trecherous Loa and in IRL religioun he is benevolent God. It would be weird to change WoW’s Dambala entire concept because I dig the idea of a Loa that is cunning and deceitful it opens up plenty of possibilities for a story, and I call it a missed opportiunity to give Darkspears proper edge and this Loa is absolutely perfect for those who are always in disadvantage and has to think outside of box and play dirty even. That new Loa doesn’t do that for me, maybe it’s because he isn’t as defined, he just goes to stealth and that is his whole stick.
Quetz’lun is Quetzalcoatl. You don’t have to agree with what I said, but what you ask for want does not change what Blizzard has to make amends for and why people would understandably not want to see Dambala fill that old role for “edge”.
It shouldn’t be that way. Amani were already treated badly enough. Their original sin was that they dared to live where they live and didn’t want elves to live there. Dragging them this path over and over again is just artrocious.