On-use big damage effects.
I loved Belor’relos / Nymue’s Unraveling Spindle combo.
Passive for sustain classes, on use for big cd classes for dps.
On use for healers.
Passive for tanks.
I generally prefer stat sticks since that means one less thing messing with balancing and also one less button to press. I’m not entirely opposed to trinkets that add abilities (the fire uppercut from Dragonflight, the water trap in TWW), though I really dislike the ones that are basically just “press this for a buff”. I do wish trinkets were fewer and further between.
Passives, I’ve already got too many buttons to push.
Passive less work for me and one less thing for me to have to pay attention to and click or macro.
In agreement with a lot of people here. Anything that doesn’t require me to juggle another ability is a plus in my book! My bars are full enough as is.
As someone that mained lock in Abberus and never got class trinket its sucks but its part of the game.
Passive or on-use, as others have stated.
Mad Queen’s Mandate is the exception because that’s just dumb fun (and useful in old content as well).
I mostly only like passive or stat stick trinkets unless an on-use lines up with a CD I can just macro.
Exception for on-use trinkets you only use once to set-up an effect like that DF trinket that put a symbiosis like effect on another player that you just put up once.
If it’s an on-use trinket that’s just another cooldown it’s annoying and I don’t want to deal with managing another cooldown.
For me it depends on the spec and build I run. Sometimes I feel like I have too many CDs and maintenance buffs, so I prefer trinkets with passive procs or plain stat sticks. Other times, I only have one major CD to press, so having an on-use trinket is nice.
Passive. I already have enough keybinds to babysit and unlike most, I play on ancient tech which includes a regular old mouse (no fancy 248573443896 button MMO mouse).
Oh my gosh same. If it’s a talent choose I will take the passive even if I lose 1% dps so be it, I prefer to use as few buttons as possible since I don’t push high content that works just fine
I typically aim for an on use and a passive on all of my characters. I like the control and random combo of it.
I’m your total opposite then.
Passive Damage effect > On use BIG damage effect > stat sticks.
I don’t like on use stat boosts, even if they are Spymaster’s level OP, I’d rather have all that damage in a BIG BURSTY EXPLOSION or short 2-4s Heavy DoT.
I love it when the best trinket is something that would chunk 20-30%+ HP of a tank player’s health in full Conquest PvP gear.
In fact, burst damage is my favorite type of damage in the game, and I hate sustained damage.
Big burst damage that “resets” with other player’s deaths? Yes please.
It was hilarious in leveling PvP too, since it worked while you were in “pacify effects”, like a hunter’s Aspect of the Turtle, and the CD gets constantly reduced in that environment due to everyone dying frequently.
I’m preferential to having one trinket with an on-use effect and one with a passive effect though I don’t mind if I end up with two on-use trinkets.
I guess I’m the only one who would prefer 2 decent stat sticks to passives that either rarely proc or are going to get nerfed soon.
Same, but Belor’relos instead of Ruby.
Ill take anything that isnt RNG. I really hate RNG trinkets as a healer. The only exception being like stat procs that have really high proc chances I guess, but I still hate rng trinkets. I also hate Sacbrood type trinkets that can change/vary depending on if RNG gifts you the right amt of stacks at the right time or not.
I dislike overcomplicated on use trinkets. ( Treacherous Transmitter type Trinkets )
There are/have been some super fun fire and forget/on use trinkets that line up nicely with healer cooldowns or have fun interactions with class abilities, those I like. ( mote of sanctification in DF had a pretty beefy aoe heal - Perfectly Preserved cake from Trilliax in Legion was both extremely fun and useful in that it put a beefy shield on everyone in the party - Velen’s Future Sight Legion legendary trinket is still probably my favorite on use trinket ever - Call to Dominance was fun in DF for monk ) - I love those overpowered trinkets because they FEEL good to press, there are too many trinkets now that feel meh, they have fun abilities but never get tuned/buffed enough to really shine properly.
Trinkets that can supplement things certain healer classes lack, or give back mana on longer raid fights, can be nice in niche situations or on prog.
My fave are stat sticks or passive trinkets that slowly buff a stat in combat when I heal ( like the grim batol trinket or just straight up mainstat+one secondary stat type things ). Mostly because they are easy to forget about.
On use trinkets are generally used with other cooldowns so they just get macro’ed into those. They basically become passive trinkets, just with the proc lining up with your cooldowns every time.
I generally prefer passives, but I don’t mind on use ones, unless their manual targeting.