Tried SV hunter.... I just want to know why?


Give it a shot in epic battlegrounds if nothing else :wink:

I’ll just wait until DF and see if I can make a build similar to the old range or primary range /secondary melee spec of Vanilla - WoD 6.1

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Wailing Arrow has no functionality that is similar to old Black Arrow. The closest equivalent is Flayed Shot, and it does not interact with Explosive Shot.


I think that there are many, many things that we didnʻt need that we have anyway.

Allied races
Demon hunters
Legendary equipment


I don’t understand why Hunters don’t get this.

Melee Survival is a lot of fun.


thing is, when they decided to create a melee hunter spec, they kinda choosed the wrong spec, get me wrong if you want but i think beast mastery would have been a good fit instead of survival


Speak for yourself. I love it. My first WoW char in 2009 was a tauren hunter, ranged obviously. My favorite spec is still hunter, and I love survival.

No one is forcing you to play the melee spec lol. If you want to play ranged, play ranged spec.

i like how you quoted everything except for the most relevant part:

i didn’t move goalposts, i just didn’t expect people considered DK pets to be in the same conversation as Hunter pets, because they’re entirely different.

yeah but that would make beast mastery hunters have to think about positioning, and we can’t have that from the 4 button rotation class

I find melee hunters despicable, it makes me very reluctant to invite hunters in general. If I’m inviting a green man, I’m hoping they’ll not be up my butt. When I see that stupid spear in hand, it takes a lot of will power to not instantly uninvite.


I mean they are top of M+ atm, not sure why you’d uninvite them.

Because I like to build 2 ranged 1 melee. Melee hunters in my personal space drive me crazy.


That is so weird.

Because we picked hunter to play range and shoot guns and bows

If we wanted melee we would of picked Warrior , Paladin, rogue and DK prior to Legion and DH with Legion .

Ion said the spec wasn’t made melee for hunters . It was made as a niche spec for melee players to try out hunter.

No actual thought was given to hunters when it was changed .


Well your way late so deal with it and move on blizzard isn’t going to change it for someone especially someone who apparently hasn’t played the last 2 expansions at the least lol the majority like it.

Sure there was thought put in survival sucked as ranged DPS spec was always at the bottom for damage and you have 2 other ranged specs pick one and shoot…

Shocker you won’t survival is MELEE therefore it’s safe to say it’s talent trees will be melee focused you haven’t played in two expansions doubtful you will stick around for DF…

World of Meleecrap.


nah, if the melee spec was beast mastery, it would be more than 4 buttons