While I think you’re trying to be funny I’m all for this. The rogue can have a dark ranger specialization, subtlety would be perfect for this.
The warlock before the demon Hunter happen, used to have a glyph that turned your demonic form into a “melee” spec.
The mage can have a spellbreaker melee spec.
not to mention for the mage, we’ve seen spellblades all over azeroth as NPCs. I think it’s time we get a 4th Mage Spec.
I’m glad there’s a melee spec for Hunter.
In the absence of letting us use both melee and range this is the best we’ll get.
Just wish survival also had a lone wold option.
False. The BFA/SL iteration (sans tier bonuses) is the best iteration Survival has had.
It better not be Sunday because I logged into work today.
Sure go play diablo 1
What I dislike, is we can’t see spec in the queue, just the class.
I like to keep my groups limited to 1 melee, so when my hunter is a melee I’m like “grrrrr”…
Not only are there lots of melee classes already, but we also have only one physical ranged class, and on top of that its the only one that wields bows/guns, the class barely satisfies the archer/rifleman fantasy, as it mainly revolves around being a beast master, and YET they decided to gut it and make another melee spec
I just don’t understand what your point is
I actually quit the game for a while when they made survival melee because it was my favorite spec in the game. Ever since I haven’t found a spec on any of the classes that clicked for me the way that SV did pre-melee. BM was the only ranged spec that had the same mobility as pre-melee SV, but BM is boring af.
I actually never leveled a hunter before. Hunter and Rogue are my two least fav classes in the game. The energy and buildup styles always annoyed me. However, playing Surv finally, I realized that at least one spec is really fun. I now have a level 50+ Surv hunter and will maybe even play it to max level at some point. BM and Marks always felt boring and bad. Is it fun 1 shotting as a marks in low level BGs? Sure, but the overall class sucks IMO.
Surv has saved hunters. The melee combat with some mid range tactics is fun.
Cause old surv was bad and generic.
Dark Apotheosis + Glyph of Harvest Life was like the perfect back up tank if your main tanks took a dirt nap cause of whatever reason Mist; as well held pretty well as a main tank in dungeons when Warriors wanted to Glad Stance instead of being a meatshield as well as 10 Normals and a few 10 Heroics.
I think DragonFlight will be the third (fourth?) time they will have overhauled this spec. Well done Blizzard. Well done indeed.
have you read her edge of revelation post? this person is way out there. LMAO.
While I like having a melee spec for hunter, I agree with you point that it barely satisfies the archer/rifleman fantasy.
Too much beasts, not enough archer. Talents should give us the option to go whichever way we want. Maybe the new talent system will help.
I don’t think there’s a way for them to differentiate a third hunter spec. Survival is hybrid by the way you sort of weave in and out of melee
Dude I just want a Ranger fantasy like original hunters where we equipped melee and ranged weapons and had quivers. If I could basically have MM hunter with melee weapons I’d be in Heaven.
There’s no word of a spec redesign in DF.
Yes and no …It is the response to Hunters don’t need 3 range specs . Well in that case neither do locks or mages and rogues don’t need 3 melee.
The argument is just as justified .