Tried SV hunter.... I just want to know why?

Death Knight?

No no no.

There’s death knight. Also shaman have wolves. We did not need this with hunter. Periot


Thing is before it went to Melee in Legion it was actually a real good raid spec as range.


You could add twenty melee specs and all that happens is people who like to play melee will chose from a wider pool. It’s unlikely to add to the actual number of melee players.


Uh Unholy DK


better yet we get a Tinker class


It still has potential to be a good ranged spec if they’d support it a bit more in the talent tree revamp.
Like I said, it still has access to arcane shot and steady shot. It’s possible to modify those via talents in the future and make weaponswapping more of a thing; or simply using a ranged weapon entirely with certain set bonuses for example.

The issue isn’t that it’s melee. It’s that it has abilities that were unpruned but aren’t fully supported yet by design decisions.

The framework is there for you to play it as a ranged spec with something as simple as making arcane shot benefit from a talent choice.


i’ve only played blood. the other specs have fulltime pets? with different roles/abilities?

If we’re using vanilla sv to justify its current iteration, let’s go all the way and make it the inferior spec that gets you kicked out of raids and was a free hk in pvp. Just like the good ol days.

That said, just give hunters a 4th spec, Blizz. I don’t care if melee sv stays, but ranged sv didn’t need to be removed.


That’s the ability that comes from the legendary lol

Even then, it’s still different from the original [Black Arrow].

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That is if arcane stays as a baseline in DF .

If there is a way to make it a range build or a true hybrid build (mainly range with some melee) like it was pre MoP then for sure I am going to do one of those kind of builds . If it looks like there isn’t an option for anything like that then no.


You should try playing around with weapon-swap macros on it a bit in the mean time, at least for more casual stuff. It’s not really unfun to play; it just doesn’t do enough damage with the gun to justify it in most cases.

It really could though with very little effort. Literally just need a talent or set bonus to make it decent.

I know that and I’m telling them you can have it back coming season 4 if you really want your “black arrow” replica

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Don’t move the goalposts. It’s ok to admit you made a booboo.

it fills a niche. for people that like collecting pets and playing melee, now they have one spec that fits.

They probably saw even in classic 2 hander is the preferred setup and went off that.

Get a faster 2h weapon it works out better for damage. also crit chances being equal in the big picture (5% cares not what you are wielding)…the 2 hander gets bigger crits.

what goalpost did i move? hunter pets are very obviously unique in how they’re collected and managed. you can’t lump them in with other class pets.

Idk, whatever. I’ve made my point and I know I have. I stick by it. We did not need another melee spec. We could of had a really cool ranged spec with bombs and traps.


Yeah, but they have the option to let us mog cross-weapon type now, they’re just slow about itterating on it. it’s a visual choice they’ve chosen on retail more than anything.

Oddly, a lot of people would probably play dual wield SV hunter because of a certain elf fantasy.

It may be justified by the fact we pull a crossbow out of our pocket for serpent sting, needing a free offhand. But that’s justification for an absurdity to begin with, innit?

THat’s why I won’t do it as it currently stands