That’s not because they aren’t as good as WoW though.
People incredibly underestimate how much WoW’s effect has on them based on when they started playing and who they were when they were playing it.
If Vanilla WoW was to launch today in 2021, it would fail, we all know it would. Because a lot of what made Vanilla so good wasn’t the game, but the people we played the game with and who we were when we were playing.
Josh Stryke Hayes does an excellent video on this that I think everyone should check out.
I, as a FFXIV main now, have to disagree.
WoW has FFXIV beat in overall lore.
FFXIV has WoW beat on story and storytelling.
WoW’s actual lore, note lore not story, is incredibly deep, much much deeper than FFXIV.
But FFXIV’s story, as in what the player is experiencing, is definitely better. Partially due to how they tell the story.
Oh, well if you’re a pvper than yeah you’re better off staying in wow. It’s not that FFXIV doesn’t have an arena and random bgs, it’s just the pvp sucks in FFXIV.
It isn’t popular because of graphics. It’s popular because it is superior to WoW in every single way except for maybe encounter design and graphics if you are into WoWs cartoony art style.
I tried Final Fantasy, I didnt care for the look or the style or much else about the game. While certain parts of it are decent (such as the crafting side of things) it just left me cold, and I’m not fond of the Japanese art style with its rather cutesy character look.
I much prefer the style of ESO, its a very beautiful game. I uploaded it again yesterday (spent most of the day doing so as I hadn’t played it in 2 years) and was reminded again of how beautiful Tamriel is. Got invited to an Aussie guild almost immediately and am once again exploring, collecting, relearning how to play my characters and enjoying myself in the game.
Just wish I could tempt a few more of my WoW friends over to join me.
I just can not agree to this.
We can agree that FFXIVs storytelling is far superior.
But Warcraft lore is now nigh-non existent. Blizzard have outright refused to keep a consistent lore background from which they can build their story, they intentionally leave it vague so that they can change it at any moment. Their lore is not set in stone, which brings many faults and ruins the overall lore of the universe.
Let me guess, you’re one of those “this is a retcon!” people aren’t you?
Cause literally those are the only people who think WoW lore is non-existent lol
I’ve been playing FFXIV for the past couple of days (I’m level 34) and I will say that unless he’s doing some kind of radically different content than I’m doing, Asmongold praising FFXIV’s quests as being superior gameplay-wise is absolutely a sign of him being paid.
That or he’s just either dumb or bad at video games (which is a possibility, I’ve seen him try to play Dark Souls lol)
Where FFXIV’s quests shine is their writing and their good use of scenarios. In terms of gameplay, like 90% of what I’ve done have been either fetch quests, TBC-esque “go kill x amount of mobs on the other side of the zone” quests, or “go talk to this guy” quests.
Which is fine, especially given FFXIV’s relative strengths in the writing department. But even that can get exhausting sometimes. There was one section where I had like an hour of doing nothing but walking between cutscenes. I didn’t actually fight anything for WAY too long and I’m someone who appreciates slower paced games. I can easily imagine someone else getting bored out of their skull.
That being said, it is keeping my interest. We’ll see if that holds at endgame though.
He wasn’t even a raider in WoW, his content still mostly consisted of reacting to other people’s WoW content. Can’t get good in games when you rarely play them.
Don’t give up!
ARR is foundational in terms of story development so it’s a lot slower than most things you’ll experience.
If you like slow burn fantasy novels expanding multiple books, it’s a lot like that.
Roll a druid, glyph the cheetah travel form. Bask in the glory of that appearance of an old as hell ultra low rez cat. And accept it. As your other choice for travel form (edit in non flying form usable content) is stag or a deer. and they aren’t exactly 4k rez either…