Tried FFXIV …and⚰️

I have tried GW2… which was pretty decent in PvP but WoW has the smoothest combat mechanics among any MMO in the market right now IMO.

Heard that New World PvP is not bad from the beta testing

So the theory is that its ok if a large chunk of the playing experience is bad because the endgame is good?

Should not a game be fun from the moment you launch it? Yes, I know, early gameplay in WoW is not great but we are talking content from almost 20 years ago. Back in those days it was good. It was my understanding that Final Fantasy went through an upgrade of some sort.

Do you have a reference to what you’re talking about?
Not really sure what you’re asking or what post you are responding to.
Some clarity would be nice.

In 5.3 they removed good portion of the quests from the ARR MSQ to make less of a slog. It’s still a slog, but the unnecessary fluff was removed. They also made it so you can fly all the ARR zones as soon as you complete The Praetorium.

And even then some would argue that FFXIV encounter design is better, but that is based on the idea that WoW developers are trying to design their encounters around addons, which makes a lot of the boss mechanics a vague.

FFXIV boss encounters are designed for players to quickly sniff out mechs on their own and learn how to react accordingly. For most WoW players this will not be as easy as it sounds as they have been conditioned to rely on a third party voice telling them what to do. Some WoW players du adjust remarkably fast though, personally I did.

I have followed Warcraft lore ever since WC3, and even that changed the entirety of WC1 and 2 and the background lore. World of Warcraft changed it even more so. Just recently we had a change of the whoole cosmology of Warcraft.

There have been a change in how old gods work, where they previously could not be killed because it would hurt Azeroth, and we players never killed old gods. Now it turns out we did kill these old gods, and there was no significant damage to Azeroth.

But yes, a retcon is either adding new information to something, or an edit of previous lore. Warcraft have had a lot of the latter kind of retcons. And if you keep changing your lore time and time again, do you then truly have any lore to speak of? Aren’t you just making stuff up as you go?

I judge lore on its ability to remain stable, because if the lore is not stable, then the stories to come won’t

You commented to someone who said that the questing wasn’t great. I’ve seen a lot of comments from others saying that the early gameplay is far less decent than what you get to do at higher levels, something about that stuff being part of an earlier part of the game?

This is not a retcon actually. Putting previous events in greater context with new information is basic writing.

It’s not just the textures. FF14 has very little actual grass. If you are walking on what looks like grass, you will notice it’s just two dimensional textures.

But yeah, the textures are very often terrible. Even in the newest zone, Zadnor?

Generally what I hear people say a lot is that the ARR (base game) questing experience is not that great but it gets a lot better once you hit the expansions.

I don’t think that’s too different from WoW. Either you really loved old school questing from Vanilla → WotLK or you really hated it.

FFXIV PvP is garbage. WoW may be unbalanced, but at least it has a decent PvP scene.

The pvp in 14. Oh man. The gameplay of it is just awful full circle. I can’t think of a job that I need more than eight keys bound to play at a high level of “skill”, funny enough is more scripted than high rated arena in wow.

Apart from the general population of 14 being gamers who shy away or are avoidant of pvp and games in general where pvp is the focus, there’s a reason why 14’s pvp is one of the smallest niche communities.

I believe Asmongold praised FFXIV for its leveling experience, rather than gameplay, because there is actually something more to it than just “do this, come back and get exp” there is an actual story being told as you go through it.

He also does pride himself on his ability to grind for hours on end and have fun with it. Giving the example of just cutting down trees in a game like New World for hours on end, and still having fun. So that might play into it.

I am also not sure how much you heard of FFXIV beforehand, but ARR is hailed as the worst experience of everything currently available. Asmongold have heard the same thing too and went into ARR with low expectations.

I am pretty sure I read somewhere that addition of information is also called a retcon.

What game are you playing?

Sure looks like grass to me and far more than 2d textures.

Yeah the original game was rebuilt after the failed launch (3 part docuseries on how to fix a broken game on YouTube if you’re curious).
A lot of the new base game has things that carry over from that.
The beginning is slow, but not bad,
The combat is slow as well, but again, you’re leveling and that’s normal.
Many people found the game fun and stayed with it to the first expansion, but the developers learned from the mistakes of the base and removed all of the slow factor in every expansion and they get better and better with each one.

Where to start where to start where to start.

From the beginning!

I also have followed WoW lore since the beginning, going back to WC1.

The change in the cosmology was not a retcon or a change, but an expansion. It’s literally written as a different viewpoint of the cosmology chart, like the original lore book was from one perspective, now we have another. Nothing was changed, just expanded.

The lore for not killing old gods was more specific then you mention. The Old Gods had wrapped their tendrils around Azeroth and the titans would need to quite literally RIP them out of the planet to remove them, which would kill the world soul.

Our interaction with the old gods we killed (did we really though?) was after each had surfaced and was no longer grasping the world soul.

A retcon is changing lore, not expanding lore, huge difference. Unless your argument is to state that any time an author expands the universe of a book they are writing they are actually doing a retcon. You could make that argument, but you’d be wrong. Taliesin has a great video on this actually.

But you seem like one of those die hards, so I don’t expect this conversation to go any further.

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IF FF14 was based on FF7 Midgard and the aftermath of sephiroth I would have forgotten about Wow and any other MMO and played nothing but FF7 MMO, but it wasn’t based on any of that and only had certain things like, a guy named cid gold saucer chocobos some other random FF stuff.

I like that I can just change jobs whenever I want extremely easily and not be punished for it. Imagine if you could change your covenant as freely as you could change jobs in FF14, without being punished with catchups or dumb cool off periods where you let the covenants feelings about you heal.

No, additional information that CHANGES what was already established is a retcon.
Adding additional information from different perspectives, what Blizzard actually did, changes nothing in the lore, it merely expands it.

This is more accurate

This is how most of the game is. You can see when the camera angle changes what I’m talking about.

But is that an accurate comparison? Jobs are classes, yes? So like changing from Priest to Rogue or something similar. Covenants are more an expansion-specific gameplay option, not something that lasts over the whole game.

While I appreciate that freedom of choice in character play is good, I sort of like having alts. If I play a Worgen Priest, that character feels a lot different to me than my Dwarven Paladin. Its not just the class, its the toon, its racial history, its look and feel and what it means to me on a personal level.

Pre-reboot FFXIV must have been freaking dire if ARR’s main quest was a huge improvement