After seeing asmongold enjoying it so, I wanted to capture that twinkle he had in his eyes while completing the most boring quests I have ever seen .
But all I got was a giant migraine from the 2010 graphics … what now am I condemned to play wow forever ? What have they done to my sense of enjoyment !it’s like they made me blazé…
It’s been one of my biggest complaints for awhile, I used to play it on a GTX titan when ARR came out up until shadowbringers and I used to think it only looked bad cause my rig was old, till I got a 2070 super and realized that while some of the environment and spell particle effects improved…nothing else has.
The character models and gear just look really dated, and the PS3 isn’t supported anymore so I don’t understand why they won’t improve the fidelity a little.
Do you think they paid asmongold to pretend like he was enjoying it so? And then showered him with all free stuff from the game ?i think he was paid that’s were the twinkle was coming from, they know he’s an influencer and he cashed out I’m sure of it.
I kind of like them, but I think WoW graphics are pretty nice as well. Compared to some of the higher quality games out there though, they both don’t quite hit the mark of quality you would expect. Even Second Life has better avatars if one were to put enough effort into them, along with animations, and environment - so long as you don’t mind the lag.
complaining about graphics leagues better than WoW… WoW is built off an engine from 1999ish?
FFXIV does have some pretty laughable textures but it’s because it used to be on the PS3, they are working on updating these in the future. They are more focused on bringing new content for Endwalker right now.
ARR (Base vanilla game) is about 10x better than Vanilla WoW -LK and probably beyond.
The quest system is exactly the same with more narrative. Your trolling sucks. and FYI if you’re going to troll your own threads and reply to yourself (speaking about another thread) don’t forget to change your character.
I got back into, trouble is the tree people start zone sucks, the story and atmosphere isn’t great there. Start in either of the other 2 cities. Another thing is we are not encouraged to do any of the side-quests after lvl10, follow the main quest line until it won’t let you progress further thx to the double XP thing.
By law, one has to let the audience know if an endorsement is sponsored
Why did you think updating your graphics card would update the games graphics? LOL how dumb.
Graphics are very good compared to WoW, and they are working on texture updates. They are focusing on important content. Not textures on a piece of armor 4 expansions ago. WoW doesn’t worry about old graphics in past expansions either.
You talking about Naglfar? This is my only alt, and yet again you claim to be so busy but you’re following me to another thread to bother me even as you claim I was harassing you.
Weird. I consider the graphics superior to WoW by a long shot. Especially Shadowbringer content. WoW’s design just stood the test of time but even now it has started to look dated.
I love FFXIV graphics and art style. Compared to WoW they are different, but love them both the same. I had trouble keeping focused on FF story and lore as I was progressing. I think it was because my heartbreak about the direction Blizzard took WoW. I was missing my game.
No, he has been starting to play it more than New World lately, and messes around on NW on his 2nd stream. His love for 14 is actually legit. He has had personal videos on his personal you tube channel explaining this.
the zones in wow are 10X better and character creation is ff is more detailed but i feel a disconnect because im so used to the cartooniness of wow’s characters. (mostly play F dwarves, night elves, and Draenei)
however i feel like the story in ff14 is 10X then what we have gotten in wow recently, Jailer is really cartoon villain where as 14 had two very well thought out villains for shadowbringers which the community loved.
The music in 14 is on WotLK lvls imo, dont get me wrong WoW still have some good scores but not nearly as many as it did in WotLK.
the combat in 14 is pretty forward but certain classes are simply un-pruned Cata classes, so skill selection is always fun, though like Cata theres only 2-3 viable skills. I do enjoy the uniqueness of wow’s raid bosses each tier even if it is just a gimmick like the dance floor in CN. where as ff14 is pretty much all the same thing each dungeon/raid
ff14 allows for you to do everything on one character, which makes professions easier and understanding other roles easier but leads to inventory issues.
overall each game has its strengths and weaknesses and its up to each of us to try and figure out what we like.
If you don’t enjoy FFXIV’s story, FFXIV leveling will be even worse than pre-SL WoW leveling, just because SO much of it is pure dialogue and nothing else.
Asmongold seems to care at least a little bit about the story, even when he skims things, so he’s enjoyed his time so far.
You could try boosting over there to at least start with a better story (Shadowbringers is pretty good) and start closer to endgame… but honestly I don’t think FFXIV pulls off endgame better than WoW, despite current hot topic issues with WoW’s design.
True my main complaint was no mounts in the city lol. But I played 14 all through Stormblood, and most of Shadowbringers. Guess years of playing it has me a little bias, I skipped BFA for 14.
Opening zones and stuff do need a touch up and I imagine will get that sooner or later, Shadowbringer stuff tho was lit. Not to many complaints lookwise.