Mate, just because you can’t comprehend a simple example, doesn’t make my example nonsensical. Especially since how easy i make it comprehand to begin with.
Complain for the sake of complaining much leafy?
Maybe your upset that i make a short and concise to the point example (Since you’ve been complaining about me being long, but i guess you will complain anyways) and even draw the two things together here to illustrate the same ideas they both have.
It is really simple and straightforward to understand the two things i’ve put though, because it is simple and straightforward.
Of coarse if you have trouble, then here’s another.
I am capable of playing Final Fantasy 14, i just choose not to… because i find it boring to me. (AKA i can’t because i find it boring to me)
That’s a nice “I know you are, but what am i?”, but that’s not an actual argument.
Saying “I just choose not to” doesn’t mean you are capable by default.
And i’ve already explained this short and concisely to the point on my example, and it even compares two things in a clean matter to make the idea clear of the two things said. And since you have an irrational fear to long posts of mine, you should be at least happy with it.
Yet your unhappy with it regardless anyways, hence why i called you out on “complaining for the sake of complaining”. And honestly, that just sums up the “Fair shake” you 4 are going on about. Complaining for the sake of complaining with no real solution to the perceived problem.
And again, you’re the one who said this…
And yet, you sarcastically said this to try to dismiss it the example.
…You can’t really call me a hypocrite, when your hypocrite yourself by dismissing my example as bad, even though i followed your rule with that example i’ve made.
Unless your saying your racism example also doesn’t work as well which… doesn’t that defeat the purpose of you saying “The two things don’t have to be alike as long the principle is clear and universal”, if your going to dismiss that anyways?..
Maybe if you use another example instead of racism (or misgonyny, sexism, or anything like it), i might see your point. Because as it is right now, defending Racism and me saying “Op’s opinion is meritless but harmless” aren’t the same thing considering the different context and… different everything.
If you did explained it, then you only made it more confusing to follow to a point where you’re making it look like your trying to accuse me of racism just because i think OP’s opinion on a video game is harmless.
Especially since you think ignorance in racism is the same thing is ignorance in a video game… If you still genuinely think that, then you should probably actually educate yourself on what racism actually is then…
Oh goody, another “I know what you are, but what am i” non-argument. (Not the meme, you just copying things right back at me)
How about you try again mate?..
Except you haven’t proven anything to me. Again, there’s a reason why i use the format, because it shows i’ve read it and removes all doubt of me not reading it, because, it’s right there.
If you’d prefer we can talk about the best types of queso instead? I mean chipotle’s “queso” is more of a cheese gravy. It’s disgusting. Moes has the best “chain” queso as long as you go to a good one.
I’d rather talk about broccoli florets than whatever that guy is talking about. I don’t think I’ve ever had bad queso though. I haven’t had Chipotle’s yet.
I’l keep that in the back of my mind whenever i do decide to go to chipotle’s.
But why your going off-topic to talk about food on this thread here?..
This what we were talking about before you randomly bought up food out of nowhere.
Or unless you want to talk about OP’s opinion here. Which i’ve, but we can go over together and explain our points to each other… Unless you want to pull a Bronzuk and just talk about random things that has nothing to do with the topic while hypocritically telling me that i’m being off-topic when i’m trying to get it back on-topic…
You still haven’t explained how it’s nonsense. You just declared it so and still haven’t followed up on it. If anything, talking about Food in a topic that wasn’t talking about food before is nonsense in this particular context. You are literally going off-topic and i’ve done anything to warrant the topic of food. You bought it up out of nowhere. And not as something to genuinely want to talk about but to simply say in this thread “I give up, i can’t be bothered to debate with you, i’m just going to troll you”.
Yeah, By Matthew. I just disagreed with him.
I don’t know why your blaming me for disagreeing with him, unless your saying “disagreeing with somebody is bad”… Which at this point, i’m convinced you guys are completely biased at this point, regardless if i shorten or lengthen my comment or made it in your own rules.
OP has every right to not be goaded out of his time and money because you find his opinion meritless.
Funny, because that’s what you actually tried to do…
But hey, pretend to be innocent right? I mean it’s not like you bought in racism to just try to accuse me being a racist or hateful just because i aknowledged that a casual opinion on a video game is harmless and you’re just overreacting… /s
Honestly, i know wonder how you would react to other meritless opinions on the internet. Makes me wonder why your on the internet to begin with if you think they are harmful. Or let me guess, it’s only okay if it’s against something you dislike?..
Let’s get back to Matthew’s comment which is why i’ve disagreed with it, again.
Simply put, without telling somebody what they need to do in order to play it “properly” in their minds, or that the solution requires money or a huge time investment for a video game, (again, MMO’s are still video games) it’s no longer about solving the problem, but now showing pure bias.
As in, you simply dislike the person because they dislike your game, and you’re trying everything you can to force them to like it, or at least goad them out of their time and money as punishment for not liking the game in the first place. I have a problem with that regardless what game it is, even on WoW where people say the same crap for “Oh you haven’t reaaaaaaaaly played M+” and so on.
And to be quite honest with you, i don’t ever want to touch Final Fantasy again after that. I know now no matter how much i try the game, it will never be accepted, it will never be enough, simply to some people it’s solely because i didn’t like it.
And i still don’t think FF14 is a bad game. It’s just not my cup of tea. Neither is OP’s. But i think it’s safe to assume that the taste has been far ruined for the both of us and anybody here who disliked FF14 (not think it’s terrible) at this point.
How is a discussion on racism political? Unless you’re suggesting one political party supports racism. Not that I’d disagree with that. Goddangit look what you did. Now it’s political!
No, i’m not. And you’re a fool for thinking i’ve ever said or implied that. And i don’t seriously care what political side you lean on (nor it’s relevant, it wasn’t ever relevant until YOU bought it up out of nowhere), a stupid thing you said is still a stupid thing you said.
You trying to turn this on me is disingenuous of you.
And again, going back to here, since you love keep going off-topic a lot and i’ve to constantly pull you out of your politics and food…
So funny that a thread in the off topic has more replies than most threads in General. I think it’s kind of telling about the state that WoW is currently in. Anyways, 14 hours is not near enough time to judge a game (especially an MMORPG). You also don’t really explain what you didn’t like about it in your post.
Not sure how that’s funny, let alone surprising, but alright…
Threads with high comments aren’t really anything but threads with high comments. It being in any topic other then GD doesn’t mean much of anything.
Well he wasn’t trying to review the game, he was simply trying the game out and giving us his opinions about his first impressions. Why does he feel the need to give us an opinion? I don’t know, and quite frankly, it’s not my place to tell anybody they need to have a reason in order to post their opinions online. And this goes for everybody.
That we can agree on. Especially with his “Combat is hilarious and mindless” point.
Now lynching is politics? Again the ONLY way that could work is if you’re suggesting one side supports lynching. AGAIN I can’t disagree but you’re making this political.
Again, only a fool thinks racism has nothing to do with politics, and try to think what i’m saying is “one side supports lynching” when i didn’t say or imply that.
Do you have any other argument then creating this massive strawman out of something i’ve never said or is this you once again trying to use racism against me to call me a bad person or a racist for my arguments once again?..
“I know what you are, but what am i?”… Do you have another argument other then that or is that it?..
I’m not the one who bought racism/misogyny/homophobia out of nowhere in the first place. You did.
The fact you keep on ignoring your own comment and blaming me for bringing politics into a thread, is telling what kind of character you are that your worse then the other guys here. (Whom one of them even admitted being a troll)
Now are we going to steer this discussion back on track, or are you going to keep going off topic trying to make me look like the bad guy here with no actual arguments?..
Again the only way a discussion can be political is if one side supports it and the other doesn’t. A political discussion by its very nature REQUIRES policy or dogma which are opposed. You can’t have a political discussion if both sides agree.