Tried FF14 for 2 full days

So we can drop your argument and dismiss it then. Alright.

Fine. But the ignorance you’re speaking of is not the same ignorance that happens with racism and such. As in, OP didn’t do it out of malicious intentions, just more or less incompetence.

If anything, the ignorance with these sorts of posts are quite honestly expected and normal. Do i think he should be more informed? Sure. Does it bother me so greatly that he’s not informed? No.

I do mention a few times they he should’ve taken a page out of my FF14 thread on how to make a good first impressions thread, while stating your honest opinion in a way that isn’t inflammatory. I wouldn’t hold my breath until he does though however…

I’m already making posts that articulate my thoughts into extensive detail already, i think i’m past the point of wanting that to happen if it’s already happening. That’s like saying “I want a Ryzen 7 3800XT Oc to 4.1GHZ, 64GB DDR4 3200mhz of ram, B550M Pro 4 motherboard, 2TB SSD and 8TB HDD”… while being on a computer that already has those things…

Though i guess if you want to deny it, that’s on you then. :man_shrugging:

You’re acting like i don’t do that already. Otherwise, i wouldn’t be responding to you in extensive detail now, don’t i?..

I said i didn’t agree with OP’s opinion.

Why you think i have too agree with him, just because i disagree with your opinions?..

Oh, that’s not what you’ve said? then start acknowledging that i don’t take OP’s side on this. It’s not hard mate. :man_shrugging:

To quote Brian Griffin from Family Guy…

“That’s… Better?..”

I find it funny you think he wouldn’t troll if i weren’t here. Heck he’d be replying to you right now. In fact he likely is.

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I didn’t mean he wouldn’t if you weren’t here. I just mean, why feed him?

And you’re probably right. He developed an obsession with me so he’s probably whipping up some google university response I won’t read.

Yes it is. Racism doesn’t have to be inherantly hateful. It is racist to assume all Asians are good at math. Or all Indian people are great with computers. Neither of those is hateful.

To quote you, that’s your subjective opinion. In MY opinion if your argument has no basis in fact shouting louder or using words you have a limited grasp on doesn’t make the argument better. It just makes your ignorance worse.

You spend lots of time responding but very little comprehending bud.

I did, read part 1 of my previous post. Then read it again, and try to comprehend it this time.

I never once suggested or implied the OPs ignorance was based on hatred. I suggested your actions are mostly used to defend ignorance and hatred. Given you just agreed the OPs thoughts are ignorance, clearly i was right.

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Neither do you…

Pot meet kettle.

Pot meet kettle.

Yeah i’ve started off with the “You haven’t really played the game” card, did i?.. Oh wait, thats’ you.

Ad-hom much?..

…Sounds like you’re not that great at your job then.

It’s still has nothing to do with the merits of my argument, it’s just a character attack.

Yeah, it’s only bad when Bari gives his thoughts on somebody’s opinion about me. But it’s totally okay when somebody give their thoughts about me… /s :confused:

If this is your attempt to make me sound dumb, it seemed to backfired with you admitting you won’t even read it … Yet, you’re calling me a troll…

What? /10 char

You don’t have to read everything if you know the basis of the argument is flawed. There are literally hundreds of papers submitted supporting the flat earth “theory” We know that it’s BS however, not because of mainstream science or anything else they might try to discredit, but simply because there is not ONE model by which you can explain both the day/night cycle and the seasons with a flat earth. They’ve tried (poorly) to do one or the other, but the two are contradictory. Basically it is impossible to have both day and night and seasons as we do with a flat Earth, so their “theory” is disproven. Nothing they can say or do will change that.

No it’s not. You’re overblowning this then it needed to be.

In 2021?..

I don’t think you realize that we have grown an intolerant against racism that we don’t even consider it to be an innocent sort of thing anymore like it did back in the old days where America was racist as crap?..

Stereotypingly racist, yes. But nobody uses this anymore.


For the time they were said. These days, we know better.

… You know, if you’re going to quote me, actually quote me saying that…

Plus, i beckon you to go though my post history and tell me that i’m not doing that.

So why your comparison to racism to somebody giving meritless opinions on a video game excludes from that? I mean it has no basis in fact…

I don’t think you’re in the position to be calling me “ignorant” when you’ve devalued the word “Racism” over something trivial like this…

Pot meet kettle.

You’re still trying to put in the idea that i agree with OP here. You saying “i did read it” but still say this, isn’t really helping your case here.

What part of my posts indicate i defend ignorance and hatred?.. or even OP’s arguments?..

Also, you say “i never once suggested”, but complaining about me “defending ignorance and hatred”. If you’re not talking about OP being ignorance and hatred, then why you have a problem with my posts to a point where you accuse me of defending ignorance and hatred?..

You guys are treating like it’s bad for me to reply to you guys… And i called out on your hypocrisy.

Yes you have to actually. Just skimming it or not reading it is conjecture. Incomplete information. Something that you guys complained about to OP and me for doing. Yet you’re okay with conjecture on your part?

Nobody’s talking about flat earth… :man_facepalming:

Nope, they’re still not hateful. They’re ignorant, but not hateful. You’re flatly wrong here so as above, I’m dismissing this and moving on.

I guess i’ll have to do the same thing here. But in the interest of having the last word (i’ll simply ignore any further discussions on this) I never COMPARED him to racism. It’s literally a point you answer (without reading) here. I stated what YOU are doing is mostly used to defend ignorance AND hatred (racism) It doesn’t have to be both.

BS, i don’t spend NEARLY as much time responding to you and you know it.

No i’m not, i’m “put in the idea” that what you’re doing is used to defend ignorance and hatred. For like the 50th time.

I guess i have to explain how words work? Ignorance and hatred is a group of things. If you are ignorant, you are part of that group. If you are hateful, you are also part of that group. You do not have to be both.

You guys? Quote where i said it’s bad for you to reply. Even once. He did sure but i did not.

No you don’t. If i know you’re wrong reading further is a waste of time. Just like reading any of those papers would be a waste of time because they are inherently flawed. Thus the example given.

Bingo. The very reason I stopped.

But you say it’s amusing.

I’m skimming at best. Half the time i realize he’s making argument #5 again 3 words into the paragraph and simply skip it.

PS: Life is a waste of time, may as well enjoy it :wink:

That doesn’t change what they are now, because we know better.

I mean if you want to be wrong about reality, then be my guest. I don’t think you’re qualified to talk about racism in the sort at all to make this comparison…

You know guys, maybe instead of focusing intently on “having the last word”, we could maybe have a productive discussion…?

So you’re simply not going dismiss your own arguments then. Because shockingly, telling me you’re going to ignore me, isn’t convincing…

No, you’ve compared what i’ve said to racism.

Nothing i’ve said is even in the same darn ballpark mate. You are trying to use a comparison to discredit what i’ve said here because somebody who is stinking racist did… what exactly? Said “oh i have X friends, i can’t be racist” line?..

Literally anything or any argument can be compared to racism if you are looking though those lens. Were talking about somebody trying FF14 for 2 days and were talking about my telling to just ignore it if it bugs you… it literally doesn’t go that deep.

…Apparently it’s okay for you do the same you’ve complained me about doing…

I’ve already explained two responses ago in this comment, so i’l refer to you as that…

I should be explaining to you know words work, as well what racism is…

That’s not the point i was trying to make… :man_facepalming:

I get it, once upon a time, racism can be excused because it was normal. Now it’s the normal to think even ignorance can be hateful, because of how much we know better.

You could be ignorant once these days, but you can’t be ignorant twice.

I said “treat”, not “said”… One is implications without explicitly saying it, and the other is explicitly saying it.

Yes you do. Otherwise why call it conjecture or wrong, or really anything if you can’t be bothered to actually go and read it completely? I mean you have a problem with me comprehending, and yet here you are, admitting to not wanting to comprehend yourself by refusing to read fully because to your subjective opinion it’s “A Waste of time” when following your logic to it’s logical conclusion, anything can be deemed a waste of time to you and you wouldn’t need to read any further…

Which begs the question, why are you even here??? You clearly think OP’s comment is a waste of time… This is why i call out on your many many hypocrisies here… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That’s such a nonsense statement. Things don’t suddenly become hateful because society is woke. Being ignorant is not the same thing as being hateful.


Again, link where i said you can’t reply. That was him, not me.

No it’s not. Ignorance can be taught, hatred doesn’t care about logic or reason.

So now you’re assuming motives. Ok, link one ARGUMENT, where i implied that you even replying devalues your argument. Your arguments devalue themselves you dont’ need help.

No you don’t.

I didn’t say they “became hateful” , i said, we think of them as hateful now.

So you don’t want a productive discussion then? Well i do, but i guess that’s a shame you don’t want it.

I didn’t say “you said i can’t reply”… I said “Apparently it’s okay for you to complain about what you think i’m spending my time responding, but being okay with spending your time responding too”.

Well that’s your subjective opinion mate. We live in an age where we don’t even think twice about if the person is being ignorant or not and they just instantly go straight to “oh their being racist”.

Not that it’s a good thing, because obviously, swinging in the extreme other direction and accusing things of racist for the littlest of things isn’t good either, considering it devalues the word and the actual racism that goes on.

You say that as if i changed what my comment was about… I’ve clearly said “treated”…

Look in that comment i was referring to when i said “treated” then.

You were clearly talking me up as if i’m a troll, and therefore by that alone, you’re implying that my reply will “devalue my arguments” as you implied with that. Because you aren’t speaking highly or even neutrally about me with that “Heck he’d be replying to you right now, in fact he likely is”… Either way, it’s just a character attack that has nothing to do with my arguments…

So you want your opinions to have conjecture then?.. I mean it’s your comment, i’m just trying to give you helpful advice and not make yourself look silly by applying double standards…

I’m sure you know what Conjecture is…

an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

Also… didn’t you said this?.. :point_down:

Which is still nonsense. For one i’m part of “we” and I’m not stupid enough to think that way.

No it’s not pal. It’s flat out fact. Even if society DID change to believe that it wouldn’t make it true. (It hasn’t btw, just some vocal idiots on both sides of the ideological spectrum)

You clearly are a troll, your arguments make that clear. That statement has nothing to do with you choosing to reply. I simply stated fact. (I was right btw you WERE replying to him, but i never even implied that in and of itself was trolling)

That’s a separate argument? The two arguments i have dismissed are:

  1. Society becoming woke somehow means ignorance is now the same as hate.
  2. Your insistence that I’m COMPARING OPs ignorance to racism. When i never did anything of the sort.

This is about whether you have to read something if you know it’s base argument is wrong. You don’t. It’s not conjecture when I can categorically dismiss any argument you may have because it’s literally impossible you are correct. Thus the flat earth example where something has literally been proven impossible.

Neither do I. Which is why i said this… :point_down:

Feel free to deny it all you wish. Doesn’t really change anything about what it is now… :man_shrugging:

Because making arguments for your case and articulating them in detail are trolling now. /s :roll_eyes:

Nothing i’ve said is about “Choosing to reply”. You should drop this strawman.

Why treat replying as if some sort of “gotcha” moment when i’m just giving my thoughts on his thoughts? What’s wrong with that to a point where you have to be like “AHA! I KNEW IT! YOU ARE REPLYING TO HIM!!!”

So why you called me a troll in that comment then if you don’t think replying is trolling then? I mean you haven’t even explained how my arguments are trolling…

Either way, you said you won’t get into further discussions about it, but you’re still doing it in the last and this comment.

Some people think ignorance is now the same as hate. You’re ignoring the very important keyword here.

Regardless whom your comparing it too, it’s neither racism, hatred, or even the same ignorance you’re thinking of.

Hanlon’s razor

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Yes. You clearly have a problem with people not doing the reading. I am trying to make your argument look consistent so it doesn’t make you come across as a huge hypocrite.

You’re are literally skipping information that would make your opinion have merit. If you’re okay with conjecture on your part, then you have to be okay with conjecture on OP’s part. Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite.

…is irrelevant, because unlike the flat earth, what you think can’t be corrected or not is your subjective opinion. We are talking about a random stranger giving his conjecture opinion on a video game. I repeat, We are talking about a random stranger giving his conjecture opinion on a video game.

Literally. Doesn’t. Go. That. Deep.

Well since this silliness is going on, i figure i might as well take a look at OP’s thread and see what is the big gosh darn deal is that caught me so much flak, so hot, it will even make heat melt… cause now i’m really interested…

Ehh, i thought it was alright. Just not my cup of tea or anything.

I do agree the beginning of the game’s cutscenes should have voice actors in it. I mean this is Squenix for crocodile jesus’s sake. They will make any video game look and sound pretty great. I don’t know why that didn’t give VA in the beginning after some time has past.

I do heard on the grapevine that the newer content definitionally has VA. But don’t take my word for it.


That’s honestly fine, though i don’t think you should say it’s a terrible (or good) game based off of that.

Or maybe you saying “It’s just terrible” is referring to your own experience with the game, and not the game itself… :thinking: Hmm…

Speaking on my own experience, the character customization options. That’s my “Woah, that’s amazing, i love it” moment.

Pretty Xbox 360 este, reminds me of Assassin’s Creed 2 almost. I can see how that can be appealing.

As much i like the mogs in WoW, i do have to give credit for Squnenix for making actual 3D armor and having them look pretty… Well maybe the gear from vanilla should need some serious updates…

Okay to this day, i still don’t get this strange line.

I mean sure, Final Fanasty does excellently as a Single-Player game, and i guess in some aspect, the MMO plays good as a single-player game, but it’s more of an Order i’ve noticed the said “reviewer” has put them in and wondering why it’s put… in the “con” camp if you will. Both are RPG’s and Both are MMO’s.

That’s fine. you’re not obligated to play any further if you dislike it. :raised_hand:

You did made it further then i ever did so… :star:

It’s not a gotcha moment. I was correct. You’re upset about fact. Also the other guy is right, find more memes yours are tired and worn out.

And some people think the world is flat. Doesn’t mean a thing.

Oh it’s definitely the same ignorance i’m thinking of. WILLFUL ignorance. This guy claims to have played WOW. He’s well aware classes start off boring with 1-3 abilities you use over and over. Heck some classes actually have to sit and Shocking drink to regen their mana. The fact that he didn’t even hit level 60 on a toon before forming an opinion makes this WILLFUL ignorance.

Wrong. If at level 10 in FF14, there was a pop up that said this is how your class plays forever, thank you for playing FF14. Then i’d agree he only needed to get to level 10 to give his opinion. If flat earth was POSSIBLE, i’d agree we should read the papers and consider it. These are not reality.

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