Tried FF14 for 2 full days

You were treating it as such.

I’m upset about fact? :laughing:

This is coming from the same person who is shoehorning in racism, and acting like what i’m doing is like defending hatred or racism… I don’t think you know what facts are…

You couldn’t even say his name. Come on Leafblight. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s Matthew. Matthew the Mail Clerk. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well sorry you subjectively don’t find me funny, but i’m not going to change over one person.

Racist and Flat Earthers are not the same thing. I don’t know why you keep on forcing a comparison between two things that has nothing to do with one another…

Willfulness implies intentionally doing it. Not by accident or incompetence.

Have you heard of Willful blindness?..

Willful blindness or Wilful blindness (sometimes called ignorance of law,[1]: 761 willful ignorance, contrived ignorance, intentional ignorance or Nelsonian knowledge) is a term used in law to describe a situation in which a person seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally keeping themselves unaware of facts that would render them liable or implicated.

While it’s a law term, it pretty much means that the ignorance was no accident.

Going back to racism, the only time ignorance is accidental is a lack of knowing better in the first place. There’s not really willful ignorance per say, because that pretty much feeds into racism with malice the intent.

What you are describing is still something completely different for the stranger on the internet posting his opinion on a video game, or that somebody disagreeing with the mate who is being elitist about that stranger. I mean i don’t see where in my arguments that even warrants such a response from you in the first place to begin with… You just sort of pulled it out of thin air…

… Are you trying to accuse of something for not agreeing with Matthew? Because i really hope not. I seriously hope you don’t go where i don’t want you to go… :confused:

So just ignore it.

Or … since you have a problem with ignoring meritless opinions apparenlty (Must be your allergy)… here’s an idea… why not you… Just correct him on what he got wrong, fill him in on the details and overall be constructive? :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

You keep saying “Wrong”, but by your own logic, your own opinions would be objectively incomplete and meritless if your just intentionally skipping info. Are you saying your logic is wrong now?..

You know given how many times you keep going back to racism and flat earth, pretty much tells me your arguments don’t have enough merit to stand on their own.

What’s next, you’re going to bring up US Presidents?.. Bigfoot? Aliens? The Chupacabra? Santa Clause being real? Seinfeld not being funny? People who never watched Lord of the Rings? Kayne West? Battle Royale Games? People who think Fortnite is a masterpiece? Playstation Fans? Asmongold? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s called examples. I know it’s not the same tired meme over and over but that’s how non trolls make an argument.

Still doesn’t make them good. I mean literally anybody can make off-topic examples about racism and flat-earthers that really has nothing to do with the topic at hand or does nothing to add to the discussion…

What did i do that made you gave such examples like that? I’ve never seen in any of my arguments that suggest that would be warranted or be warranted for a comparison to try to discredit what i’m saying. Or imply something about my character that has nothing to do with the arguments… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Speaking of which, you did avoided this question here…

How does somebody determine a game is terrible when they barely even played it?


Ahh but that’s where you’re wrong, yet again. I’m not making a simile here. The two things don’t have to be alike as long as the principle is clear and universal. You just don’t like it because it clearly shows how ridiculous your arguments are.

Again, you keep saying wrong, but you’re more or less denying it…

And i have a consistent sleep schedule. /s

Unless you’re trying to accuse me of something, none of the principles between the two things here are clear and universal. But considering you keep on saying “yes, the ignorance are the same thing”, and you say “the two things don’t have to be alike”… I’m starting to see why…

You kept on shoehorning it as this “example” because your own arguments don’t have merit on it’s own. Why not strengthen your own arguments instead of giving examples that doesn’t even connect.

And here’s the definition of example…

a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.

Nothing about what i’ve said has anything to do with racism… I mean you didn’t even point anything out. all you did is just say “Wrong” like a US president, but never, if any, rarely point out where or what i’ve done wrong…

Also, you backpeddled when i’ve asked you this, didn’t you?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Either way, flat-earthers or racism doesn’t have anything to do with this topic or what i’ve said. The idea you’re trying to bring forth, isn’t the matter of principle for better arguments and principles, but deconstructing somebody’s character and discredit their opinion because you think they are about as the same as Flat-Earthers or Racists, if somebody disagrees with your subjective rules and suggested to ignore that comment if it made you upset. Nobody has bought racism until you did. I’m seriously wondering why you’re trying making it about morality and try to grandstand when this is a random stranger on the internet talking about his opinions about video games.

Why not just ignore it? I mean it’s just a silly opinion. Even i don’t agree with it but i gave somewhat constructive feedback to the OP. :man_shrugging:

And i don’t try to accuse somebody of something that was never relevant to this topic…

and so you should know it’s mediocre.

Yes they are. If you know something is wrong, you don’t need to give it equal credence, or even listen to it. This is yet another fallacy used to protect hatred and ignorance.

No, you just don’t know how to actually argue something. If you don’t have an example then your argument is lacking.

And you keep running away to this comparison you invented. I never said what you OR op said was racism, i said what you’re doing is mostly used to defend ignorance and hatred.

Yes it does. Racists hide behind people who defend ignorance and hatred as opinion or faith. Exactly what you’re doing.

Flat earthers argue alot but they’re flatly wrong so there is no reason to waste time listening to them. Much like you.

See the correlation?

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So you are trying to accuse me of something. :expressionless:

Maybe that’s why you kept on avoiding that question and keep on saying “oh this is used to protect hatred and ignorance”…

…I love how you put those two things together even though your example isn’t even relevant in the slight and just shoehorned in to just to try to assassinate my character.

I invented the comparison? Nobody was talking about racism until you started to. I’m trying to get this topic back on track. :laughing:

And yet you continue to still try to think i am by saying “Oh this is used to protect hatred and ignorance…” even though you’re backpedding on this.

…You just compared me to a racist… :confused:

You literally think i’m that bad of a person just because of my arguments for some…

...random stranger on the internet, giving his meritless opinion on a video game, which happens all the gosh darn time.

I mean it’s not even subtle anymore.

What is it you said earlier? Let’s put these two quotes back to back.

Another back to back qoute again.

One more time, so it can reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy sinks in…

Oh wait, let me guess, you’re going to backpedal and say it’s an “Example”, right? :roll_eyes: /s

With the amount of projection you’re displaying here as well the ungodly amount of character attacks that has nothing to do with the arguments themselves, i only see the correlation ends and starts with you and Matt.

…Is that why you took a day to respond to me just to attack my character and not argue much?.. What, are you going to take two days to… give me the same character attacks over and over again?..

Even Matty doesn’t pull the racist and morality cards against me when i disagreed with him. You actually made me gain respect for him. :man_facepalming:

He is messing with you, right? He’s not serious?

You don’t have to pay extra money at all.

Create multiple characters.

Problem solved. I’m a genius!!

My example is perfect. Something is plainly wrong but vocal. Doesn’t mean you listen.


Nope, not backpeddling at all. The nonsense you’re doing is used to defend ignorance and hatred. I’ll say it a 1000 times.

No i compared you to

Seriously, learn to read. If you’re 12 years old then you get a pass and i’ll move onto someone more educated to debate with.

So perfect that you have to say i’m wrong over and over again… If you think it’s so perfect, why you feel to need to tell me i’m wrong or go like “No no, i’m right!!!” then?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, how dare i respond to your “Examples”…

"just listen and believe! :upside_down_face: "


I love how you just ignored my full comment there. So here it is again.

It’s like even you couldn’t try to find a way to deny that you objectively bought racism into a topic that has no business being in. Here is your original comment that did, in case you forgot. :point_down:

Sure, and i have a bridge to sell you…

You didn’t even gave example of somebody actually defending ignorance and hatred to your… “example” to explain how is my argument is like exactly that. You just said it and never followed up on that…

You can backpedal all you want, but you’ve stilled objectively compared me to a racist, and therefore, you’re saying (by implying) i’m that bad of a person morally because of my arguments and using that to grandstand. You are trying so hard to imply i’m just as bad without explicitly saying it, and that comparison is confirmation enough that you bringing up racism isn’t out of incompetence but though malice. That’s just bad faith and just an immature thing to do my dude. I think you have seriously bigger problems then me if this is what you consider a good argument…

How about you learn to read? and learn what actual racism, ignorance and hatred is?.. Because quite honestly, you don’t sound educated on that sort of topic if seriously think somebody making disagreeing arguments against yours is equal or makes them just as bad as a racist.

…Why do you genuinely think i’m not being serious?..

I mean do you honestly believe that leafblight is being serious? Even though this is the same guy who bought up racism right out of nowhere to try to attack my character (and that’s just one of his character attacks…) for my arguments is serious???.. :point_down: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Genuine question Greyhide, Why not just… ignore OP’s thread if you think it’s meritless then?.. It just seems silly to let get angry over a random stranger’s meritless but ultimately harmless take on things.

And that’s what really what OP’s opinion is. Harmless. You think OP is literally going to take FF14 down or make it hatred, or even change how we try games or really anything with him not giving it a “fair shake”?.. No. It literally doesn’t affect anybody. :confused:

Your lack of comprehension does not negate anything? What fantasy world do you live in where unreasonable people change their minds?

Listening and responding are two very different things.


Why would i want to buy a bridge?

That’s because my example isn’t about defending anything, it’s about not reading/listening to something you know is incorrect.

No i didn’t, racists are hiding behind people like you. Again comprehension. How do you hide behind yourself?

You keep saying “Lack of comprehension” while your the same guy who said this…

“Do as i say, not as i do!..”

What fantasy world do you live in where somebody disagreeing with you is defending racism or hatred, or think it’s a good argument at all to bring either of these at all into a topic that has nothing to do with them…?..

Ironic, because you keep trying to paint me as bad in every single light in every single chance you can get without thinking the logic behind what you’ve said…

If i didn’t listened, then i wouldn’t responded…

I’m not the one who bought up racism. That’s on you. And ignoring my previous comment doesn’t change or negate anything. I even pointed out the comments that you actually did compared me to a racist and did started the racism comment. Here it is again… :point_down:

And here’s you making a comparison.

Because you’re quite frankly reaching with your dishonesty by denying it constantly. I mean the level of dishonesty you’re displaying is astounding in how much you really wanted to grandstand.

Your words, not mine. :kissing:

You should seriously take your own advice leafy…

You can scream til your blue into the face saying “NO I DIDN’T”, but you’ve actually did compared me to a racist.

And there you go again. Implying i’m just as bad as racists by saying “Racists are hiding behind people like you” because what else you expect me to take away?.. :roll_eyes:

Seriously, what is that line suppose to mean when you say “Racists are hiding behind people like you”? It’s pretty hateful to devalue a word like that by using it against somebody who disagreed with you on a topic of some random stranger sharing their meritless yet harmless opinion about a silly video game. OP and i didn’t even say anything race related until you brought it up.

If ever i needed a great example of how devalued that word is, i wouldn’t need to look any further then your comments here…

Plus, didn’t you just made this comment awhile back… responding to my comment in agreement?..

…Why is that suddenly the whole “this X is great, you just need to get past the Y amount of hours to get to the good bits” argument is good and you disagree with me to a point where you call me argument bad essentially?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Actually, you know what? Let me take a look at this comment that followed up my response for that comment actually.

Alright, so for the answer that Google spat back at me, One piece has 981 episodes (Jesus), and from this argument alone for the sake of argument sakes, the first 100 episodes are bad. (I really don’t know how good one piece and their first 100 episodes, so feel free to correct me. I’ve never watch it before)

Granted, 100 episodes out of near 1k is like 10% of the entire show, if the show being an A is anything to be believed. But if i were to think about watching that show see if i like it, and i hear that, that’s going to sway my opinion away from the show. 100’s of episodes is a lot to sit though to get to the better stuff. Especially since there’s an ungodly amount to go though.

In the same way where sitting for possibly 100’s of hours playing FF14 until i’m at a point where it gets better is too long. I want the game i’m playing or show i’m watching to be good right off the bat and get better overtime. And hence why i think what Matthew has said was unreasonable, since OP’s experience mirrors my own experience with FF14 a bit. And it does annoy me to see this sort of thing unironically said without thinking the implications behind that thought process. I don’t want to be put into the position to say “my game is bad at the beginning, but it will get better if you invest a good chunk of time into it” to other people. I mean imagine if i said that about WoW. :confused:

"Oh yea, WoW is great!!.. just spend 8 hours grinding though the levels and spend 24 hours though shadowlands, get ilvl 200 and then it will magicly get better!! :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow: "

Reading and comprehending are two different things. Try again. Not even going to read the rest until you actually understand what you’re arguing.

So that’s why you’re not going to read my comments then since you can’t be bothered to comprehend what i’ve said then? I’ve comprehend what i’ve said pretty well despite what you keep on saying over and over again. Maybe next time don’t bring racism to a casual debate. Just a thought. :man_shrugging:

So you’re admitting to conjecture on your part and you have no reason to think my arguments or me are bad then and you’re just trolling (i mean no sane individual brings racism into a topic like this). Alright.