Tried FF14 for 2 full days

Define Common sense first off, since i’m looking at the definition here.

good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.

Well first off, i don’t throw alts at people… because it’s quite honestly a waste of time… so there’s that… I mean it’s a waste of time to switch characters anyways since i just need one and that’s that.

Second, you see some random comment on the internet, talking about a game you while admitting to playing this amount of hours that doesn’t line up to how much you want that person to play for, and your first thought is “You haven’t REAAAAAAAAALY played it”. Common sense wise, i would just, ignore that comment or just say “well good for you”… Because taking the time aspect out, it’s just somebody expressing their opinion on something. It happens all the time, i don’t know why anybody would feel the need to make it a special case here…

I will say this though, i wouldn’t go far to say FF14 is terrible. I would believe it’s a great game, just not my cup of tea.

But if you are going to disallow somebody’s opinion just because they disliked what you like because they didn’t “play it” under your rules, at least be consistent with it and say the same to “Liking it”, if somebody decides to like the game under that time too.

Oh Lord… round and round we go.

I know, right!?

How about you actually respond to a single thing to my comment? like this one?

I mean you’re not even saying anything to it at this point and pretending i’m making nonsense… and yet you’re here playing puppets with your alts… not saying anything worth of value, being nonsensical with your whole “lol you stupid” attitude.

…Lemme guess, you’re gonna throw more alts at me, huh? :roll_eyes:

You never were to begin with. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Now run along

Nice “I know you are, but what am i?” comeback, haven’t seen that for the entire conversation we have been havi-- oh wait.

Like the inclusion of :face_with_raised_eyebrow: though.

No, I mean that the classes are based on a template, one heavily ripping off mists of pandaria-era wow. Each has similar rotations and similar abilities, as long as you are within one of the archetypes: tank, healer, ranged, melee, caster.

you learning about the game through old youtube videos is not the same as being there.


I’ve played FF14 since HW and WoW since TBC.

I know how the classes play. I play.

Yes he does. His opinion is literally meaningless without giving it a proper chance. Hey I watched that movie trailer. The movie sucks/is amazing. Either way no one cares what I think because I’d be talking out my butt.

I said the female Ghostbusters was gonna suck bad eggs, never saw it when it came out and low and behold it sucked bad eggs.

People don’t have to play a game for a hundred hours or more to decide it isn’t worth it. Same as people don’t have to see a movie to know if its worth it or not.

For mmos a hundred hours is a commitment. People wanna see if they’re gonna wanna commit so if the beginning couple hours is not fun regardless of it being slow or not, then people won’t commit to playing any longer.

Disagree with the op all you want but he’s just as much entitled to his opinion just like anyone else.

What you consider “proper chance” is subjective. Just because you’re trying to paint him as saying “Oh this trailer sucks” doesn’t make it so.

He disliked a game on his own time, and that’s that. I don’t know why you feel the need to de-legitimatize his opinions because he’s not holding up to your standards. He’s not getting paid to review. :confused:

Plus, if you think it’s meaningless… why did you comment on his opinion at all? just ignore it… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well at least your consistent in your rules. So that’s better then nothing i suppose. :man_shrugging:

Just ignore it? You must be new to the internet. He must know his opinion is worthless.

He specifically stated issues he had that would apply to wow too if he gave it such an insignificant chance.

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I don’t agree with his opinion, and his methods of argumentation of delivering that opinion is open to criticize the merits of itself… like this strange line…

…but he is allowed to have the opinion he has about the game despite the hours put in and open a dialect without being told “Actually, you need to play X amount of Days before you decide to like or hate something”. Like can we not set such unnessercary gates in front of people like that or else you deem it meaningless, especially since it’s very subjective to person to person?.. :confused:

This is why i said “just ignore it if you think it’s meaningless”…

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things if he gave it what you arbitrary deemed to be a “fair chance”?.. You and Matt would have a point if OP said “i’m going to review it”…

Yes actually. Had he given it a fair shake his opinion would have merit. This crazy idea some people seem to have that just because it’s your opinion it can’t be factually wrong or simply uneducated ignorance baffles me. It’s nothing more than moral gamesmanship that only ever seems to be used to defend racism/homophobia/misogyny If your opinion is based on nothing then it IS nothing.

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Just ignore him. He’s doing nothing more than arguing for the sake of arguing and spamming that Adam Lambert pic that wasn’t funny the first time but by jove, try it 4 more times to see if that changes!

Anyone intelligent knows you cannot just barely try something and come up with a valuable opinion on it. Conjecture would never hold up anywhere. I can’t set up my chess board, move my first piece and say “this game sucks” and expect people to value my opinion. Whether they’re paid or not, he chose to make an entire thread about it. That goes beyond just “having an opinion”.

He’s not here to converse with anyone for real. I even popped out an alt and he’s like “I’ve never seen you before” yet he’s one of the top people to heart my alts comments!

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You wouldn’t think his opinion would have merit anyways. :confused:

The crazy idea some people seem to have that you can’t just ignore an opinion and must treat it like it’s not a random stranger’s opinion baffles me.

The guy doesn’t like FF14, and that’s that. It doesn’t affect you or anybody just because you think he has no merit.

Okay, this is getting into straight up Talonal territory now.

What is this “Moral gamesmanship” you speak of? Why were inserting “morality” into a random stranger’s comments that you yourself called meaningless (yet still here)?.. If you have to compare it to racism/homophobia/misogyny… why not just… gasp, ignore it? :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

“Morality” aside and staright talking normal stuff… If somebody tells me that i need to put in their arbitrary amount of days or hours into a game before i decide to hate it or love it… you’re pretty much telling me the game is bad at the beginning. It’s in different in effect to “Just play 100 hours, it will get better”…

Speaking of which, here’s the same video i had to give to Matthew here, because you need it quite franky. :point_down:

…Yes Leafy, listen to the guy who just throws his alts at me and tries to speak for the world. I’m sure he’s completely 100% reasonable and won’t use silly arguments like… /s :roll_eyes:

Though to his real credit, at least Matthew doesn’t use the argument of “morality”…

Oh i’m sorry, at least i can actually argue for my points, and i don’t plug my ears and yell “nonsense” and throw ad-homs, “the world”, as well as alts over and over like you’ve done. At this point, you’re pretty much complimenting my ability to articulate my points.

I wasn’t trying to make you laugh with that gif, it was simple a fancy way of saying “so what?”…

Anyone intelligent knows if you find an opinion meaningless, you ignore it… yet here you here.

Your comparisons are the epitome of conjecture.

That’s still having an opinion.

Could he not called it a terrible game? If that’s the only problem, then sure. I don’t think it’s a terrible game myself. I think it’s great… if you’re into Final Fantasy and it’s lore. Or want something that isn’t WoW.

Me personally, i’m more of a Guild Wars 2 kind of guy, if i had to pick an alt MMO to WoW. :slight_smile:

I don’t know Matty, 500 comments and OP responding to other people? Seems like conversing to me. The only difference is, he’s not having silly rules in place. :thinking:

If i have to check every single person who like and sand filter out of them while i go though the forums, i would be here until Seabiscuit decides to say “Seabiscuit out” again.

Funny that you said that and bring up that quote, it did sort of reminded me of something to look for, now talking about it. I did encountered you as Bloodlust before… :point_down:

And that’s in response to my comment, that has this in it.


Case in point :joy:

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Case and point what? The entire comment of mine?

That’s more like case and point of how to actually respond with substantive arguments and articulating your points. Something that you honestly should be doing instead of doing this …whatever it is your doing… Because shockingly, that doesn’t convince me that you’re the better person here… :confused:

Omg, he does it again!

I can’t even… :joy:

We know, you can’t even. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Kind of wish you could even, but i guess that’s asking for too much. :man_shrugging: