Tried FF14 for 2 full days


The OP barely played so his opinion on the game is useless.

That’s your subjective opinion.

I am really trying to have a dialect, but you keep on trolling. I mean what are you doing right now exactly? You’re trying your hardest to avoid having a discussion with me, all because you think i said something nonsensical, which you still haven’t even explained how it’s nonsensical, and i don’t think you ever will honestly.

Where i’ve trolled you? I’m not the one throwing ad-homs or saying “living in the forums” or acting like my opinion is the superior one like you’ve.

Mate, i’ve encountered so many comments of this kind, that are pretty much just “if you don’t play based on my arbitrary time length, then you can’t have an opinion on it! or else i’l mock you!”… Its seriously stupid to say that. Which is why i’ve corrected your original comment.

These sorts of comments aren’t unheard of to me…

He did gave it a chance. He doesn’t need to play to anybody’s arbitrary rules on what qualifies as “giving it a chance”.

There is no discussion with you. Your strawman comments have been debunked by more than just me. Yet you keep at it as if there is some sliver of hope to save face. You’re too obsessed to admit you’re in over your head and walk away.

Skimming through your post history, it seems as if this is not an isolated incident.

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Because you simply disallow it unless i’m in total agreement with you.

Saying “it’s nonsensical” without explaining it why isn’t debunking.

What the heck are you even talking about?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

For somebody who is calling me obsessed, you sure are obsessed with your comment wanting to be correct yourself… Kind of throwing stones at a glass house mate.

Why you’re bringing up my post history? It’s irrelevant to this discussion. That’s not what were talking about here.

This explains a lot.

Run along

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No, it’s a legit question. What are you talking about?


So it’s just a nonsensical comment you’ve made then since you can’t explain it and therefore you’re dismissing it. Alright.

Back to others, Why are you bringing up my post history? You are really reaching when you’re going to use my post history against me… Hypocritical as well considering you have a problem with me talking about that Karen backpeddle comment of yours…


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Maybe instead of spamming, you actually use your words and discuss?..

You didn’t even bother playing the game.

Why he has to play according to what you think is “played”?.. He’s not being paid to review a game. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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What a dumb response.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

Congratulations! I’ve pointed this out myself in 3 other threads lol

Hi self! I’ll bet he feels like a real sleuth!

So you’re now throwing alts against me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve never met your alts before, this is my first time seeing Bloodlust. And considering the post count, i can say that with coincidence.

Anything to draw out some common sense, I guess.

Hi self! Wishful thinking.

