Trenton Lighthammer - 'Did You Lose This?' quest bugged


Wow Classic, Alliance Paladin

I have an issue with blacksmithing quests specialisation quests as I completed them, but cannot access any specialization stuff.

I progressed the quest line down to

Did You Lose This?

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3321))


When I handed in the quest for ’ Did You Lose This?’ the questgiver stopped responding and did not complete the quest, so I dropped it and picked it back up again. I was able to complete it, and now its stuck.

and there was no linkage quest to

Grumnus Steelshaper

Visiting Grumnus Steelshaper does nothing
returning to Trenton Lighthammer does nothing.

I have the Glimmering Mithril Insignia reward from ‘Did You Lose This?’

There is no way for me on my end to fix this.

This is a truely old bug, can we at least progress it?