Classic anniversary - armoursmithing issues

Hey Wow Classic thing here.


I have an issue with the Blacksmithing specialisation in Anniversary Classic.

As per Trenton Lighthammer - 'Did You Lose This?' quest bugged

I have attempted resolution with an ingame ticket but was not able to get any progression with the ingame ticket system.

To recap. After I turned in the ‘Did you loose this’ quest, I travel to Ironforge. In Ironforge I click on the smith ( [ Bengus Deepforge there and select the armoursmith directions. Click though, get a little splashy on the armoursmith Grumnus Steelshaper infront of the great anvil. I click on armoursmith (Grumnus Steelshaper] and cant progress and there is no quest available either via a yellow (!) quest marker above his head or in the text/conversation UI box. The quest ( should be there.

I have completed the previous quest at ( [# Trenton Lighthammer Did You Lose This?] and obtained the quest reward item Glimmering Mithril Insignia

There should be quest available from the armoursmith called ( [# The Art of the Armorsmith . Nor can I select Weaponsmithing either.

This same bug happened to me in Burning Crusade, and I had to redo the entire blacksmithing profession in cataclysm/mop to get the specialisation.
This happened in vanilla when it first released.
This happened in the release of classic vanilla when it released (or it was spoken of in the trade chat frame on servers).

It is very silly for me to unlearn the profession and spend 50 plus hours doing it again. Do you folks not have a fix for such an iterative bug?
When can this be resolved?
This is not going to be like in cataclysm/mop where the only resolution is to relearn the entire profession well after any use can be gained from it?

Lastly, I know the #nochanges mob got their hands on all this jank, but comeon maaan.
Its stuck!

And to top it off I had to reformat the entire post to remove links due to the link limit.

a little while later

i do not understand why there was an a thing from a person who does that stuff?

ohhh it got moved. To a communal resource?