Tremendous amounts of information regarding pre-patch honor

Then there is only 1 option at this point right?

It took awhile, like ~12-15 hours, but not the 46 that one random guy was screeching about.

The majority of prepatch is not going off the values they were in for the first week. Objective honor was a little high when prepatch originally started too. I got weapons and shoulders and I saved about 50,000 honor before prepatch ended.

I was definitely not a tryhard and didn’t play insane amounts of time each day. I know honor cap was 75,000 honor now but I never knew what the honor cap was back then and 50,000 just felt like a good number to stop. Either way it never felt like a grind.

The double honor really puts HK honor at an ok rate. Basically everyone provides the honor that someone between rank 7 and 8 do.

Well these values existed long through season 1 and 2. Its possible it got nicked toward the latter half of season 2 or after season 2 was deactivated in preparation for season 3. The HK farming era existed for a long time after TBC was released. It used to be the meta for awhile until it was stopped by changes to the system.

Even in original TBC people were easily getting 2000-2500 honor per hour. Even in this double honor circumstance, about the same honor was possible. The thing that made honor better in later TBC using the later numbers was the concerted efforts npc being readded.

This is something that’s gonna help us as early as Season 1 in classic, which means the meta will be winning all 4 battlegrounds rather than farming HKs. It’ll definitely be different but I think it will be ok unless they disable the quest.

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Did blizzard take the honor back from players in 2006 when they nerfed the honor?


Instead of moving the goalposts, if you read my posts without any confirmation bias, you’ll start to realize that everything I’m saying is correct.

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Before cherry picking things like the guy who linked the honor values on items being reduced before season 3 came out, realize that some of these changes DID happen before the new season was released but after the previous season ended.

There was no instant transition between seasons like you see on retail, there was a period of time the arenas would not do rated games and periods of time where you were able to farm honor for the updated gear before the rated games would show up again. We might not get this preparation period in TBC classic.


are we in 2006? is the current pre patch like the one we had before? Is the honor the same as we had back then? (no i was there and i can tell you it was a lot faster to get this gear then now).

To make it simple it not the same game as 2006 as stated by blizz and if so why not listen to the community and use common sense for a pre patch that should mostly be for fun and used as a catch up mechanic?

You could read this thread that shows that you are actually getting more honor, with cheaper gear than 2006.

The increased honor was a bug, and that’s on Blizzard. You are still very capable of farming honor for gear.

Bug happen, and it’s not on Blizzard to punish players for their mistake.

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It’s a mis-mash of different patches from different eras affecting the game to the point that it plays very differently. As much as I want it to be authentic, some changes are being applied while others ones are not.

There are some mixed patch benefits that exist in Season 1 that were implemented in patch 2.4.0 that I’m looking forward to, so it might be good for us all in the end.

Then why not put everyone on the same starting lane of full cap?

It not a game when some have a better starting point then others.

So you want to give players who may not have even entered a BG full capped honor for…

And people say retail players want immediate satisfaction…

Then present a better option?

Grind for honor for gear you replace in 2 levels.
Or grind for honor and sit on it til lvl 70

Season 1 won’t even be open for a few weeks after tbc anyway…you aren’t getting ahead of anyone - you have 4 weeks minimum before season 1.

Why should i have to chose when some dint have to?

With double honor the average honor, especially with the number of boosties running around, is higher as average kills are yielding honor between rank 7 and 8.

I don’t think most people are saying that these objective honor values were what they were in TBC. There’s a specific grind time and general honor gained per game that exists today that is applying things from multiple patches that hurts the prepatch HK values while not having the other things from the later patches until we are level 61+.

A lot of people feel like they are getting punished by Blizzard for the bug. I just wanted it to play the way it did during the original TBC prepatch.

Unfortunately people either want it to play exactly like it was prenerf or want it to play with anti-HK farming patches applied to pre 61 pvp…neither of which are right.

We are just gonna have to deal with it and HOPEFULLY we will get 2.4 honor grind in its entirety in Season 1.

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you are literally getting more honor with cheaper gear than 2006. You are playing against a bunch of boosted characters with zero rank, how much honor did you think you were going to get from them under any circumstances.

Look I am sorry that everyone didn’t pvp on wednesday and missed out on a once in a lifetime obvious bug - but that’s on Blizzard and anyone who didn’t test battlegrounds on the PTR but you have 4 weeks to prepare for season 1 and 2 weeks to grind out lots of honor…which people are doing now.

You could have earned rank 14 gear over 2 years as well but no one wanted to do that.

Or wait til wrath pre patch and grind out heroics to earn arena gear with badges and complain it isn’t fast enough either

Under double honor circumstances yes. I listed that entirely in a thread made before today. I probably educated other people, not the other way around.

Relinking my quote because you literally refused to read it even though it answers the statement you literally just made.

I’m not making this point, therefore it shouldn’t be directed to me.

Prepatch is much shorter than that this time around.

Because it was a bid system. You could have played 100 hours a week and still not gotten rank points because everyone in the top bracket played 168. When the bid was a lot lower in Vanilla, it wasn’t that insane, but as a bid system it felt unrewarding.

Who here is complaining that we should be able to grind heroics to earn arena gear in TBC? You are erecting a field of strawmen.

To make it simple. Most of the community want the same starting lane. If the honor had always been at 1/10 no one would have complained because the time of each player would have been worth the same. Now? It basically saying that those that dint play on the x day have to waste a lot more time to farm and their time are not worth the same as those that did play that day.

Not to miss the total lack of communication from blizz that just the same as throwing gaz on a fire.

except you have time now instead of complaining about it.

Some people won’t be able to play at all making you have the advantage over them, some people will have access to premades making it where they have the advantage,

All of this is over gear that Blizzard never intended as catch up gear, easily accessible, or anything else people have claimed and will be replaced in 2 weeks.

This is a good point. But one thing to consider is that VERY VERY VERY VERY few people capped their honor while this was going on, people just barely got started on their grind. I jumped on as maintenance finally finished and that stuff got hotfixed super fast.

Even winning AVs quickly and getting really high honor per hour via killing Galv/IBT/TP strat I ended up with 18k honor on one character and 38k honor on another. And that might be looking at the best case scenario.

Long through season 1 and 2. ok. Latter half of season 2. ok.

Today I learned that latter half of 5 months and 1 week is 2 weeks and 4 days. Thanks for informing me, Zinqf! May as well move the goalposts and say “well maybe the rank values on honorable kills was actually removed in season 1!”

Don’t bother, I’ve already got videos from February 2007 showing 20 honor per kill regardless of rank.