Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

I did not say that. Stop lying.

It very much is a factor, who are you to claim it is not?

The literal irony.

Yep and then no one will player hunter cause we will have all quit by then or rerolled

They should just make it so that when you shoot any hunter ability you are forced to stand still for 5 sec pretending to reload your bow.

W change, thanks blizz!

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I think you misunderstand the meaning of “drop the frost trap and run back out.”

Where do you think you’d be running back out from?

Not before rogues and pallies. Shaman mana has already been gutted.

But that’s what so many people wants to happen.

im sure others will complain about explo trap doin to much dmg and TNT nurf will be next , may as well delete hunters at that point or be forced to play BM

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[quote=“Hamstar, post:132, topic:1894819, full:true, username:Hamstar-draktharon”]

I did not say that. Stop lying.

I never said you did…the person I original responded to did and you hopped into the fray with a reply/quote and apparently missed the original topic.


ummmmm well if you get death gripped by a warrior I would assume you would be wherever the warrior was

How have Era hunters been doing it all this time? I do agree hunters need master’s call, disengage or deterrence with the spell reflect part baked in.

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Well you see on era people have WAY less mobility then they do on sod and they ALSO cannot trinket scatter OR freezing trap. People also cannot place pets on your from 48 yards away rendering cheetah a useless ability.

Era hunters arent dealing with the same issues as SOD hunters. Runes added a lot of damage and utility into the game. Apples to Oranges

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Once you’re there, THEN drop the frost trap on the ground and run out.


This isn’t quite the nerf atomic annie I was hoping for. They still need to get that instant cast 8 second aoe 1000+ damage explosive trap handled…
But at least Hunters have to endanger themselves to farm players in a frost trap.

Nor do they have the insane trap toolkit.

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you literally play a shaman, broken for 3 phases and think our one spell is broken yet your whole toolkit is busted

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Your right hunters should have no answer to anything and should lose to every other class in a 1v1 100% of the time. Reduce their damage overall by 80% and make them get a 80% snare every time they shoot their bow.

posting from a shaman, when they have been giga strong in pvp every phase of the game with very minor nerfs. L take

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He has 2000 posts on a SoD character. Dude is an absolute loser. Shamans have their own trap launcher with totemic projection, but that’s totally ok because they’re the hero class.

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how long before blizzard realise this was a very bad decision , this is why we have a PTR , no ?