Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

They will nerf entrapment before they revert the change, making hunter even more useless.

Listen, child… you still have the 8 second CD 20 second duration Freezing trap to go with your concussive shot to go with your scattershot to go with your uncleanseable ground AoE slow/root.

Dry up.

Launching frost trap via trap launcher was a nice counter to the new stuff other classes got now blizzard needs to remove those too.

you make it sound as if hunters havent been top 3 in every phase in pvp and pve either?

like what are we doing with the “but look over there” crap .

ill admit that shaman have been up there at the top in p2 and somewhere around 3rd for the next 2 phases after that but still.

two things can be totally true at the same time btw.

Great, nerf Explosive trap too.

They are getting to that trust me lol.

“Which DRs with scatter shot which can also be trinketed and after being drd by scatter shot lasts less then most snares in the game.” Oh and yeah who could forget conc shot my 4 sec snare with a 12 sec cd and my amazing set bonus that lowers it from 12 sec to 11 sec cd wow how incredible!


Ignore the perma-online shamans dude. They’re not worth the effort. Stormwolf and Xtrasecksi are peak mental illness.

ah you mean the mele hunters that were nerfed into the ground every phase or?


Getting hit for 1000 fire damage (non crit) in AV from an instant cast AoE with 30 yard range… needs to go.

sure thing there dude.

and somehow even with all these “negatives” hunters have been a top 3 pvp and pve class for the entire lifespan of sod .

even with alll the nerfs.

have to ask yourself why maybe? cause honestly its not cause the best and brightest are solely playing hunters to be sure.

And the immortal shamans that can 1 tap you are ok though right?

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If they change it to a DR and let us throw Frost trap again please post here as of now ive stepped out of raid tomorrow with my guild. Im over terrible changes in SoD

You play the most OP class in WoW history. You have no right to discuss other classes.

I can tell you why but it might get me banned lol.

Sorry a bit busy being griefed in Cenarion Hold by the oh so fragile hunter scattershotting me into an ice trap for viper sting before backing up and taking a nice well aimed shot into a serpent sting into a chimera shot.

Coming out of ice with 20% health is amazing.

I hope your class gets deleted. Marksman specifically.

idk what any thing I said had to do with pve but ok

Buy a trinket and two shot the hunter you goof.

Yeah… let’s put freezing trap on a 5 min CD. Agreed.

(The “2 shotting” shaman thing is a boogieman made up by morons…especially in a 1v1.)

^ this is what should be done. Revert the Trap Launcher change…it doesn’t fix what you think it fixes and it breaks other stuff.