Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

For visibility…

You are still going to get rooted forever and there is still going to be Frost Trap ice patches everywhere…a massive L change from the dev team here.

They could have (and really should have) made different changes and left Trap Launcher alone…better solutions include:

  1. Entanglement talent can only occur when the trap is first triggered…so a single, 25% chance to root per trap instead of a 25% chance every 3 seconds for 39 seconds (with Clever Traps).
  2. If a new Frost Trap is triggered, the ice patch from an already triggered trap disperses. This is not how it works right now…a single hunter can potentially have 4 different Frost Trap ice patches out on the ground at one time currently.

^ just these 2 changes alone would have drastically reduced the amount of Frost Trap ice patches spread around and significantly reduced the time any single person spends rooted. If they wanted to take it a step further and add a DR to the root effect (4/2/1) that is cool too…but taking Frost Trap off Trap Launcher wasn’t the fix.


I’ve said that for a long time now. Give alliance shamans, not care about paladins. lol

i can almost guarantee if there is any sanity on that dev team they’ll revert the change and just make it a dr. this change was so bad that almost every hunter i know thought it was a bug if anything.

Will have to use Freezing Trap for this purpose…

once you actually level your character and start tanking in dungeons you will realize how bad of a change this was

They would have to hire a dev to revert the change so yea not gonna happen.

You mean the trap that drops pet agro?

I’m not saying the change isn’t a bad one, please read above and realize I’m on of the most vocal people with REAL solutions to fix this. I was simply letting someone know they can still proc LnL without Frost Trap that seemed to possibly think they could not.

That’s not the point…

…drop a frost trap and run back out.

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You guys should hire a QC team member for SOD, cause this was a stupid way to fix this.

What is your point? That the only trap to use cause our pet to go crazy and stop attacking?

They have one named Zirene and he’s terrible

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Followed all the steps including relogging, zoning, requiping and changing runes, but Frost Trap is completely broken: Can’t even drop it at my feet.

Can we get a fix for this ‘fix’

I don’t really see them fixing it or they might have disabled frost trap…

Can’t wait for them to gut explosive trap next! Season of Nerf hunters gotta love the sod devs xd

Did you miss the part where you have to run into harms way to drop said trap? Is a warrior gonna death grip me in and decide to not hamstring me? Are the rest of his team mates also just gonna let me run away from them with all my ways of getting out of snares?

Bro…use half a brain cell for a moment.

Person thought you could not proc LnL anymore from range. You in fact can…the fact that the way you can sucks, has downsides, etc isn’t a factor in this.

If your only option was a trap that instantly killed your entire party…you could in fact still proc LnL from range. Doesn’t mean you should…but you COULD.


trolls be annoying these days…

as you can see the community is reeling, please undo this mad fix , and use any one of the easier options like adding a DR , changing rune you just gave us that enabled this issue , many other better options

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Explosive trap will be soon and maybe hunters other abilities and a AP along side it nerf to make people happy.