Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

We’ve just applied a hotfix to address Hunter mobility.

  • Trap Launcher will no longer augment Frost Trap.

A Trap Launcher version of Frost Trap has only existed in versions of WoW in which mobility and freedom effects were more plentiful. Without them, the safety and agency a 9-15 second ranged Frost Trap grants Hunters is simply too much. We’re making it so that Hunters either need to put themselves at risk in order to place a Frost Trap or have someone engage on them to trigger it.

Please note: if you currently have the Rune equipped, you must unequip and reequip it, zone, or relog before you can use Frost Trap again.


what a terrible change just make entrapment dr ffs


W change thank god.


Waiting for the shaman nerfs still. They are the real ones that need hard nerfs.


based thank you


Nice Job… More changes inc hopefully. =)

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good start


This change is a huge L and there were better solutions suggested in threads on this forum.

  1. Entanglement Talent - Currently, it has a 25% chance to occur on a regular interval pulse beyond the initial triggering of the trap. This should have been changed to simply ‘has a chance to occur when the trap is triggered’ so it was a one and done type of proc.

  2. Currently, if you place a Frost/Freezing Trap down and it does not get triggered, and you place a new Frost/Freezing trap the 1st one you placed will disappear (great, this is fine). However…if that Frost or Freezing Trap is triggered…you can then place a new one and the already triggered effect will persist. With the Clever Traps talent and both Trap Launcher and Resourcefulness runes…this allowed a single hunter to potentially have 4 different Frost Trap ice patches present on the battlefield at one time. This is both highly oppressive in PvP and even creates problems in PvE moving through group content as the persistent ground effect can aggro things patrolling around with no counterplay for the hunter to avoid it. This should have been changed to ‘when a new trap of the same type is triggered, any traps of the type already activated will disperse’ which would have significantly reduced the amount of Frost Trap spread and been QOL for group PvE too!

Reconsider other alternatives…as having a single type of Trap not affected by Trap Launcher is going to be confusing for new players and just be annoying for current players with same type spells not behaving consistently.


this is a bad way to change it…and still no shaman nerfs, we literally got 2v6 against 2 shamans yesterday, fix that before you fix hunters lol


God I hate pvp… always ruining pve for no reason.


What a joke of a game there is so many op classes like shamans in this game and you punt the only fun part about hunters right now …plz get some new management for the sod grp already…


IE get in range to be death gripped by a warrior and have no way out because you have 0 mobility or defensives. Who comes up with these trash changes? Oh yeah and scatter and freezing trap STILL DR…WHY!!!


There is about 10 different ways to fix this problem… why do you guys always choose the worst way to fix some thing? So basically if I want to slow some thing I have to run into the pack of mobs, drop the trap, then run back out? You realize you made our dps and rotation based on the conditions that we cannot move right?

But you wont address the fact that shamans are basically un killable and can 1 shot anyone?


Blizz stop nerfing hunters!!! you allow shamans to run RAMPART for 3 phases and do nothing about it and NERF hunters EVERY SINGLE PHASE!!!


Hey shaman are broken, the BRM event is a disaster, the Alliance quest for Ony attunement is still horribly bugged. You know what would fix that? Nerf hunters again. Simply incredible how inept the dev team on SoD is.


Im losing my mind here… Go through these forums and you see 80% are people saying how op shamans are. Nothings done against that. But they will rip out the heart of hunters dps. You just nerfed not just traps but also lock and load.


Thank you so much from every non-hunter player.



Guys, chills if there was an issue with p4 Shamans. I’m sure the Devs would nerf em if they needed it. LOL


Major L change. 1% of people play SoD for PvP. Now we get an amazing PvE utility (both for solo and dungeons) just removed. Why do you keep doing this? Please stop balancing the game around pvp.


What a terrible change, any type of solo content is now way harder now for hunter. Instead of nerfing or changing entrapment you decide to make it so frost trap is now just a mele ability. If it was such an issue why is it just now being nerfed other than the fact entrapment in AV and BRM is too strong. Revert this change and change entrapment thanks.