Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

ya i dont think it was the right move.

the suggestions you posted were plenty.

then play a pve server. also its still more focused on pve than pvp. theres far more to do there than in pvp.

No it should not be. PvP is part of WoW too. It is a reason why there are PvP servers in the first place. Could just make all servers PvE and removed BGs if PvE players got what they wanted.

PVP is fine, I enjoy it but nerfing the capability of a major PVE ability for hunters was not the move. Entrapment is the main issue yet the decide to go with the worst change possible due to the fact it was too strong in pvp.

This is a PvE nerf. It has nothing to do with PvP vs PvE servers.

It is. You don’t have to bother using decoy totem anymore.

All you had to do was DR the root…now you completely killed our class in PvP someone @ me when blizzard devs start playing their own game again. Until then P4 is done for me not wasting my time starting over on a 2nd 50


Wouldn’t be the first week of a phase without a knee-jerk reaction nerf to hunters.

I feel like at this point anyone who has stuck with a hunter from phase 1 all the way until now has earned some sort of exclusive title in game.

Of all the problems in the game right now? NERF HUNTERS!!! Devs leaning back in their chairs like “Aren’t you proud of us, gamers!?”

It’s truly comical.


Yes, because there arent any other snares in the game… and I missed the part where they are deleting frost trap entirely.

Good news.

good to see that everyone thinks this change is as horrendous narrosighted and simplistic as it is and the only people arguing against it either have no clue what they are talking about or are trolling.

a better fix would be just hard dr’ing entrapment almost every class can get out of it anyways. not only does this change destroy hunter in pvp given all of the gap closers every other class has and fap existing, it completely destroys pve 1vx and makes us a walking threat pulling troll in pve dungeon content and raid trash clear if we press any of our buttons.

this shouldve been tested on a test server. if the ability was this big of an issue it should have been temporarily disabled with notice that thoughtful changes were being made to it. the changes do not fix the issues entrapment has in AV that people have complained about whatsoever. revert the changes, either make entrapment useless or hard dr’d and everyone is happy.


The simple fact is that we are playing on a legion based build. Blizz can easily adjust things to only affect PvP and not PvE but they wont

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And I was thinking about reinstating my sub today they really shouldn’t have never given other classes more mobility and warriors a grip now they should take those away if hunter cant launch Frost Trap.

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There’s nothing holding back Shamans now. It’s utterly ridiculous that Shamans were finally challenged after two phases of complete dominance, and your forum crying got Hunters nerfed.

This was a terrible move, you could of reduced entraptment %, put DR on entrapment or even increased the time of freezing trap cool down by a couple of seconds. But once again you guys went extreme and lazy. Then you are talking about being too much but you have left shaman Overpowered as hell in pvp, Just go play AV and see half the team is shamans


and half alliance are paladins… nerf them too. =P


I want to say thank you to all the real PvPers that realize a DR would have been appropriate and not gutting us completely. Blizzard your absolutely terrible on decision making …wait till we get to 60 too and start getting attunements done …its either back to cata arena or time to find something else to do havent decided yet


Or give Alliance dwarf shamans and Horde Tauren paladins. Then let it balance itself.

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They should have went with a DR but yeah they are extremely lazy.

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Blizzard, you do realize that we have to use it to trigger lock and load in PvE?