Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

Don’t they have freedom anyways?

Have you actually looked at the abilities you’ve given other classes?! These effects are plentiful.


cope harder

It didn’t fix this though…now i just drop my trap and run away a little and drop more…leaving a trail of traps. People will walk into them and the ground is still going to be covered in ice that slows and roots raids forever…Blizz really dumb with this change as they don’t understand the core problem.

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Hunters nerfed again within days of a phase coming out. Yup, it’s SOD alright. F This game, you devs are utterly incompetent.


That would require them to play their own game. I believe their actions speak otherwise. lol


Hunters are S tier at the start of every phase then blizz nerfs them and they end up at like C tier at the end of each phase


Not only did you nerf hunters you made is so now any pve group will not bring us for dungeons cause we cant use the one and only trap as ranged hunter that people want. WAY TO GO BLIZZ RUIN HUNTERS AGAIN!


i agree it doesnt fully fix the problem but it does put a big dent in it though like it or not.

still changing entrapment/slow to dr itself and the entrapment to only proc on the initial activation of the trap wouldve been the real solvent. maybe also a longer cooldown on being able to launch the trap and maybe also if a new trap gets set the other one goes away.

those would have worked too but this is maybe a quick hotfix while they work on the one that would really fix it and not half butt the problem.

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lol imagine playing human and having a PvP trink racial and crying about a slow that you can racial out of

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^ this

So many thought out solutions and they go with the one nobody with half a brain was asking for…leaving the core problem intact. Now people are going to continue to complain because they aren’t going to see any noticeable change from this…and more nerfs are going to be inbound and for what? Devs can’t dev…


All you had to do was put a DR on the root…now you ruined our class you give warriors a 3rd gap closer pallys have freedom and now can mount in combat …but instead you make it to where we cant throw one of our traps. Welp thats the end of SoD for me just completely destroyed our class

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Revert this change and put a DR on entrapment instead.


Or PvE always ruining PvP. Like the dmg buff on priest now made it impossible use dispersion and plague at the same time. PvE priest won that one and the PvP priests lost.
It goes both ways. Most of the times is the PvP players that get nerfed.

I like to do both but now blizzard needs to remove Handbook of Meathook to even the playing field.

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Now hunters cant kite in PVE. What a braindead move. Season of Horde is getting so tiring…This change only happened because Horde cry babies AV win rates went from 100% to 90%.


Yeah at this rate people wont bring hunters to the raids…

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PVE should be the main focus of SOD lmao, vast majority of players are here for new PVE content

The problem now is if they do end up actually fixing it with proposed changes…they are too incompetent to revert this Trap Launcher change which is going to leave Hunter over-nerfed with no recourse.

And no new defensive (turtle, master’s call etc)??