Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

Cool, horde keep 99% wins of AB and WSG, they just run +3 shamans and x5 premades. Love how the devs clearly don’t look at the real reason behind their “lets nerf this/that". Lets nerf the chainlighting and the massive aoe form flameshock - you can have it, but it increases the damage you receive

Yeah scatter and trap share a DR and everyone can trinket them now… Cheetah causes you to be dazed when hit and half the classes in the game have insta cast ranged attacks to stop you from using cheetah…

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Wow you guys really screw the pooch on this one. Not only did you make a terrible choice you also nerf all RANGE hunter. unless you are going to remove our 8 yard range then you need to reverse this ASAP. This was a terrible change. Thanks again blizzard for screwing hunters again. Maybe you should learn on to play the class before you do a nerf that makes it so we can not play in range. As ranged class. Epic fail


I’m not personally effected by this change but this will negatively affect a lot of players. I do understand however why the change was made. If the fear is it disrupts the pvp environment and dosent give players a chance to counter, could we simply add a 3/4 second countdown till the trap arms from when the trap lands on the ground? This seems like a nice solution to allow hunter to keep their ranged trap but also gives foes an opportunity to run away from it.

Good change thanks blizz


posted this in another thread but figured it would be good here too.

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God this day finally comes!
I even doubt the eruption would even outbreak with sooooooooooooooooooooo many frost launchers withIN - you can barely walk, cannot really undone once actived, cannot stop hunters shooting them out. All you can do is walking on the ice and got trapped and waiting to be 1 HK.


Lol Blizz has not nerfed shamans ever in SoD!!! where hunters get nerfed EVERY SINGLE PHASE!!!


skill issue

Hunters will still just place them by the doors and kite back with them while you still get entrapment rooted, it may help slightly that they cant launch them but entrapment is still the main issue sooo

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Lmao so glad i didnt come back for phase 4. Oh man hunters are strong in one aspect better nerf then.


feel bad for hunters now with nerfs every phase. Meanwhile ele’s are busted and enhance is still really good even after nerfs.



You should try reading patch notes once in a while.

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It’s started guys now they will just keep nerfing hunters until no one will take them to raids because we all know they wont just stop with this.


same can be said about the garbage shamans that couldn’t figure out of to play around hunter traps

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X to doubt

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Yeah theyre mad that hunters where preventing them from 1shotting players now look blizz is actually buffing shamans without buffing them


You PVE Whiners can cry all you want but that ability was broken in PvP to never seen height before.

Good nerf.


I’m so glad I am just messing around on my last 4 days of sub time on SoD is just not worth it this devs are just…

Did you honestly just say this hunter nerf is a buff to shaman?

Man you are something else…