Trap Launcher Updated - July 17

Thanks for gutting the ranged hunter AOE rotation as well. Can we get some game designers who know what they’re doing in here?


I wonder how the Era Hunters even play the game w/o trap launcher. LOL



Good to see the exact issue be targeted.

Next on the block needs to be Explosive Trap’s PvP damage. Let it stay solid for PvE though.

Frost trap was not the exact issue. It was entrapment perma rooting people.


This is also a PvE nerf for ranged hunters.


thousands of hunter bots are now broken, ty blizz!


I saw very few people complain about frost trap in phase 3 when it was able to be used with trap launcher, now that the talent build has changed to have entrapment it is a big issue which is fine, nerf the talent that makes the rune strong not the rune itself that also provides hunters a way to solo farm.


Ranged hunters have 0 mobility, we die any time anyone gets close or a shaman is within 1,000 yards. Yikes change.


This is the worst thing you can do, pander to the people that think they need to be meta but aren’t. Don’t ruin this version of the game too because some adhd kid cant handle it. undo this unnecessary nerf.


cools, so now alliance wins 99% of alterac valley, they just run south and kill Drek before horde even reaches the bridge to Vann. Love how the devs clearly don’t look at the real reason behind their “lets nerf this/that.” Lets nerf the pally bubble - you can have it, but can’t put out any damage.

And you call themselves software engineers/developers

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Can someone please decipher this for me. I can’t make out what the dwarf is saying. lol

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Its a lot easier when everyone doesn’t have increased mobility and instant cast ranged attacks. I don’t have to worry about a warrior charging out of my root or death gripping me or a rogue shadow stepping to me. A priest cant put humonculi on me from 48 yards away making my aspect of the cheetah useless in era


Its just a hunter posting on their alt. Better to ignore it.


That would be too logical of a change instead hunters should just have no way to get away from anyone and hope they crit and global the enemy before they die.

“0 mobility” but can still scatter shot, FD trap and cheetah kite like they could in vanilla LOL


Its harder for them in SOD… people can trinket out of traps in SOD, not so much in Era.

Everyone can get out of 1 trap. Not to mention it’s DR’d with scatter. We have 1 trap that gets trinketed and then we die.


then why give us resourcefulness as a rune , first we get melee hunters Cool that was fun, nope nurfed into ground, then we got some fun traps to play with, nope got that taken away, but shamans have been busted for 3 phases?! no nurf


Update the tool tip at least.

Also most people would agree a DR was in order. You already do it for mobs.