Transmog? is it possible for classic?

or stand on the IF bridge dressed up in your tier gear on your epic mount like people did in Vanila.

that is completely opposed to what you just said. It makes everyone look the same because everyone wants the BiS and will look identical to the person next to them. With Transmog they could actually have their own unique style instead of ‘best available stats’


Necromancy Level: 100

This right here is still relevant fact, look how shadowlands hype with new customization and be able transmog all previous expansion pieces at level 10

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This is very true

carry a “xmog bag” and make xmog gear sets with item rack. ez.

its not even up for debate. transmog does not belong in classic. or tbc. or wrath. or cataclysm. its a panda onwards change. is it all bad? no. does it belong in classic? no. why? because the gear you wear doesnt only affect how you feel about your character but how others feel about your character too. if everyone just looked however they wanted without any indication as to what gear you are wearing a huge chunk of visual identification goes out the window and the game starts to cater more to individual preferences rather than adhering to the principal of community and not individuality

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As one from an RP Server, I understand the importance of Transmog. However, at the cost of adjusting the market for said pieces will alter how non-RP Servers value those items. This is beyond trying to “look good”. The Market Value for these items is going to change, as well.

Sadly it’s more like talking to a wall about this. Most people hate it for one reason alone, “gear hiding”. Please, people inspected gear when it was a thing, to see if people had enchants and armor attachments. Heck even have consumables that hide gear except for weapons.

On a nother note, it makes it more of an RPG, makes you “unique” compared to just being a clone of every raider/ranker on the server. I’ll never get the argument of no transmogs for an MMORPG.

I understand both arguments. I’m just on the fence in not altering the Market Value of said items.

oh please, we already saw the market prices for items be way more then they should do to data for the game, don’t give me that argument of how it’ll effect the AH market when people priced items, ie edgemasters, well above the amount of gold that a sane person can obtain.

I’m going to give you that argument because it’s still relevant. We have evidence in Retail that the prices for Mog pieces were altered. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact.

Also, each Server Market varies. BB’s market value for Black Lotus is much cheaper, than if you were to try to purchase them on Pagle.

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This sums it up pretty well. Good job.

IMO, it’s the difference between going to a social gathering where everyone is wearing Halloween costumes so that you can’t tell anything about anyone vs. everyone having their true face and form unhidden. One social experience is very different than the other.

Humans are very visual creatures. We take cues, get and process information visually at a glance. Transmog changes the social interaction by disguising that information, and it has real effects on this very social game. It makes it different. And Classic enthusiasts don’t want different. We want Classic.

You can’t just think about it from a me, me, me perspective. But I want to change the way I look! No, MMO’s are about social interaction between everyone in the community. Changing the way you look affects other people’s visual perception of you.

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a) I always get a chuckle out of the “visual identification” argument. As if players are able to process what someone is wearing in the heat of PVP and the knowledge would make any difference.
b) Individuality is a hell of a lot more important than homogenization, in a MMO.
c) The “community” thing is a bizarre stretch


Transmogs divest the player community from showing off gear accomplishments. To include transmog into classic is to take away the RPG look of high level players from low level players.

Sure BiS looks tacky and, in some cases, downright bad. Compare a Paladin in full Lawbringer set with a Paladin using BiS healing gear.

There is no point to RP in BiS gear unless you are doing content suitable for BiS.

If anything, you should work on finding gear to match your RP content and wear that. Even better, have the rest of your guild find similar gear and make the crusade yourselves rather than dilute the game’s nature for your own desires.

if everyone just looked however they wanted without any indication as to what gear you are wearing a huge chunk of visual identification goes out the window and the game starts to cater more to individual preferences rather than adhering to the principal of community and not individuality

From Brokenwind:

The “community” thing is a bizarre stretch

It’s not a stretch at all. The game developers made wow classic based around community. Community was one of their visions with the game. If you need examples, the game developers designed flight paths, quest locations, and other important locations around the ideas of players of both factions crossing paths. There was an entire inside-look on how the original developers made vanilla just before classic released during its beta stages. The fact you think it is “bizarre” is in your ignorance.

This is BS and you know it lol. If you see a warrior in full PvP gear with GM/HWL weapon…you know to be cautious.

Visually…gear is a very important indicator of how you should approach someone in PvP.

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Nothing stops players from leaving items appearing just as they looked when acquired. How does it “divest” from others?

High level characters are not required to wear high level appearing gear. The “RPG look” bent is absurd.

How does looking as you want to look in any way a Bad Thing?

In what theater are you talking about RP? You keep trying to make it about RP but are doing a horrible and bizarre job of it.

So breaking out of homogenization is “diluting the game’s nature”? C’mon dude. We can literally do wild sorts of magic in the game, and suspend disbelief when characters are seen all wearing and wielding gear that are in a RP sense supposed to be unique, won from unique beings that can be killed repeatedly. Again, arguing that mogs are bad for the RPG aspect of the game is flat out absurd.

The visual of a character in no way whatsoever effects “community”. You are simply tossing terms at the argument wall, hoping they will stick.

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I do agree with you, in this aspect. Hence, why I hunt down for RP Gear to personify who and want my Character is. I, recently, just changed my gear to my RP set. Away from my Battle Gear (all that ZG stuff). While this is an MMO, often times (surprised you’re not mentioning it 'cause we’re on the same server) the RP aspect of the game gets forgotten about. From an RP perspective, it makes absolute total sense to personalize the way your character looks, and the way you want others to view your character. See, my argument against Transmog is purely from the market value stand point. The market value of said items will be altered, and it effects EVERYONE, not just RPers.

Nope, I do not buy the suggestion that players have Rainman level of ability to determine tactics based on opponent gear at the drop of a hat. If you are looking to gank someone out in the wild, perhaps that is a consideration. But on that front, ganking is the lowest form of PVP, and getting a nasty surprise should be a risk one faces when practicing it.

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Absolutely, and with the level of make-believe in the game, it would be absurd to suggest that changing the look of clothing or weapons is something that takes things too far.

For the record, I do not feel so strongly about the subject to lobby for it to be in classic, but would not bat an eye if it became a thing. The arguments against it are just foolish.

I always thought that it would be cool to limit the mog models on the grey/white item level. Which many of are WORLDS better designed than most of the high-end gear.