Its alright. I just hope it gets added to the list. Heres hoping!
Someone mentioned hiding a shoulder above, but I haven’t seen glove yet!
Necroing the thread so that we can get some more ideas.
Another thing I’d like to see is an option to remove the lower half of robes.
I like alot of the chest parts of robes but dislike the dress parts and would prefer to use pants.
Lets us xmog old legendaries
and let us mog different off hands/shields on Legiondaries, like we could…in Legion
Oh you know what, something else came to mind too. Granted… this isn’t mogging, really.
But greenfire is awesome, I’d love if something like that could be given to other classes too. So… spell effect “transmogs”.
Just adding my own post. I wasn’t aware of this Transmog Megathread before I posted so here’s my addition:
"To the Devs,
I love collecting items and objects in your game. One of these is transmog appearances. I love the clean UI of the ‘Sets’ tab with all the the named different sets for each class and how quickly you can ascertain the missing pieces and see what the set looks like on your character.
My request is this: May we please have another tab for the other ‘named’ sets that we can collect piece by piece that don’t have a separate listing? For example: ‘Hyperion’ plate set, ‘Masterwork’ mail set, ‘High Councillor’ cloth set and so on. You know, the greens (and some blues) that are world drops.
Of course if you were a plate wearer, it would just list the plate sets for you. The remaining miscellaneous pieces would remain in the main appearances section. Looking at the Trial of Styles ‘Der’izu’ mail set got me wondering as from memory, I was sure that was an Outland ‘green’ set, existing as separate pieces.
Thanks for your time."
Oh, let us search the enchant transmog tab. It made sense to have no search feature when there was only 2 pages, but there’s 6+ pages now, and sometimes you don’t want to have to scroll through every one to find the illusion you’re looking for.
This thread died so I’m gonna bring it back by adding that we need to make the cosmetic stuff from artifacts like paladin librams and the floating warlock skull independent cosmetics.
A make the robe short tunic length option!
I would love that.
I don’t understand why there is any limitation at all on transmogging, if I want to beat on Arthas with a fishing pole that’s my business. I know Blizzard can do it, I’m looking at you, Diablo. They even have dye!
This is what gets me, the current transmog director on WoW is the guy who implemented the mog system in Diablo. I feel like it wouldn’t be impossible to port the same system into wow, even if it did require replacing some old armor textures. But since a lot of armors are just recolors of the same blank texture, it would be a lot less than the full inventory.
I interrupt this program to bring up your crown sir. It looks excellent. Carry on.
badda bing badda bump
I wish that you could pick up mogs regardless of class restriction. I am not saying that I want a two handed weapon on my Rogue. I am saying that if you happen to get a two handed mog while on a class that can’t use a 2H, you can still pick up the mog appearance to be used at a later date on an appropriate toon.
I won one of those BMAH caches and when I opened it I received Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King which is awesome but it is on my Rogue so I obviously can’t use it but I also can’t pick up the mog for my other toons that are 2H. It sucks so badly to get something amazing and have it be so completely useless.
All I want to do is be able to use the Holy Artifact Staff in Disp Spec. Disp has good looking skins, but none of them match the transmog I’m aiming for when I hit 120
I also think that casters should be able to mog their 1hand/offhand into a staff if they choose (vice versa) .
Additionally, something as basic as an Eyepatch should be a cosmetic to be available to all class types.
Implement these phat Mogs. all of them. Not red hats and blue hats, and grey hats for the Hordies that didn’t snitch on Saurfang.
All of the pirate hats. Cosmetic.
I’d like to see armor type restrictions removed from certain types of helms.
Engineering goggles are the first ones i think of, as the different armor types are only different in their colours, making these a cosmetic type of transmogs greatly increases the options for colour for engineering goggles. As many colour options can only be used on a certaim armor type.
Similar deal with Oppulance crowns, unlocking the cloth heroic version should unlock the heroic options for other armor types as its the exact same item.
More options for hats and making things like pirate hats, top hats, glasses, monocles not restricted by armor type.
Honestly all those could be added as cometic rewards from stuff. Either islands or micro-holidays.
I support more transmog options. I want to hide pants, we may as well if everything else can be hidden anyway. Loosen the restrictions between classes!