Please take the 1h/oH artifact weapon restrictions away!! I want to use me Iron Soldiers Saber with my hidden prot shield skin again!!
I would like to see…
Weapon base layouts.
So if you are a shaman you have the choice of for example picking the weapon layout - duel-wielding one handers. Then picking your weapons, or adding a 2h layout option. So we can transmog 2 handers again.
Ele. And resto would get 2h layout or one hand and shield/off weapon.
Warriors would get 2h duelwield, 1h duel wield, 1hand and 2 hand duelwield, and maybe one hand and shield for a gladiator like effect… For example.
This would be especially great for Antorus sets, Ulduar sets, and Naxxramas sets. In particular, there are a LOT of missing shoes appearances from a number of these sets, including the Rogue Tier 21 sets from LFR and Mythic Antorus.
Yeah let a ret pally use the dang Silver Hand. It’s a 2H hammer for goodness sake. That’s a paladin’s bread and butter. The mog restrictions for artifacts and weapons in general are pointless. I get making us keep our pants on but I can’t wield Sheilun because I also punch things?
I would like servers where there are no transmog limits. A no lore server. All race/class comboes unlocked, etc. No armor limit for transmog
way to necro a thread dead since may