Transmog cost removal time has come

Once there is hide pants feature, all my characters are going to hide everything because it’s the only free transmog and I am a cheapo. If it were free to mog to other stuff, I might wear clothes on them.

I didn’t realize so many degreed economists played this game…

Like, be so for real… This is a video game…
Making xmog free won’t hurt anything… I know this because the ‘economy’ doesn’t magically tank during trial of style…

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I guess there’s a reason Trial of Style is limited?

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Amature. Come to me when you’re spending 1k.

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Nah it’s needed as a gold sink to get at least some gold out of the economy.

I simply don’t care to argue with you these threads are for Blizz to see our feedback not for me to try to convince forum randos to change their bad take

Gold sinks need to be target at where the gold actually is to be effective. Blank gold sinks that are the same for everyone don’t work. They just make things more annoying for those that already have less. If they want to reduce the amount of gold in the game they need start taxing the AH gremlins. Any money that goes to them reduced by x% depending how much gold they have on their account, AH posting fees increased by y% depending on account gold etc. Once that gold is in proper circulation again, blanket gold sinks like increased transmog costs can work.

Agreed. It’s just not a very good goldsink, it’s more of an annoyance.

MoP remix feels so much better, I just tmog my gear as I get them instead of waiting to have BiS gear before tmogging.


It’s free during trial of style week. You can try all kind of stuff then and create favorite outfits.

On that note, I wish we could save more outfits. Currently it’s not enough. I have to delete a bunch in order to creat apearances to run ToS for that week.

You can do this at any time with the preview window. The issue isn’t being unable to create looks, the issue is not being able to apply a new look regularly enough.

There’s addons that allow for this.

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Don’t forget, gold sinks help with those token sales! Expect more of em in the future.

Its supposedly an important gold sink but ive never really seen anyone describe how the game would be made worse by its removal. I mean its existed for a while. The game still has serious inflation.

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it sounds like a you problem

Yes. This is the point of the system.
MMO-inflation. Learn what that is and understand that you just demonstrated why the gold cost for transmogrification not only makes sense but it works! It does the thing we as players WANT it to do!

In fact, you actually showcase that the cost of it maybe even should increase … although that would have such a bad fallout that it is more logical to just continue making alchemy flasks more and more expensive instead. Because yes, these costs that we passively spend here and there needs to go somewhere - either in large chunks that specific players have to pay, creating more barriers for entry for activities, or in smaller chunks that all players pay naturally as part of the game.

They quite literally have zero impact on the WoW token.

Get your terminally online head out of your terminally online rear end.

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And what specifically is that? And how does it actually do that?

Are you referring to the reagent from the vendor here or the product created by the alchemist? Cause the price of the former doesn’t really do anything except making it more annoying for those that have less gold, and the latter’s value fills a distinctly different role than that of transmog.

People having to pay a larger amount of their limited in-game income regularly doesn’t make them want to buy gold to supplement that? While I don’t think the price is kept higher by blizzard to get more token sales, and I also don’t think is on it’s own is enough to get a big change in any way, it is a contributor.

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ooh! I never thought to look for an add-on for that. Thanks. That’s why I loiter in these forums and post trivial musings.

easy to solve. Create a new AH mount for 9 million gold.

It’s called a gold sink and it’s working as intended on you.

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No one-time payment will solve the gold inflation. There’s people that are gold capped on multiple characters. If you want to fight inflation you have to constantly, specifically and strongly hit those with a lot of money. Only once the way money is divided is much more equal can you start looking at the actual value of it.

They just need to make the item available long enough so that non-gold-capped character start hoarding up and spending their gold on it. When enough players’ balances drop way back down after the big purchase then it will filter through to AH prices.